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Concrete City

Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, near Nanticoke
Notable for early use of International Style architectural concepts in creating “model” industrial housing. Located ¼ - mile north of here. The homes, built by the D L & W Railroad's Coal Division for forty Truesdale Colliery employees, were opened in 1913. Constructed of poured concrete, the twenty two-story rectangular double houses surrounded a park. Controlled by the Glen Alden Coal Company after 1921; abandoned in 1924.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Andreas Hofer

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
In diesem
Hause hatte anno 1809
Andreas Hofer
wiederholt Aufenthalt während der Kämpfe für die Befreiung des Vaterlandes. Hier wurde auch am 2. Novemb. 1809 die Unterwerfung beschlossen:
“Nun in Gottes Namen, es wirds unser lieber Herrgott wohl alles recht machen” sprach gottergeben Hofer im festen Vertrauen auf die endliche Befreiung Tirols und seine Wiedervereinigung mit dem geliebten Kaiserhause. Dem Andenken des Sandwirts u. seiner Mitkämpfer setzte diesen Stein zur Hundertjahrfeier der gegenwartige Besitzer
Johann Paul Camerlander
unter Teilnahme des patriotischen Volkes d. Wipptals am 29. Juni 1909.
(panel below)
Diese Tafel stammt
vom familieneigenen
Gasthof Steinbock
in Steinach am Brenner

German-English translation:

In this house during the year 1809 Andreas Hofer repeatedly stayed the during struggle for the liberation of the country. It was also here on November 2, 1809 that the decision to capitulate was made: "And in God's name, it now rests with Him to make it right " Hofer said prophetically and with firm faith in the eventual liberation of the Tyrol and its reunion with the beloved Imperial House (of Austria). This tablet was installed on the centenary (of the event) to commemorate the innkeeper from Sand (Hofer) and his comrades by the current owner, John Paul Camerlander, with the participation of the patriotic people of Wipptal, June 29, 1909.

(panel below)
This panel comes from the family-owned Steinbock Inn, Steinach am Brenner

(Patriots & Patriotism) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Tower of the Coat of Arms

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
1490 im Auftrage des Kaisers Maximilian I, erbaut und vom Hofmaler Jörg Kölderer mit den Wappen der Habsburgischen Länder geschmückt. 1766 in die neue Hofburg eingebaut.
Der Stadt Innsbruck gewidmet vom Innsbrucker Verschönerungsverein.

German-English translation:

Built in 1490 by order of the Emperor Maximilian I and decorated by the court painter Jörg Kölderer with the heraldry of Habsburg countries. In 1766 it was incorporated into the new Imperial Palace.
Dedicated to the City of Innsbruck by the Innsbruck Beautification Society.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

First Ascent of the Matterhorn

Switzerland, Valais (Canton), Visp (District), Zermatt
Erstbesteigung Matterhorn
über Hornligrat
13./14. Juli 1865

Edward Whymper
Reverend Charles Hudson
Lord Francis Douglas
Douglas Robert Hadow
Taugwalder Peter, Vater
Taugwalder Peter, Sohn
Michel Auguste Croz

Erstbesteigung Matterhorn
über Liongrat

Jean – Antoine Carrel
Jean – Baptiste Bisch

German-English translation:

First Ascent of the Matterhorn
via Hornligrat
13-14. July 1865

Edward Whymper
Reverend Charles Hudson
Lord Francis Douglas
Douglas Robert Hadow
Taugwalder Peter, father
Taugwalder Peter, son
Michel Auguste Croz

First Ascent of the Matterhorn
over Lion's Ridge

Jean - Antoine Carrel
Jean - Baptiste Bisch

(Exploration • Sports) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cayucos by the Sea

California, San Luis Obispo County, Cayucos
Born in Bristol, England, Nov. 24 1824, James Cass came to N.Y.C. at the age of 12, then to California during the Gold Rush. His mining, mercantile, and farming led him to travel throughout the state. In 1867, he saw the potential of a shipping port at Cayucos Creek. In 1869, Cass convinced Capt. J.N. Ingalls and his partner, Frederick Metcalf, to start a small shipping business, stacking goods on the beach, which led to building a wharf in 1872. The wharf, the first structure in the township, required Cass to invent a new method of driving piles which he patented. In 1875, William Babcock subdivided the town of Cayucos. Cass bought the tideland lots, extended the pier 940’ to deep water, and built (1877) a warehouse. After Cass died, March 15, 1917, his family donated the warehouse & pier to the State. The warehouse was move to a new location where it is a vital part of Cayucos.

(Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

400th Anniversary of the Naming of Monterey Bay by Gen. Sebastián Vizcaíno

California, Monterey County, Monterey
This date marks the 400th anniversary of the naming of Monterey Bay by Gen. Sebastián Vizcaíno, commissioned by Don Gaspár Zúñiga y Acevedo, Count of Monte Rey. Near this place, called Acasta and Hummukul by the Ohlone/Constanoan Esselen Nation, Fr. Andrés de la Ascensión, Fr. Antonio de las Ascensióón and Fr. Tomás de Aquino, three Discalced Carmelite friars on the Vizcaíno expedition, celebrated the first Mass in Northern California.

(Exploration) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Enoch Ambler

New York, Montgomery County, Root
Home of Enoch Ambler
Inventor of First
Mowing Machine
Patent Signed by Pres.
Andrew Jackson in 1834
Heritage & Genealogical Soc. of Montg. Co

(Agriculture • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Honoring Our Heroes

Indiana, Floyd County, New Albany
An act of Congress in 1862 established fourteen national cemeteries for the interment of casualties from the Civil War. The first National Cemetery was at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The New Albany National Cemetery was one of the first seven established. Originally, it was intended for soldiers from nearby Camp Noble, the converted Floyd County Fairgrounds used as a training ground for Union Soldiers during the Civil War. The cemetery was also the site for re-interment of soldiers who had been buried in temporary battleground cemeteries in West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana. Nearly 2,800 men, casualties of the Civil War, are buried here.

The five-and-a-half acre rectangular cemetery has a large sandstone block wall surrounding rows of engraved headstones and smaller numbered stones for the unknown soldiers. It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1999.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Patriots & Patriotism • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Waterford Bridges

New York, Saratoga County, Waterford
National Historic
Civil Engineering Landmark

Waterford Bridges
Waterford, New York
The Union Bridge, the first to cross the lower Hudson River was built in 1804 at this site by Theodore Burr and lasted for 105 years until it was burned and replaced by the existing steel bridge, the second bridge, designed by Alfred P. Boller and Henry Hodge, was built in 1909 by the Phoneix Bridge Company. Together these two bridges, on the same piers, have served the area for 209 years.
Constructed: 1804 and 1909
Designated: 2013

(Bridges & Viaducts • Man-Made Features • Railroads & Streetcars) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

McGarrah’s Inn

New York, Orange County, Monroe
Freemasons met here from 1817-1826. Purchased by the Cornerstone Lodge #711 in 1998. The 1817 Lodge Room remains active as of 2013.

(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Portland / Our Lady Church

Kentucky, Jefferson County, Louisville
French immigrants established a community here in 1806. In 1814 it was surveyed and platted. By 1837 it was incorporated as a suburb of Louisville. It was an early port and boatbuilding center - 41 steamers had been built by 1855. Portland was site of first tramway in US, connecting it with Louisville, and once famous hostelry of South, St. Charles Hotel. Over.

Our Lady Church

Congregation organized in 1837 - 38 by Father Stephen Badin, the first priest ordained in U.S. He saw to Portland's spiritual welfare when it was first a community of French immigrants. Also helpful in forming church were Bishop Flaget, first bishop west of Alleghenies, and Bishop Chabrat, first to be ordained in Ky. Bricks in original church, 1841, used for this building. Over.

(Churches, Etc. • Industry & Commerce • Settlements & Settlers • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Parrott Ropewalk

District of Columbia, Washington
Here the Richard Parrott Ropewalk manufactured rope and rigging used on sailing vessels that plied their trade in old Georgetown through the early 19th Century.

The ropewalk receives its name from the long path used for the laying out of individual yarns of rope prior to twisting them together.

Rope making was accomplished by first combing hemp and attaching it to a clockwise revolving hook spinning it into yarns.

Several yarns were then attached to separate hooks and twisted together counterclockwise to form strands. These three strands were twisted together clockwise again making rope.

Because of the constant change in direction, the rope would not unravel. If a larger rope was needed, three ropes could be twisted together to form anchor cable.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Jonesville Community

Alabama, Montgomery County, Mathews
The Jonesville Community on Old Pike Road in Mathews, named for wealthy landowner George Mathews from Olgethorp County Ga. was designated by the Montgomery County Commission on October 16th, 2007 to honor the life and legacy of Prince Albert Jones Sr. (April 25, 1916 - January 13, 2008) and his family to the community. Jones was born and reared in the area and devoted much of his nearly 92 years of life to helping others in Mathews and the surrounding communities of Cecil, Waugh, Pike Road and Mt. Meigs. A farmer by trade, he supported his family and many of his neighbors with crops he planted. He used his resources (tractors, balers, trucks and other farm equipment and transportation) to help others cultivate their crops and get them to market. He also voluntarily cared for several of the local cemeteries, including New Jerusalem (on the grounds of the old Margaret Beard Elementary School) and Gilmer Cemetery in nearby Pike Road, where he and many of his family members and former residents are buried.
(continued on other side)

(continued from other side)
Prince Albert Jones was concerned about the common man and believed deeply in civil and voting rights. Quoting from an article appearing in the "Montgomery Advertiser" on January 18, 2008, Morris Dees, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said Jones was one of rural Montgomery's first registered black voters, when fewer than 1 percent of the county's black residents were registered. "Mr. Jones was one of the area's most dedicated advocates for equality and used his good reputation with the white farming elite to help black neighbors and church members obtain the right to vote decades before the enactment of the 1965 Voting Rights Act," Dees said. Jones was one of 15 children. He and his wife Essie also reared 15 children. They strongly valued Christian living, education and hard work and taught their children and others in the community the importance of working with their minds as well as their hands.

(African Americans • Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Civil Rights • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Site of the First National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction

New York, Otsego County, Cooperstown

Site of the First
National Baseball
Hall of Fame Induction,
June 12, 1939

* * * * *
Attended by
Grover Alexander, Ty Cobb,
Eddie Collins, Walter Johnson,
Nap Lajoie, Connie Mack,
Babe Ruth, George Sisler, Tris Speaker,
Honus Wagner and Cy Young

(Notable Events • Sports) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Sacred Heart Academy

District of Columbia, Washington
Set back from the Street at 1621 Park Road, to your left, is an elegant old house, once the all-girls Sacred Heart Academy. The Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters of Wisconsin founded the Academy in 1905 and went on to operate it with Sacred Heart parish, adding a co-ed grade school in 1930. Lay educators took over in the 1990s. In addition, the school housed GALA Hispanic Theatre from 1985 to 2000.

While the school always served Mount Pleasant's diverse nationalities, African Americans were excluded until 1951. Washington's Catholic schools actually began desegregating in 1949, five years before DC Public Schools.

The Park Monroe Apartments, straight ahead, occupy a site where between 1913 and 1921 the family of Wisconsin Progressive Senator Robert F. La Follette lived. The senator and his wife Belle Case La Follette, worked together for world peace and human equality. Just across 16th at 3321 was the home of movie theater mogul Harry M. Crandall. Tragedy struck Crandall in 1922, when the roof of his Knickerbocker Theater at 18th and Columbia Road collapsed during a blizzard, killing 98 and injuring scores. At the time, Crandall was about to build another theater at 14th and Park Road using the Knickerbocker's architect. In shock, he hired another designer, an the Tivoli opened in 1924.

Mary Henderson and architect George O. Totten Built the mansion on the corner in 1920. From 1939 until 1969 it housed Capital Radio Engineering Institute, teaching radio and TV electronics. CREI later became Maryland's Capitol College.

(Education • Entertainment • Politics) Includes location, directions, 20 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Neptune’s Fountain

Italy, South Tyrol, Bolzano
The text of this marker is in three languages; Italian (top), German (middle) and English (bottom).

Fusione in bronzo di Joachim Reiss, su modello dello scultore Georg Mayr. Collacata nel 1777 sul luogo dell’antica berlina, veniva popolarmente chiamata “Gabelwirt” (oste del forchettone).

Bronzefigur von Joachim Reiss, gegossen nach einem Modell des Bildhaueers Georg Mayr d.J. Das im Volksmund als „Gabel wirt“ bezeichnete Werk wurde 1777 an der Stelle des ehemaligen Prangers aufgestellt.

Neptune’s Fountain is a bronze casting by Joachim Reiss, based on a model by the sculptor George Mayr. Erected in 1777 in place of the ancient pillory, it is commonly referred to as “Gabelwirt” (Innkeeper with a fork).

(Arts, Letters, Music • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Pete Gray Wyshner

Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, near Nanticoke
The only one-armed man to play major league baseball. Born and resided in Nanticoke’s Hanover section. As a child, he lost his right arm in an accident. Named Most Valuable Player of the Southern Assn. while playing for the Memphis Chicks in 1944. In 1945, he played 77 games as an outfielder for the St. Louis Browns and batted .218. His on-field exploits set an inspirational example for disabled servicemen returning from World War II.

(Sports • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Thomas Howe House

Connecticut, New London County, Stonington
Thomas Howe
Circa 1790
Lived in by Howe Descendants
First Stonington Library

(Arts, Letters, Music • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer House

Connecticut, New London County, Stonington
Captain Nathaniel B.
Palmer House
Built 1852
Has Been Designated A
National Historic Landmark
This Building Possesses National Significance
In Commemorating the History of The
United States of America
National Park Service
United States Department of the Interior

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

VFW Bucky O'Neill Post No. 541

Arizona, Yavapai County, Prescott
Founded in Jan. 1921 and named after the famous Rough Rider William "Bucky" O'Neill, the post is the oldest active VFW post in Arizona. Born Feb. 2, 1860 in St. Louis, Missouri, his many accomplishments include being a Lawyer, Judge, Sheriff, Editor of 3 newspapers and Mayor of Prescott, Az. He was killed in action July, 1, 1898 in the battle for San Juan, Cuba. On his grave at Arlington it is written "Who would not die for a new star on the flag"

(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations • War, Spanish-American) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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