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Oldest Surviving Veteran of American Revolution

Indiana, Montgomery County, near Waynetown
Private George (Fruts) Fruits of the Pennsylvania Militia served as soldier of the American Revolution. He joined the Militia at an early age and reportedly lived to be past 114. This made him the oldest surviving Veteran of the War. Granting of the widow’s Pension and the inscription on his tombstone are evidence of his service and age.

( Tombstone Inscription )

George Fruits

Aug. 6, 1876.

114 Y. 7 M. 4 D.

A remnant of the Revolutionary War.

- - - ∮ - - - ∮ - - - ∮ - - -

Friend after friend departs:
Who has not lost a friend.

There is no union here of hearts
that finds not here an end.

Thus star by star declines
Till all are passed away.

As morning high and higher shines
to more and perfect day.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

San Marcos Springs

Texas, Hays County, San Marcos
Pouring forth millions of gallons of clear, icy water daily, these springs feed the San Marcos River and the 1,380-square-mile area which it drains. The immense springs rise at the Balcones Escarpment, a geologic fault line which slices across the state, separating upland from lowland Texas.

The abundance of fresh water made these springs a mecca for the Indians who inhabited Central Texas and later for the European explorers and settlers who followed. The name San Marcos was first given to a Texas River by the Alonso de Leon Expedition on April 26, 1689 (Saint Mark's Day). The name was not applied to the present river, however, until 1709. Other explorers inspected this area and in 1755 it became a temporary site for several Spanish missions.

Almost a century later, in 1845, pioneers William W. Moon and Mike Sessom made a permanent settlement here. In 1851 Gen. Edward Burleson, william Lindsey, and Eli T. Merriman bought the adjacent land and on it laid out the town of San Marcos.

Attracted by the scenic beauty of the area, A. B. Rogers started a park here in 1926. Over the years it has been developed into “Aquarena Springs”, one of Central Texas' most popular tourist attractions.

(Hispanic Americans • Native Americans • Settlements & Settlers • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Historic Cross Relocation

Indiana, St. Joseph County, Mishawaka

Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center

"Historic Cross Relocation"

Dedicated April, 2012

In September 2010, this 30-foot stainless steel cross was removed from our 22-acre hospital campus in South Bend. It was moved from its former location on the roofline of the 1958 Addition and relocated to its new home on our Mishawaka Campus. Other items were removed and similarly installed into the wall you see before you.

1909 Date stone, Mishawaka 4th St. Building
1942 Cornerstone, Angela Building
1956 Cornerstone, Marian Hill Building

(Churches, Etc. • Science & Medicine) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mother Angela Gillespie, C.S.C.

Indiana, St. Joseph County, Mishawaka
She was someone who was greatly respected, both within and outside of the congregation. A Civil War physician and historian wrote of Mother Angela: "In every army and battlefield in the west she and her sisters were found. She established field hospitals as well as several permanent hospitals. Her influence in Washington was all powerful both because of her family connections and because of the recognition of her wonderful work for the sick and wounded soldiers. Sometimes even when generals failed to secure needed aid, Mother Angela would make flying trips to Washington and the aid was forthcoming."

Source: Archives of the Sisters of the Holy Cross

(Charity & Public Work • Churches, Etc. • Science & Medicine • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Sisters of the Holy Cross Marker Relocation

Indiana, St. Joseph County, Mishawaka
This historical marker was originally located at our South Bend Saint Joseph Hospital Campus, and was "dedicated" there in October of 1965. It was removed to accommodate the demolition of all of the existing buildings to make space for the new Saint Joseph High School. The Indiana Historical Marker Bureau concurred with us that the rightful location of this marker should be at the new Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center campus in Mishawaka, Indiana. The Bureau permitted us to repaint it to the current standards and erect it here next to our 30' cross from that same campus. It is with great pride that on this day September 9th, 2013 that we "rededicate" this Indiana Historical Marker and honor the Sisters of the Holy Cross and their commitment to compassionate healing.

(Science & Medicine) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Piedras Blancas Lighthouse Lens

California, San Luis Obispo County, Cambria
This first order fresnel lens was manufactured in 1850 in France by Henry LaPaute. The clock mechanism was built in 1872 and the lens you see here was installed atop the lighthouse at Piedras Blancas in 1874.

In 1949 the lens was removed from the lighthouse when an aero-beacon was installed. At that time, through the efforts of Byron Boisen, Eddie Shaug, Guy Bond and Roland Houtz of the Cambria Lions Club, the lens was moved to the Lions Pinedorado Gounds.

During 1990-1994 the lens was renovated and the new lantern room and walkways were constructed on this site under the leadership of the Friends of the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse Lens.

(Man-Made Features • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

House with a View

California, Monterey County, near Big Sur
A luxurious home enjoyed magnificent views from this site.

These walls and terraces are all that remain of a residence built in 1940 for Lathrop and Helen Hooper Brown. The Browns decorated the house with art by Degas, Dufy and Gauguin. They left the ranch for Florida in 1956, never to return. Lathrop died there in 1956 at age 76.

Helen gave Saddle Rock Ranch to the people of California as a State Park in 1961. She specified that the park be named in memory of her friend, Julia Pfeiffer Burns, “a true pioneer.” The State was unable to use the house for a “public purpose,” and it was demolished in 1966 to comply with the requirements of Mrs. Brown’s gift deed.

(Arts, Letters, Music) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Two Women From Two Worlds

California, Monterey County, near Big Sur

Drawn to this wild, remote coast

Traveling the difficult route along the coast in October of 1869, Michael and Babara Pfeiffer were forced to winter in Big Sur and decided to stay. Their daughter, Julia, was just 11 months old at the time. She grew up at their Sycamore Canyon Ranch, helping her father run the ranch until her mid-forties.

In 1915, Julia married fellow homesteader John Burns. They leased a ranch at Burns Creek and ran cattle on Saddle Rock Ranch.

Julia’s niece, Ester Ewoldsen, wrote of their life in a 1985 memoir:

“Julia and John lived and worked together in great contentment. They shared the inside and outside chores and cared for the cattle, she riding pell-mell up and down the hills, he slowly making his way on foot or riding more slowly.”

Helen Hooper Brown was an east coast heiress. Orphaned at 15, she inherited $10,0000,000. In 1911, Helen married Lathrop Brown, a close friend to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Browns were also drawn to this rugged, remote place. They purchased Saddle Rock Ranch in 1924. The Waterfall House was completed in 1940.

Julia and Helen met during the last years of Julia’s life (she died in 1928). These two women from different worlds developed a close friendship.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

St. James Cathedral

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
Die heutige barocke Dom- Pfarrkirche wurde 1717/24 nach Plänen von Johann Jakob Herkommer mit einer für ihn charakteristischen Chorkuppel erbaut. Zuvor erhoben sich hier seit der Anlage der Altstadt (ab 1180) mehrere Vorgängerbauten, deren Patrozinium zum hl. Apostel Jakob d.Ä. erstmals 1270 genannt wird. 1643 zur selbständigen Pfarre erhoben, wurde die Kirche vor allem durch ihr “Mariahilf”- Gnadenbild von Lukas Cranach d.Ä. (um 1537) berühmt. Hervorzuheben ist auch das Grabdenkmal des Deutschordens-Hochmeisters Erzherzog Maximilian III. von Österreich von Caspar Gras (1618).
German-English translation:

St. James Cathedral

The present baroque cathedral parish was 1717-24 built according to plans by Johann Jakob Herkommer, with his characteristic dome choir. Since the founding of the old town (from 1180), several previous buildings have occupied this site, among them the patronal chapel of St. Apostle James the Elder, first mentioned in 1270. In 1643, an independent parish was formed here, whose church became known for having the famous with "Mariahilf" (Virgin Mary) painting - a revered image by Lucas Cranach the Elder (around 1537). Also here is the grave monument of the German Order's Grand Master Archduke Maximilian III. of Austria by Caspar Gras (1618).

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Point Sur Light Station

California, Monterey County, near Big Sur
Spanish explorers and later New England hide and tallow traders found the Big Sur coastline a great hazard. Heavy fogs and extreme winds caused the wreck of many vessels on this coast. The Gold Rush of 1849 dramatically increased coastal shipping. A lighthouse was clearly needed. President Andrew Johnson signed the executive order which reserved the site for lighthouse purposed in 1866. Construction began in 1887 and the lamp was lit on August 1, 1889.

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 13 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hotel Beau Rivage

Switzerland, Bern (Canton), Interlaken-Oberhasli (District), Interlaken
Dieser französischen geprägte Neurenaissance-Palast wurde nach einem Brand 1899/1900 durch Josef Döpfer aus Luzern und den Architekten Bernhard Hauser erstellt. Der beeindruckende Baukörper mit dem Mittalrisalit in der Hauptfront und dem polygonalen Eckturm beherrscht selbst-bewusst das Bild an der Strassenkreuzung. Trotz diverser Erweiterungen mit Speisesaal und Hallenbad ist das Beau Rivage in seinem Erscheingungsbild weitgehend erhalten geblieben und gehört nach wie vor zu den besten Hotelbauten von Interlaken. Beachtenswert sind auch der Festsaal Belle Epoque und der parkartige Garten mit seiner markanten Einfriedung.

This palatial building, influenced by French Neo-Renaissance architecture, was rebuilt in 1899/1900 by Josef Döpfer from Lucerne and architect Bernhard Hauser following a fire. The impressive structure with its central risalit (sic) in the main elevation and polygonal corner tower, clearly dominates the scene at the crossroads. Despite various extensions with dining room and indoor swimming pool, the appearance of the Beau Rivages has been largely retained and the establishment is still one of the finest hotel buildings in Interlaken. Also worthy of note are the belle époque ballroom and the park-like garden with its striking boundary fence and walls.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Henry M. Hoyt

Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, Kingston
Was born on this site in 1830. Governor of Pennsylvania, 1879-83; first to serve four years under the State Constitution of 1873. Advocated correctional institutions for care of youthful offenders. Died in 1892.

(Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Golden Roof and New Courtyard

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
In diesem Gebäude befand sich von 1420 bis ca. 1460 die Residenz der Tiroler Landesfürsten Friedrich IV. und Sigmund des Münzreichen.

Der mit 2657 feuervergoldeten Kupferschindeln gedeckte Prunkerker, das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, wurde als Auftragswerk unter Kaiser Maximilian I. von Niclas Türing d.Ä. errichtet und laut Inschrift im Jahre 1500 fertiggestellt. Die Fresken stammen von Maximilians Hofmaler Jörg Kölderer.

Die Erkerreliefs zeigen Porträts Maximilians und seiner beiden Gemahlinnen, die von Moriskentänzern umgeben werden. Wappen, verdeckte Hinweise und Symbole ergeben ein komplexes Gesamtkunstwerk, das das Selbstverständnis Mazimilians widerspiegelt. Das Schriftband hinter den Tänzern auf den Reliefs konnte nicht entziffert werden.

German-English translation:

From 1420 to 1460 this building was the residence of the Tirolean sovereigns, Frederick IV and Sigmund the Wealthy.

The roof of the magnificent oriel, covered with 2,657 fire-gilded copper tiles, serves as a symbol of the city. Nicholas Türing the Elder was commissioned by Emperor Maximilian I to construct and complete the building in 1500, according to the inscription. The frescoes are by the Emperor Maximilian's court painter, Jörg Kölderer.

The bay reliefs show portraits of Maximilian and his two consorts, who are surrounded by Moorish dancers. The crest, along with hidden clues and symbols together result in a complex work of art that reflects Maximilian's self-understanding. The band with writing, behind the dancers on the reliefs, could not be deciphered.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Wilson County Civil War Memorial

North Carolina, Wilson County, Wilson

To The
Of Wilson County

(War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Bergfuhrerplatz (Mountain Guide Square)

Switzerland, Valais, Visp (District), Zermatt
On this marker the text is given in German, English, French, Italian, Russian and Chinese. The Russian and Chinese text is omitted here, but can be viewed by clicking on the picture of the marker.

Über 100 Jahren trafen sich auch an diesem Ort die Bergführer von Zermatt, die "vom Morgen früh bis am Abend spät vor den Hotels sitzen und stehen und danach trachten, sich den Reisenden als Führer, Pack- und Sesselträger, Fuhrmann oder Begleiter nützlich zu machen". Von hier aus stiegen sie in der Zermatter Bergwelt, und hierher kehrten sie mit ihren nach alpinen Tat müden, aber froh gestimmten Gästen sicher zurück.

For a 100 years now this has been the meeting place for the mountain guides of Zermatt who “sit and stand in front of the hotels from early in the morning until late at night and then do everything they can to make themselves useful to the traveller (sic) as a guide, luggage and chair carrier, driver or companion”. From here they have climbed up to the mountain world of the Zermatt, returning here safely with their tired but happy guests after their Alpine trek.

C'est ici que les guides de Zermatt, il y a plus de 100 ans, se rassemblaient "pour rester prés des hôtels du point du jour a la tombée de la nuit, les uns assis, les autres debout, mais tous desireux de se rendre utiles aux voyageurs commes guides, porteurs de bagages ou de sièges, charretiers ou accompagnateurs". C'est d'ici qu'ils montaient dans le mondes des sommets de Zermatt et c'est encore ici qu'ils ramenaient ensuite sains et saufs, leurs clients fatigués mais heureux de l'exploits accompli dans les Alpes.

Per oltre 100 anni si riunivano anche en questo luogo le guide alpine di Zermatt, che "dal mattino presto fino a tarda sera se ne stanno sedute o in piedi davanti agli alberghi, cercando di rendersi utili ai viaggiatori come guide, facchini, portantini, vetturali o accompagnatori". Da qui salivano verso il mondo alpino di Zermatt e qui ritornavano con i loro ospiti, stanchi ma contenti per l'impresa compluta.

(Sports) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Old Government Building

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
In seinem Kern aus zwei gotischen Häusern bestehend wurde dieses Gebäude 1569 von Erzherzog Ferdinand II. als Amtsgebäude für die “oberösterreichische Regierung” gekauft. Im 2.Stock spätgotischer Kapellenraum erhalten. Der durch ein Erdbeben 1689 zerstörte Südtrakt erhielt seine heutige Barockgestalt beim Wiederaufbau durch Johann Martin Gumpp. Im Nordtrakt befinden sich ein grosser gotischer Pfeilersaal und darüber der nach der Landesregentin Erzherzogin Claudia, einer geborenen Medici aus Florenz, benannte und von ihr initiierte “Claudiasaal” von 1645 mit prächtiger Kassettendecke.

German-English translation:

Old Government Building
This building, consisting of two Gothic houses at its core, was purchased in 1569 by Archduke Ferdinand II as an office building for the "Upper Austrian government." A late Gothic chapel is preserved on the 2nd floor. The south wing, destroyed by an earthquake in 1689, was given its present Baroque shape by Johann Martin Gumpp during reconstruction. In the north wing there is a large Gothic pillared hall, above which is a gorgeous coffered ceiling, which was put in at the request of the State Regent Archduchess Claudia, nee Medici of Florence; hence named "Claudia Hall".

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Butterfield Stagecoach Road

Arkansas, Benton County, near Lowell
This marker, set on the Butterfield Stagecoach Road, is placed near the spot where the trail crossed the east-west road between Huntsville and the Robinson settlement in western Benton County. John Robinson, a Revolutionary soldier, settled here about 1837 and the "road to Robinson" was designated at this point as "Robinson Cross Roads".

(Patriots & Patriotism • Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cross Hollows

Arkansas, Benton County, near Rogers
This post office was established in 1843. Nov. 29, 1861, Gen. Ben McCulloch moved his army into winter quarters here. Numerous, large, two-room, plank barracks were built in two rows facing each other, extending eastward more than a mile. Ten or twelve thousand soldiers wintered here.

Feb. 22, 1862, the Union army of Gen. Curtis entered Cross Hollows to find abandoned barracks and commissary stores still smouldering. Curtis pitched his tent near McGarrah's house. His soldiers tented east, and south to Mud Town. March 4, Curtis moved the army into battle line north of Little Sugar Creek.

(Settlements & Settlers • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cross Hollows

Arkansas, Benton County, near Rogers
This site was donated to the Benton County Historical Society by Scarlett Biggs Wilson and Lara Wilson Rosenblum in honor of their parents/grandparents, Guy and Nell Biggs, early pioneers of the Cross Hollows area. Cross Hollows is recognized for its historical significance of:

Confederate winter quarters in 1861, and Union staging area in 1862 before the Battle of Pea Ridge during the Civil War

The Heritage Trail and the Butterfield Stage Coach Route

The Cherokee Trail of Tears

(Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Rev. James M. Ingram

Arkansas, Benton County, near Lowell

James Miller Ingram was a captain in the Confederate 6th Provisional Cavalry Partisan Rangers. Years after the war ended, as a self-taught minister he went to preach at a church and was murdered - shot in the back by 19 year old John M. Stone. During the Civil War, John Dudley Stone (John M.'s father) was a Union soldier killed by Ingram in retaliation for Stone having killed some Confederate soldiers in a cave along the White River. Young John M. witnessed his father's wartime killing and vowed revenge some day against Ingram.

This cemetery is thought to be on land originally owned by Nelson Reed Graham and wife, Susan Louisa Landers. There is scientific evidence of 9 graves. Others thought to be buried here are:

Francis Marion Easley (11/22/1831 - 4/7/1857)
(married Nelson Reed's daughter, Lucinda Graham)

Eliza Jane Easley (4/8/1853 - 7/29/1855)
(daughter of Francis Marion Easley & Lucinda Graham)

Landers Male (circa. 1869)

Negro slave (circa. 1869 murdered)

Unknown Man of Quantrill

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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