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The Town Of Kingston

North Carolina, Lenoir County, Kinston

To Commemorate The Establishment Of
The Town Of Kingston In 1762
And To Honor Its First Trustees
Francis McLewean - Richard Casewell
Simon Bright, Jr, - John Shine
David Gordon
This tablet is placed by the
Lenoir County Committee Of The North Carolina
Society of Colonial Dames Of America
The name Kingston, given in honor
of the reigning king, George Third, was
changed to Kinston in 1784 in keeping
with the spirit of American Independence.

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mercantile Palace

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Antica sede del Magistrato Mercantile, organo giurisdizionale dell’atività fieristica di Bolzano intituito nel 1635 dall’arciduchessa Claudia de’ Medici. L’attuale edificio (1708-1731) è opera dei fratelli Delai su progetto dell’architetto veronese F. Perotti. Già sede della Camera di Commercio, ospita oggi il Museo Mercantile con collezioni di documenti, dipiti e arredi dei secoli XVII e XVIII.

Alter Sitz des Merkantilmagistrats, d.h. des Messegerichts, das Bozen mit Privileg der Landesfurstin Claudia de’ Medici 1635 erhielt. Bauliche Gestaltung (1708-1731) nach den Plänen des Veroneser Architekten F. Perotti durch die Gebrüder Delai. Nach der Auflösung des Merkantilmagistrats war das Gebäude 1851 bis 1979 Sitz der Handelskammer, heute beherbergt es das Merkantilmuseum mit Dokumenten, Gemälden und Einrichtungsgegenständen aus dem 17. und 18. Jh.

The Palazzo Mercantile/Merkantilgebaude (Mercantile Palace) was the ancient seat of the Mercantile Magistracy founded in 1635 by the archduchess Claudia de’ Medici as a court for the fair activities of Bolzano/Bozen.
The current building (1708-1731) is work of the Delia brothers based on the plan by the Verona architect F. Perotti. Former office of the Chamber of Commerce, today it houses the Mercantile Museum with 17th and 18th century collections of documents, paintings and furnishings.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

John Hall

North Carolina, Warren County, Warrenton
One of three original justices of the N.C. Supreme Court, 1819-1832. Grave 1 block S.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Politics) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette

Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette
Sculpture by Charles Correia. Cast by Shidoni Foundry. Erected by the Lafayette Centennial Commission on July 2, 1987 as a gift to the people of Lafayette, Louisiana following the celebration of the centennial of the city's name change in 1884 from Vermilionville to Lafayette.

Hommage des habitants de Lafayette Louisiane, au Marquis de la Fayette, 6 Septembre 2007

A Tribute from the people of Lafayette Louisiana to the Marquis de la Fayette September 6, 2007.

(Settlements & Settlers • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Memorial Fountains

Alabama, Madison County, Huntsville
The Memorial Fountain System begins with a flow of water cascading over the continuous weir, which is punctuated by 8 Black Granite Markers. This flow symbolizes the blood which has been spilled defending our nation's freedom and flows into the Sacrifice Pool, the Courage Pool, and the Defender Fountain. The small white headstones in the Defenders Fountain are replicas of those in Arlington National Cemetery and represent all of our fallen warriors. Water feeds through the Defender Fountain into the Freedom Fountain, thus providing a contained circular flow. The pulsating streams of water rising above the Memorial from the Freedom Fountain reminds us that this is a living tribute to all veterans and gives the sense of life, liberty, and freedom springing forth from a grateful community.

(Military • War, 1st Iraq & Desert Storm • War, 2nd Iraq • War, Afghanistan • War, Korean • War, Vietnam • War, World I • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 18 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Residence of the Troilo Family

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Edificio di impianto tardo-medievale amplliato nel tardo Cinquecento, originaria dimora dell’omonima famiglia di mercanti roveretani.
Conserva in facciata decorazioni sovrapposte dei secoli XV, XVII e XVIII.

Ansitz de Kaufmannsfamilie Troilo aus Rovereto.
Spätmittelalterliches, gegen Ende des 16. Jh. erweitertes Gebäude.
An der Fassade mehrere Schichten mit Malereien aus dem 15., 17. und 18. Jh.

Residence of the Troilo family
Rovereto merchants.
The late medieval structure was enlarged in the late 16th century.
The facade still shows overlaid decorations from the 15th, 17th and 18th centuries.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Franciscan Monastery

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Complesso conventuale dei Francescani, documenti a Bolzano dal 1237, sorto su un terreno del Vescovo di Bressanone attorno all’antica cappella de S. Ingenuino.
Dopo l’incendio del 1291, la chiesa viene ricostruita in forme gotiche: il coro e il campanile sono del XIV sec., il soffitto a volte risale alla metà del XV sec.
All’interno altare a portelle di H. Klocker (1500).
Nel chiostro trecentesco affreschi gotici e tele del XVIII secolo. Nella cappella de S. Erardo ciclo di affreschi protogotici (XIV sec.).

Die seit 1237 belegte Klosteranlage der Franziskaner entstand auf Brixner Bistumsgrund im Bereich der hochmittelalterlichen St. Ingenuins-Kapelle.
Die Kirche wurde nach dem Brand von 1291 in gotischem Stil wiederaufgebaut: Chor und Turm stammen aus dem 14 Jh., das Gewölbe aus der Mitte des 15. Jh. Im Inneren der Kirche Flügelaltar von H. Klocker (1500).
Der Kreuzgang aus dem 14. Jh. ist mit gotischen Fresken und Gemälden des 18. Jh. ausgeschmückt. In der Erhardskapelle frühgotische Wandmalereien (14. Jh.).

Franciscan monastery complex, documented since 1237, built on a land of the Bishop of Bressanone/Brixen around the ancient St. Ingenuin chapel.
The church dedicated to St. Francis was rebuilt in Gothic style after the 1291 fire and enriched by vaults around 1450. 14th century choir and bell tower. Within: alter with doors by H. Klocker (1500).
In the 14th century cloister, Gothic frescoes and 18th century paintings. In St. Erhard’s chapel, cycle of proto-Gothic frescoes (14th century).

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Chiesa neoromanica a tre navate (1897-1899), construita assieme all’annesso convento su progetto dell’architetto J. Bittner in occasione del centenario del voto dei Tirolesi al Sacro Cuore per l’adorazione del SS. Sacramento.
Sulla facciata mosaico di I. Stolz (1910). All’interno affreschi e arredi del tempo.

Dreischiffige neuromanische Kirche, die 1897-1899 zusammen mit dem angebauten Kloster anlässlich der Hundertjahrfeier des Herz-Jesu-Gelöbnisses der Tiroler Landstände nach Plänen des Stadtarchitekten J. Bittner errichtet wurde.
An der Fassade Mosaik von I. Stolz (1910). Im Inneren zeitgenössische Malereien und Interieurs nach Entwurfen von J. Schmid.

The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in 1897 on the occasion of the centennial from the oath of the Tyroleans to the Sacred Heart for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Neo-Romanesque building by the architect J. Bittner.
On the facade, mosaic by I. Stolz (1910). Within: frescoes and furniture of the time.

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Dominican Church and Monastery

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Complesso conventuale de Domenicani, documentati a Bolzano dal 1272, profondamente modificato dopo la secolarizzazione nel 1785. La chiesa di impianto gotico conserva affreschi trecenteschi, cora con stucchi rococò e pala del Guercino (1655). La cappella S. Giovanni è interamente affrescata da pittori giotteschi (1330). Nel chiostro dipinti trecenteschi e affreschi di F. Pacher e di S. Müller (XV-XVI sec.). Nell’ala dell’ex-convento ricostruita dopo i bombardamenti dell’ultima guerra hanno sede il Conservatorio Musicale e la Galleria Civica.

Die Kirche und die daran angrenzenden Gebäude stellen die Reste des seit 1272 urkundlich belegten ursprünglichen Dominikanerklosters dar.
Nach der Säkularisierung von 1785 wurde das gesamte Ensemble mehrfach umgebaut. Im gotischen Kirchenraum sind Fresken aus dem 14. Jh. erhalten.
Der Chor ist mit Rokoko-Stukkaturen verziert, das Altarbid stammt von Guercino (1655). Die Wände der Johannes-Kapelle schmücken Fresken aus der Giotto-Schule (1330). Im Kreuzgang haben sich Malereien des 14 Jh. sowie Fresken von F. Pacher und S. Müller (15./16. Jh.) erhalten.
Durch die Bombardierungen des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurden Kloster und Kirche schwer beschädigt. Der wieder aufgebaute Flügel des ehemaligen Klosters beherbergt heute das Konservatorium und die Stadtgalerie.

The church dedicated to St. Dominic and the annexed buildings are what remains of the original Dominican monastery, documented since 1272. After its secularisation in 1785, the complex was deeply altered.
The Gothic structure of the church preserves 14th century frescoes, a choir with rococo stuccoes and the alter piece by Guercino (1655). The St. John Chapel is entirely frescoed by the school of Giotto (1330). In the cloister, 14th century paintings and frescoes by F. Pacher and S. Müller (15th-16th century).
The rebuilt wing of the former convent hosts the seat of the State Conservatory of Music and the City Gallery (Galleria civica/Stadtgalerie).

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Wequetequock Burial Ground

Connecticut, New London County, Stonington
Burial Ground

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Stonington Founders Monument

Connecticut, New London County, Stonington
William Chesebrough The first white settler of Stonington. Born in England, 1594. Migrated to America in John Winthrops company, which planted Boston in 1630. After spending a few years in Rehoboth Mass. He, with his wife and four sons in 1649 fixed his permanent home in this, then wilderness, and built his dwelling house not far from this monument. He took a leading part in the organization of the town and the conduct of its early affairs. He died June 9, 1667. A bold pioneer; a wise organizer; a firm Christian.
Chesebrough ( south face ) Lieut. Thomas Minor Born in Chew Magna, Somerset County England, April 23, 1608. He was first, by the name of Minor to migrate to this country, coming on the ship Arabella which reached Salem Harbor June 14, 1630. He married Grace, daughter of Walter Palmer at Charlestown April 23, 1634. He took up his permanent abode at Quiambaug in 1653, or 1654, where he lived till his death Oct. 23, 1690. One of the founders of New London and Stonington; prominent in public office; an organizer of the church. Minor ( east face ) Walter Palmer One of the founders of Stonington. Emigrated to New England in 1629 and settled in Charlestown, Mass. Became a freeman, May 18, 1631, and united with the Charlestown church, June 1, 1633. Removed to Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony, in 1642, and represented that town in the General Court. Came to Stonington in 1652 and lived here until his death, Nov. 10, 1661. At his home near this spot was held the first religious service between the Thames River and Narragansett Bay. Palmer ( north face ) Thomas Stanton Interpretor General for the New England colonies. Died Dec. 2, 1677, aged 62 years. He came from England in 1635. Was of Boston in 1636, Hartford 1637, and Stonington in 1656. Was Marshal of the Colony. County Commissioner, member of the General Court and one of the founders of the first church in Stonington. A man of wide spread and lasting importance to the colonies, and identified with nearly every transaction between the natives and colonists p to the year of his death. Stanton

(Colonial Era • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Samuel Ward Birthplace Site

Rhode Island, Washington County, Westerly
A.D. 1904 Erected by the Samuel Ward Society, Children of the American Revolution of Westerly, Rhode Island, to mark the site of the birthplace of Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Ward, born in Westerly, November 17, 1756, died in New York City, August 16, 1832. He engaged in active service in the War of the American Revolution, was commissioned Captain, May 8, 1775, Major, January 5, 1778, Lieutenant-Colonel, April 12, 1779.

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

USS George Bancroft

Georgia, Camden County, Kings Bay

USS George Bancroft SSBN- 643
Commissioned 22 January 1966   Decommissioned 21 September 1993

(Associated Sponsor plaque excerpt)
USS George Bancroft SSBN- 643 was a 640-class Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarine homeported in Charleston, South Carolina and Kings Bay, Georgia. Built in Groton, Connecticut the boat was launched 20 March 1965 and commissioned 22 January 1966. The boat completed 19 deterrent patrols with the Polaris A-3 missle, 27 deterrent patrols with the Poseidon missile and 13 deterrent patrols with the Trident I missile. The boat was decommissioned 21 September 1993. The crew earned two Meritorious Unit Commendations and four Battle Efficiency "E" awards.
"So Rests A Good Ship"

(War, Cold • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Depreciation Lands Survey

Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, Sewickley
Depreciation Lands Survey of 1785
North/South Dividing Line
Daniel Leet & Nathaniel Breading

(Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Abijah Smith & Company

Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, Plymouth
Established 1807 by Abijah Smith, who had bought 75 acres here on Ransom Creek and was later joined by his brother John. Their shipments of coal by ark down the Susquehanna, begun in 1807, continued for 20 years. This company was, in 1818, the first to extract Pennsylvania coal by powder blasting. In the same family almost 70 years, it was considered the first commercially successful U.S. anthracite firm.

(Industry & Commerce • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ritter Palace

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Als Wohnsitz für Schultheiss Lux Ritter von Domenico Solbiolo aus Ponte Caprisca entworfen und unter der Leitung von Pietro del Grilio aus Lugano 1556 – 1564 erbaut. Nach dem Tode Ritters sorgte der Rat für die Vollendung des Renaissancebaus und übergab ihn 1577 den Jesuiten als Wohnung, die 1695 den westlichen und 1756 – 1757 den östlichen Kollegiumstrakt bis zur Kirche anfügten.
Nach Aufhebung der Jesuitenniederlassung 1773 Professorenkonvikt, seit 1804 Regierungsgebäude. 1841 – 1843 wurde der halbrunde Grossratssaal in klassizistischem Stil durch Melchior Berri angebaut.
Der bemerkenswerte Arkadeninnenhof birgt im dritten Geschoss dem um 1615 von Jakob von Wyl gemalten Totentanzzyklus.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1963, restauriert 1984 – 1986.
German-English translation:

Ritter Palace

Built 1556-1564 as a residence for mayor Lux Ritter by Domenico Solbiolo from Ponte Caprisca, and designed by Pietro del Grilio from Lugano. After the death of Ritter, the Council was responsible for the completion of the Renaissance building and handed it over to the Jesuits in 1577 as a residence, who added a western wing in 1695, and in 1756-57 added the eastern wing leading to the church.

After the dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773, the building became a collegiate seminary, and has been a government building since 1804. In 1841-1843 a semicircular grand council chamber was built in the neoclassical style by Melchior Berri.

The arcaded courtyard holds, on the third floor, the striking Dance of Death painted around 1615 by Jakob von Wyl.

Historical monument since 1963, restored 1984-1986.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Pfyffer Student House

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Erbaut 1579 für Rudolf Pfyffer. 1584 uberlassen die Brüder Rudolf, Ludwig und Jost Pryffer das Haus de Jesuiten zur Unterbringung von Studierenden des nahen Jesuitengymnasiums.
Das Haus blieb bis 1811 im Besitze der Familie Pfyffer.
1824 teilweise Umgestaltung im Innern.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1980
Restauriert 1977 - 1978
German-English translation:

Pfyffersches Stipendihaus
Built in 1579 for Rudolf Pfyffer. In 1584 the brothers Rudolf, Ludwig and Jost de Pryffer let the house to the Jesuits to accommodate students of the nearby Jesuit school.
The house remained in the Pfyffer family possession until 1811.
In 1824 the interior was partially remodelled.
Historical monument since 1980.
Restored 1977-1978.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Von Sonnenberg House

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Ehemaliger Patriziersitz der Familie Sonnenberg. 1670 bis 1673 von Heinrich von Sonnenberg, Hauptmann in französischen Diensten anstelle zweier älterer Häuser erbaut.
Im Innern reiche Ausstattung aus der Bauzeit: getäferte Zimmer mit Kassettendecken, stuchiertes Kabinett und Festsaal mit mehrfarbigem Marmorplattenboden.
Das Äussere wurde 1842 umgestaltet und 1895 mit dekorativen Stukkaturen bereichert.
1839 ging das Haus an die Korporationsgemeinde über.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1964
German-English translation:

The Von Sonnenberg House

The former familial seat of the Sonnenberg family. From 1670-1673 Heinrich von Sonnenberg, a leading French diplomat, built this house on the site of two older houses.

The interior features rich decor from the construction period: a paneled room with coffered ceilings, a stucco-covered gallery and ballroom, with multi-colored marble slab floors.

The exterior was remodeled in 1842, and in 1895 enriched with decorative stucco.

In 1839 the house became the property of the municipality.

A listed monument since 1964.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Old Armory

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Das Werkhaus an der Spreuerbrücke diente seit 1472 als Zeughaus. Diesen ein Kornmagazin eingerichtet war. 1566 wurde das Haus weggeschwemmt. 1567 – 1569 entstand das heutige Gebäude als Zeughaus, in der Art typischer, spätgotischer Magazinbauten.
Unter Denkmalschutz seit 1963
Restauriert 1977 – 1978
1547 entstand der Zeughausbrunnen. Das heutige Brunnenbecken datiert von 1739, die Säule und Wildmannfigur (in Kopie erneuert) von 1678.
German-English translation:

The Old Armory
Built as a grain warehouse, this building by the Spreuer Bridge has served as an armory since 1472. In 1566 the building was washed away. In 1567-1569 the present building was built as an armory, in the manner typical of a late Gothic warehouses.

A listed monument since 1963.

Restored 1977-1978.

The armory fountain was installed in 1547. The present fountain basin dates from 1739, and the column and wild man figure (since replaced with a replica) date from 1678.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cinder Cone - Lava Flows

Utah, Iron County, near Cedar City

Cinder Cone
The cinder cone developed from a series of continuous mild volcanic explosions piling the debris on the surface surronding a volcanic vent. There are numerous cinder cones on the Cedar City Ranger District, many visible from the highway.

Lava Flows
These lava flows are very young 1,000-5,000 years. They come from vents not a central volcano. There are many land forms associated with the lava flows: lava tubes, cinder cones, sink holes and craters.

(Natural Features) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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