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Von Laufenhaus

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Erbaut 1557 nach Abbruch zweier vorgelagerter Häuser. 1887 – 1888 mit dem südlichen Nachbarhaus vereinigt.
Neugotische Platzfront mit Neurenaissance-Malereien von Louis Weingartner und Albert Benz, 1891.
Unter dem Erker Renaissance kapitell um 1520.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1981.
Restauriert 1978 – 1979.
German-English translation:

Built in 1557 after the demolition of two houses on the same site. In 1887-1888 the building incorporated the neighboring house to the south.

The neo-Gothic front is decorated with neo-Renaissance paintings by Louis Weingartner and Albert Benz, 1891.

Under the bay window is a Renaissance column from 1520.

A listed monument since 1981.
Restored from 1978 to 1979.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ward Charcoal Ovens

Nevada, White Pine County, near Ely
Willow creek, a year round stream located 1/4 mile to the north, was a major stopover for freighters on the Toano to Pioche route between 1870 and 1876. "Bullwhackers" (common term for freighters) would turn out their "Sleepers" (tired oxen) in this area and pick up rested ones to complete the journey.

In March of 1872, while searching for sleepers, John Henry and William Ballinger discovered silver ore in nearby Ward Gulch. By 1876 several claims were staked and the town of Ward grew to a population of 1,500 and had two roasting furnaces to process ore.

These 6 ovens were built in the mid 1870's to make charcoal to fuel Wards roasting furnaces.

The overs were constructed by Italian masons and are larger and of finer construction than most ovens found in Nevada.

They measure 30 feet in height, 27 feet in diameter at the base and hold approximately 35 cords of wood. Each cord of wood produced 30 bushels of charcoal which was then hauled to the roasting furnaces at Ward.

As railroads penetrated the west, charcoal was replaced by coke made from coal and the charcoal making industry faded away. These ovens remain as a unique and silent reminder of Nevada's mining history.

Please help us preserve these historical ovens by respecting them and not climbing on them. Most of the damage you see has occurred in the past 20 years by climbing on them. Thank you for visiting and supporting Nevada State Parks.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Steamer Vernon

Wisconsin, Manitowoc County, Two Rivers

Type: packet steamer
Built: 1886, J.P. Smith, Chicago
Sank: October 29, 1887 Lives lost: 40 to 50
Length: 177’ Beam: 26’
Cargo: passengers, pig iron, produce, fish, package freight, barrel staves
Propulsion: steam screw (propeller)
Depth of Wreckage: 200’

From the moment she was launched, onlookers predicted bad luck for the elegant packet steamer Vernon. She was fast and beautifully adorned, but a math error by here designer left her top-heavy and unstable. Bult for the Booth Fish Company of Chicago, the vessel regularly carried passengers and cargo between Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Chicago.

On Oct. 28, 1887, the Vernon departed Frankfort, Mich., bound for Lake Michigan’s western shore. Onboard were 40 to 50 passengers and crew. About 10 p.m. a northeast gale brewed, forcing the ship to struggle throughout the night against the heavy, rolling seas. Immense waves finally swamped the vessel, flowing through open hatches and cutting the steamer’s power. The helpless Vernon was no match for the storm’s fury, and by 4 a.m. the following morning she had sank in deep water off Two Rivers, Wis.

Sole survivor Axel Stone claimed that the steamer’s captain had over-loaded his ship, leaving her side-loading hatches only six inches above the water. Cargo overflowing from the holds had blocked the forward hatches, and they could not be closed. These circumstances had left the Vernon dangerously susceptible to flooding – the likely cause of her sinking.

Today, the Vernon rests in 200 feet of water, about five miles due east of Rawley Point. Well-preserved by Lake Michigan’s cold, fresh water, the shipwreck lists to starboard amid a field of cargo blown from her packed holds. Her forward gangway hatches are indeed open, just as Stone described.

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Church of Saint Michael

Germany, Bavaria, Munich
Sankt Michael
Erbaut 1583 – 1597
im Auftrag
Herzog Wilhelm V.
von Friedrich Sustris

German – English translation:

The Church of Saint Michael
Built 1583-1597
by Friedrich Sustris
on behalf of
Duke Wilhelm V.

(Churches, Etc. • Education) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Powers-Taylor Building

Virginia, Richmond
A handsome cast-iron storefront ornaments the ground floor of this row of buildings at 9-15 South 13th Street. Probably built during the 1880s, these structures housed a cigar manufactury and commission merchants' offices. For over 80 years parts of it served as a warehouse, and sometimes headquarters, for the Powers-Taylor Drug Company, suppliers of "soda fountain, druggist and fancy goods."

The ironfront, which accents the entries and defines the public areas of this handsome four-part facade, was manufactured by the Trdegar Ironworks. The famous "iron maker of the Confederacy," whose foundry was located just up the river from here, adapted a part of its munitions plant to the production of cast-iron architectural elements after the Civil War. Cast iron was an inexpensive alternative to stone for embellishing building facades. Molten iron was poured into molds and then cooled. Because individual pieces were put together to produce a section, the production of several elements could result in a variety of designs. Richmond was an important center for architectural metalwork until the late nineteenth century, when steel began to dominate the market.

The building was restored by the Virginia Housing Development Authority in 1978.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

From Spa Hall to Congress Centre

Switzerland, Bern (Canton), Interlaken-Oberhasli (District), Interlaken
Seit über 150 Jahren bildet der Kursaal das kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Zentrum Interlakens. "Als Haus des Gastes" hat sich der Kursaal stets den aktuellen Bedürfnissen der Gäste angepasst und - mit Respekt auf die historischen Gebäude und die Parkanlagen - zum modernen Congress Centre entwickelt, ohne den besonderen Charme der Gründerzeit zu verlieren.

Gesundheit und Vergnügen unter ein Dach zu bringen, dies hatte sich der "Gemeinnützige Verein Interlaken" 1857 zum Ziele gesetzt. Eine Molkekuranstalt versprach wohltuende Erholung des Körpers, das Glückspiel im Kursaal sorge für Spannung, das Kurorchester für den wohlklingenden Ausgleich. Mit einem grossartigen Feuerwerk wurde am 20. Juli 1859 der Kursaal eröffnet.

Doch die Freude war von kurzer Dauer. Baron Azène du Plessis - er hatte den Kursaal eigene Rechnung erbaut und betrieben - scheiterte noch im gleichem Jahr. Hotelier und Geschäftsleute sprangen in die Bresche und gründeten 1862 Kurhausgesellschaft Interlakens.

In den Jahren 1899 bis 1910 entstanden ein Konzerthalle-, Spiel- und Theatersaal, die heute unter Denkmalschutz stehen. Der Neuenburger Architekt Paul Bouvier verstand es, eine Einheit zwischen dem Park und den Gesellschaftsräumen zu schaffen, die einmalig ist.

Aufbruchstimmung. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelte sich der Kursaal zum eigentlichen Kultur- und Kongresszentrum. Berühmte Orchester waren zu Gast bei den Musikfestwochen, den heutigen "Interlaken Classics". Fernsehsendungen verbreiteten den Namen Interlaken von hier aus in aller Welt. 1980 konnte der Kongress-Saal eingeweiht werden und 2010 stand das Auditorium pünktlich zur 150 Jahr-Feier bereit.

From Spa Hall to Congress Centre

The Kursaal has been Interlaken’s cultural and social centre for over 150 years. As "The House of Guests" the Kursaal has continually adapted to the requirements of the guests and - showing respect for the historic building and parkland – developed into a modern congress centre without losing any of the special charm of its founding period.

In 1857, the Interlaken "Non-Profit Association" set itself the goal of combining health and pleasure under one roof. A whey cure promised therapeutic recuperation of the body, gambling in the Kursaal guaranteed excitement and an orchestra provided a melodic balance. The Kursaal was opened with a grand firework display on 20 July 1859.

But the delight was short lived. The plans of Baron Azène du Plessis – who had built and run the Kursaal at his own expense – fell through in the same year. Hotelier and business people sprang into the breach and in 1862 formed the Kurhausgesellschaft ( Casino-Kursaal Association) Interlaken.

During the years between 1899 and 1910, the Concert Hall, Gaming Hall and Theater Room – now under conservation order _ were created. Neuchátel architect Paul Bouvier understood how to blend parkland and social facilities into one unit. A balance that is unique.

New beginnings. After World War II, the Kursaal developed into a actual cultural and congress centre. Famous orchestras were guests at the Music Festival Weeks, today’s "Interlaken Classics". Television broadcasts spread the name Interlaken across the world. The Congress Hall was inaugurated in 1980 and the Auditorium was completed in 2010, right on time for the 150th anniversary celebrations.

(Arts, Letters, Music • Entertainment) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

War Memorial

Wisconsin, Dodge County, Iron Ridge

Erected to the memory of my sons and the sons of the Hubbard Township and the Village of Iron Ridge Wisconsin that served in the World War and the Spanish-American War.
Bilgrien Armin • Bilgrien Harry • Bilgrien Norbert • Bilgrien Rudolph • Breitkreutz Charley • Breitkreutz George • Bauman Gottfried • Baerwald Reinhold • Boeder Robert • Bohnenstengel William • Gaedacke Erwin • Griep Lorence • Griep Louis • Germen William • Hendel Adolph • Ihde Gerhard • Kluge August • Kluge Ernest • Last Arthur ★ • Lindert August • Miller Alfried • Miller George • Miller William • Pieper Anton • Peter Benjamin • Pilsner Jacob • Pagel Walter • Rohr Arnold • Radloff Emil • Rohloff Paul • Richard William ★ • Ruckig Walter • Smith Elmer • Schild Ernest • Schultz Edward • Smith Frank • Schoppe Filix • Voss Armin • Voss Harry • Weiss Arnold ★ • Wegner Otto • Zuelke Herbert

In the Spanish-American War.
Hoyt Earl • Radiske Robert • Wegner Herman

Erected by H. Bilgrien Sr. Served in Wis. Senate from 1918 to 1926.

(War, Spanish-American • War, World I) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

From Jungfrauenberg to Jungfrau

Switzerland, Bern (Canton), Interlaken-Oberhasli (District), Interlaken

Eiger, Moench und Jungfrau prägen eindrucklich das Bild der Alpen. Und doch, unbestrittene Königin bleibt die Jungfrau. Der ewige Schnee verleiht ihr majestätischen Glanz und Leuchtkraft. Umgeben von sanften Voralpen ist sie das natürliche Juwel von Interlaken.

Die Jungfrau, der besondere Berg. Ihr edles, liebliches Aussehen und der Glanz des ewigen Schnees haben schon in frühen Zeiten die Menschen beeindruckt. Eingerahmt von den grünen Voralpen der Lauterbrunnentals wirkt sie wie ein Symbol ewiger Schönheit.

Zu ihrem Namen haben die Frauen aus dem Kloster Interlaken verholfen. Sie besassen einen grossen Teil der Alpweiden die bis an der Fuss der mächtiger Gletscher und Felswände in den beiden Tälern führten. Sie schienen unüberwindbar, unerreichbar. Der Berg blieb fuer sie unberührt, jungfräulich rein. Doch viel weniger poetisch hört sich die eigentliche Herkunft des Namens an. Wengen und die Wengernalp galten im Volksmund als "Jungfrauenberge" und von diesem leitete sich im Laufe der Zeit der Name Jungfrau ab.

Am 3. August 1811 gelang es Johann Rudolf Meyer und seinem Bruder Hieronymus aus Aaurau, zusammen mit den Bergführern Joseph Bortis und Alois Volken, der Jungfrau ihrer Unberührtheit zu nehmen. Ihre Tour begann auf der Grimsel und führte über die Südseite vom Wallis her zum Ziel in 4185 Meter Höhe. Bald versuchte Bergsteigern aus aller Herren Länder auf neuen Routen den Gipfel zu erreichen. Selbst vor Eisenbahnpionieren war die Jungfrau nicht mehr sicher. 1894 publizierte Adolf Guyer Zeller seine Pläne fuer den Bau einer Jungfraubahn. Doch es blieb beim Wünsch, die Jungfrau konnte ihre Würde bewahren, Endstation blieb das Jungfraujoch.

From Jungfrauenberg to Jungfrau
The Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau peaks leave their indelible and unmistakeable imprint on the Alpine landscape. Unrivalled queen of the three is the Jungfrau. Year-round snow lends it a majestic lustre and radiance. Surrounded by gently undulating Alpine foothills, it is Interlaken’s natural gem.

The Jungfrau is an exceptional mountain. Its regal yet charming appearance and year-round snow-encrusted flanks have captivated people since time immemorial. Framed by the verdant Alpine foothills of the Lauterbrunnen Valley, it is a symbol of everlasting beauty.

It was the nuns of the Interlaken convent who are said to have given the mountain its name. They owned vas areas of the Alpine pasture stretching to the foot of the mighty glacier and steep rock faces of the Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald Valleys. These appeared invincible and inaccessible and so for the nuns, the mountains remained "jungfraulich", in English untouched and virginal. The actual origin of the name is rather less poetic: Wengen and Wengernalp were known locally as the "Jungfrauenberg" (virginal mountains) and over time, the peak became known as the Jungfrau.

Johann Rudolf Meyer and his brother Hieronymus from Aarau and mountain guides Joseph Bortis and Alois Volken were the first to conquer the virginal peak on August 3, 1811. Starting at the Grimsel Pass, they approached the mountain from Canton Valais to the south and scaled the peak at 4185 metres above sea level. Soon, climbers from all over the world were opening new routes. Even railway pioneers wanted a piece of the Jungfrau: in 1894, Adolf Geyer Zeller presented his plans for a railway to the summit. But his dream remained unfulfilled an the Jungfrau kept its dignity – the terminus station remained at the Jungfraujoch.

(Natural Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


California, Monterey County, near Big Sur
Capitol of Monterey County’s Los Burros Mining District.

In the spring of 1887 the Last Chance Mine was discovered by W.D. Cruikshank and later worked by the Krinkle family. Down the hill (from the mine) around this spot, a thriving town of hotels, stores, and seven saloons sprang up. Other mines followed but no records of how much gold was taken exist. Served by the Mansfield P.O. from 1889 to 1897 a series of fires destroyed all traces of this historic ghost mining town.

Dedicated this 12 day of October 5996
Monterey Viejo 1846 E. Clampus Vitus. R.I.P.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Nachbar Donated Site

Minnesota, Scott County, Jordan
This site donated by Clement A. Nachbar, Mankato, Minn. Honoring the memory of his parents Mathias Nachbar & Wilhelmina Mertens Nachbar, who with their pioneer parents settled in Jordan vicinity, Minnesota Territory, in 1855. Dedicated to the early pioneers, and to be used exclusively for Historical and Memorial purposes, and for the enjoyment of the citizens of Jordan, for all time. 1937

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

1923 Minnesota River Bridge

Minnesota, Sibley County, near Le Sueur
Built in 1923 this bridge spanned the Minnesota River here until it was replaced in 1984. The massive steel beams are typical of the truss bridge system used in this era. The 1923 bridge replaced the first bridge which was opened in 1894.

(Bridges & Viaducts) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Underground Railroad House

Michigan, Kalamazoo County, Schoolcraft
This historic house was built in 1835 by Dr. Nathan Thomas, the first physician in Kalamazoo County. When asked in 1843 to assist escaping slaves from the south to reach Canada, he quickly agreed. Mrs. Thomas would provide food and arrange for them to sleep on the floor of the doctor's office. Fugitives would hide upstairs under the eaves if it was suspected bounty hunters were in the area. Dr. Thomas would arrange for them to travel after dark to Battle Creek and on to Canada. Dr. Thomas estimated that 1,000 to 1,500 fugitives passed through their station on the Underground Railroad.

(Abolition & Underground RR) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The House of Archduke Sigismund of Tyrol

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
Dieses Haus liess Erzherzog Sigismund von Tirol um 1480 für seinen Burgriesen Nickolaus Haidl erbauen und mit dessen Bildnis zieren. Dasselbe wurde von verschiedenen historischen Persöulichkeiten bewohnt und diente u. a. dem Feldherrn Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, mehrmals als Absteigequartier, so 1711 vom 22 November bis 2 Dezember. Im Jahre 1809 besorgte die Küche dieses Gasthauses die Tafel Andreas Hofer’s und seines Stabes in der Hofburg.


German-English translation:

Archduke Sigismund of Tyrol had this house built in 1480 for the town leader Nickolaus Haidl, and had it graced with its portrait. Over time the building housed several well-known persons, including the commander Prince Eugene of Savoy. Several times it served as a barracks, for example from November 22 to December 2, 1711. In 1809 the kitchen of this inn got the table of Andreas Hofer and his staff from the Hofburg.

Innsbruck Beautification Society.

(Notable Events) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Capt. Alfred L. Goodman

Georgia, Chatham County, Pooler

In Memory of
Capt. Alfred L. Goodman
1922 - 1995

Pilot Eighth Air Force
493rd Bomb Group   861st Squadron
Debach, England

Shot Down Over Magdenburg
On His 17th Mission
12 September 1944

POW   Stalag Luft I
Until May 1945

(War, World II) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

On the Panorama Mountain in Just a Few Minutes

Switzerland, Bern (Canton), Interlaken-Oberhasli (District), Interlaken

Auf dem Harder gewinnt man den Überblick. Im Panoramawagen führt die Standseilbahn ihre Gaeste auf den 1322 Meter hoch gelegen Harder Kulm, und dies seit mehr als 100 Jahren.

Ein paar Schritte von hier, auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Aare, startet die Harderbahn ihrer Fahrt auf den Hausberg von Interlaken. Seit über hundert Jahren fuhrt sie - Sommer für Sommer - ihre kleinen und grossen Fahrgäste zum Aussichtspunkt Harder Kulm. Wie aus der Vogelperspektiv liegt das "Bödeli" - so wird das Gebiet zwischen Thuner- und Brienzersee liebevoll genannt - ausgebreitet vor seinen Gästen. Das einzigartige Ausflugsgebiet, für welches Interlaken bekannt ist, wird zur Panoramalandschaft.

1908, an einem Regentag, wurde die Bahn feierlich eingeweiht, seither scheint für sie fast nur die Sonne. Doch die Initianten hatten einigen Gewitter zu erdulden, standen oft im Regen, bis das Bahnprojekt ins Rollen kam. Fünfzehn Jahren lang verstaubten die Pläne auf Schreibtischen oder in Schubladen bis Dr. Fritz Michel aus Interlaken die Bahnidee auf die Schiene brachte. "Wer hat dich du schöner Wald, aufgebaut so hoch da droben", das Gedicht von Josef von Eichendorff, vertont von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, kam als Kampflied gegen das Bahnprojekt zum Einsatz. Erst als die Linienführung, aus Gründen des Landschaftsschutzes, als weiten Bogen um das "Hardermandli" herum - eine markante Felspartie, gestaltet wurde, verstummten die Protestgesänge.

Vom ersten Tag an fuhr die Bahn mit erneubarer, elektrischer Energie, gewonnen aus Wasserkraft der Aare. Zum 100. Geburtstag erhielt die kleine rote Bahn zwei neu Panoramawagen. Seit da pendeln die Wagen - verziert mit den Steinbock-Wappen von Interlaken und Unterseen - einer aussichtsreichen Zukunft entgegen. Wer Steinbock in natura erleben möchte, findet bei der Talstation grosse Zuchtgehege dieser stolzen Tieren.

On the Panorama Mountain in Just a Few Minutes The view from Harder, altitude 1322 metres, gives you the perfect overall picture. The funicular carries guests up to the Harder Kulm in panoramic carriages and has been doing so for over 100 years.

Just a few steps from here, on the other side of the River Aare, the Harder Railway starts its journey up Interlaken’s home mountain. Summer after summer for over 100 years, the funicular has carried visitors of all ages to the scenic vantage point on Harder Kulm, to marvel at the bird’s-eye view of the Bödeli – as the area between Lakes Thun and Brienz is affectionately known. The unique excursion region for which Interlaken is so famous is transformed into a panoramic landscape.

The railway was officially opened on a rainy day in 1908 by since then it has been sunshine almost all the way. However, the initiators has to suffer several storms and were often "left out in the rain" until the railway project actually got underway. The plans gathered dust on a desk or in a drawer for 15 years until Dr. Fritz Michel from Interlaken finally put the idea of a railway on track. "On lovely forest, who created you there so high above," the poem of Josef von Eichendorff, set to music by Feliz Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, became the battle song of the opponents of the railway project. The protest chants were first silenced when, for reasons of preservation of the landscape, the route of the track was designed in a designed in a wide curve around the Hardermandi – a prominent rock face.

From the very first day, the railway ran on renewable electrical energy produced with hydropower fro the River Aare. The tiny red train was given two new panorama carriages for its 100th birthday in 2008. Since then, the carriages – decorated with the ibex coats of arms of Interlaken and Unterseen – have been traveling toward a promising future. Anyone keen to experience ibex in natura (sic) can see these beautiful animals at the wildlife park near the bottom station.

(Railroads & Streetcars) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Wine Market

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Bis zum 16.Jahrhundert Fischmarkt. Mit dem Abbruch der mittelalterlichen Schaal, einer zweigeschossigen, hölzernen Markthalle für den Verkauf von Fleisch, Brot und Leder, entstand 1481 der Platz in seiner heutigen Form.

Steinmetz Konrad Lux schuf 1481 den spätgotischen Brunnen (Original im Historischen Museum).

Der Fischmarkt war im Mittelalter politischer Mittelpunkt und Zentrum des Marktbereiches. An seiner Südwestecke stand bis 1447 das erste Rathaus. Der Platz war gesäumt von den Trinkstuben der Gesellschaften zu Metzgern, Gerbern, Schuhmachern und Wirten.

Nach 1481 wurden hier geistliche und weltliche Spiele aufgeführt.
German-English translation:

Wine Market
Until the 16th century this was a fish market. With the demolition of the medieval Schaal, a two-story wooden covered market for the sale of meat, bread and leather, the square has been in its present form since 1481.

In 1481 Stonemason Konrad Lux created the late Gothic fountain (original in the Historical Museum).

The fish market was the political meeting spot and the center of the market area in the Middle Ages. Until 1447 the southwest corner was the site of the first city hall. On the sides of the square the butchers, tanners, shoemakers, and innkeepers each had their own taverns.

After 1481 both religious and secular plays were held here.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Trautson House

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck

Gotisches Laubenhaus des 15. Jh. mit Lichtschacht, welches im Jahre 1541 unter seinem damaligen Besitzer Hanns Trautson von Matrei, Sprechenstein und Schrofenstein, Erbland- Marschall von Tirol, seit 1541 Freiherr, durch Meister Gregor Türing seine heutige Gestalt und Höhe sowie die zwei prächtigen Erker erhielt, deren linker sich über einem Bogen (!) erhebt und mit den Wappen des Bauherrn und seiner Gattin aus dem Hause Madruzzo geziert ist.

German-English translation:

Trautson House
A Gothic house of the 15th Century with a light shaft. Under its former owner, Hanns Trautson, who was the Lord of Matrei, Sprechenstein and Schrofenstein, and the hereditary noble marshal of Tyrol, the house was built to its present form and height by architect Gregory Türing in 1541, who at the same time also had installed two magnificent bay windows, of which the left one sits over an arch and is adorned with the coats-of-arms of the builder and his wife, who was of the house of Madruzzo.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Teiling Alley

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Die Verbindung zwischen Sternenplatz und Weggisgasse hiess, wie seit dem 17. Jahrhundert bezeugt ist, früher Strehlgasse.

Der Name wurde 1890 in Erinnerung an Frischhans Teiling geändert. Dieser zeichnete sich 1478 bei Giornico als Hauptmann der Luzerner aus, wurde aber in Zürich 1487 anlässlich der Herbstmesse, die er als Tuchhändler besuchte, auf Veranlassung von Bürgermeister Hans Waldmann widerrechtlich gefangengenommen und hingerichtet.

German-English translation:

The connection between Sternenplatz and Weggisgasse was called the Strehlgasse from the 17th Century onwards.
In 1890 the name was changed to commemorate Frischhans Teiling. He distinguished himself in 1478 at the Battle of Giornico, as a commander of the Lucerne forces. In 1487 at the autumn trade fair in Zurich, which he attended as a cloth merchant, he was taken prisoner and then wrongfully executed at the request of Mayor Hans Waldmann.

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Shawnee Fort

Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, Plymouth
Designated in 1776 by the Continental Congress as one of a series of forts protecting American colonists from attack during the Revolutionary War. Defended Connecticut settlers from those with competing claims on Wyoming Valley lands. Garrison post of Capt. Samuel Ransom’s Company, which served under Gen. George Washington. Burned in the aftermath of the Battle of Wyoming, 1778. Rebuilt; destroyed by flood, 1784. Located nearby.

(Colonial Era • Settlements & Settlers • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Potts Cemetery

Indiana, Montgomery County, near Waynetown

Potts Cemetery

Established 1810

A Historic Cemetery Listed in
Indiana’s Cemetery and Burial Grounds
Registry of the Indiana Department of
Natural Resources

Installed 2013 Indiana Historical Bureau
and Dustin & Lacey Stonebraker

Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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