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La Chapelle des Recollets

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Ici, dans la chapelle des Recollets s’est tenue, du 16 mars au 6 avril 1789, l’Assemblée des Trois Ordres de la Senechaussée de Béziers pour les Etats Generaux du Rouvaume. L’Abbe Gouttes et l’abbe Martin ont été deputes du Clerge : M. Gleises de Lablanque et le Marquis de Gayon (suppléant : le Baron de Jesse) on été députés de la Noblésse. Rey, de Béziers, Rocque, de St. Pons, Mérigeaux, de Pezenas, et Sales de Costebelle, de Lodeve ont été députés du Tiers Estat. Un hommage a été rendu, à l’occasion de bicentenaire de la Révolution Francaise par la Municipalité de Béziers. Alain Barrau, Député de l’Hérault, étant Maire.

[Translation by Google Tranlate (with modifications):
The Recollets Chapel
Here, in the chapel of Recollets was held from 16 March to 6 April 1789, the Assembly of the Three Orders of the Seneschal of Béziers for the Rouvaume States General.

Abbot Gouttes and Abbot Martin Drops were deputies of the clergy: Mr. Gleises of Lablanque and the Marquis de Gayon (alternate: Baron Jesse) were deputies for members of the nobility.

Rey, from Béziers, Rocque, from St. Pons, Mérigeaux, from Pezenas and Sales Costebelle, from Lodeve were deputies of the Third Estat.

A tribute was made on the occasion of the bicentennial of the French Revolution by the Municipality of Béziers. Alain Barrau, Member of the Hérault, being Mayor.]

(Churches, Etc. • Government) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hôtel de Ville

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Hier Agora, Forum, Maison communale... aujourd’hui Hôtel de Ville. Au XIII siècle, les Consuls de Béziers, bénéficiant de l’une des plus anciennes chartes communales consenties en Languedoc (1185), édifient une première maison commune. Suivront acquisitions successsive et aménagements : grande porte (1360), salle pour le clavaire (1373), pièce pour conservation du Compoix, pavage du parvis autour de la fontaine (1553), élévation d’une tour avec cloche et horloge (1647). En 1728, on procède à la réfection totale de l’ensemble des bâtiments, L’architecte de la Province, Rollin, est chargé de la réalisation. Il propose un projet grandiose de façade donnant sur la place de la fontaine : deux corps de bâtiments comportant une tour centrale. Seul ce beffroiest réalisé (1746). En 1788 est aménagé à l’étage une salle de spectacle. L’actuelle salle du Conseil Municipal est ornée de neuf fresques relatant l’histoire de Béziers (oeuvre de Biterrois Raoul Guiraud, prix de Rome de pienture).

[Translation by Google Translate (with modifications:
City Hall
Yesterday Agora, Forum, Communal House ... City Hall today. In the thirteenth century, the Consuls of Béziers, enjoying one of the oldest communal charters granted in Languedoc (1185), built their first home together. Followed successive acquisitions and facilities : front door (1360), room for the clavaire (1373), a piece for conservation from Compoix, paving of the courtyard around the fountain (1553), elevation of a tower clock and bell (1647).

In 1728, we proceed to complete refurbishment of all buildings, the architect of the Province, Rollin, was responsible for implementation. The plan offered a grandiose façade overlooking Fountain Square: two buildings with a central tower. Only this beffroiest was realized (1746).

In 1788 is one in the upstairs hall. The current Municipal Council Chamber is decorated with nine frescoes depicting the story Béziers (Béziers work of Raoul Guiraud, Prix de Rome painter)].

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Statue Romaine que l’on pense représenter l’empereur Tetricus fils (fin du IIIe siècle). réparateur de la voie domitienne dans la légende Biteroise, cette statue symbolise le héros mythique sauveur de la cité. Antérieurement au XIIIe siècle, elle etait erigée a proximité de cet emplacement.

[Translation by Google Translate (with modifications):
Roman statue, which is believed to represent the Emperor Tetricus’ son (late third century), repairer of the Via Domitia in Beziers legend. The statue symbolizes the mythical hero savior of the city. Prior to the thirteenth century, the statue was erected near this location.

(Arts, Letters, Music) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

[Gare du Beziers]

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
D’ici plus de 3000 ressortissants de notre department ont été contraints de partir pour le travail force en Allemagne En souvenir des deportes du travail morts en exil Victimes du Nazisme L’association des D.T. de Béziers 23 mars 1947

[Translation by Google Tranlate (with modifications):
1942 - 1945
From here more than 3000 citizens of our department were forced to leave for forced labor in Germany In memory of the deported workers who died in exile work Victims of Nazism The association of the D.T of Béziers March 23, 1947

(War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Les Halles

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Sur cet emplacement etait un eglise romane (XIe siecle) dediee a St. Felix. Au pied de cette eglise : le cimetiere des pauvres. C’est le lieu que choisit Raymond Trencavel, dernier Vicomte de Beziers, pour annoncer a la population qu’il faisait cession de Roi de France de sa vicomte (1247). L’eglies St. Felix est detruite en 1815. Sur l’emplacement du cimetiere sera elevee en 1855 un colonne surmontee d’une statue de l’Immaculee Conception (apres les apparitions de Lourdes). Elles sera abattue en 1881. Dix ans plus tard, remodelée, la place accueille les nouvelles Halles de la ville (2800 m ), à l’occasion des grands travaux d’urbanisme entrepris par la municipalité d’Alphonse Mas dans ce quartier, avec le percement de grandes voies publiques : rues Republique, Flourens, Nationale et avenue de la Gare.

The Covered Market
On this site was a Romanesque church (XIth century) dedicated to St. Felix. At the foot of the church : the cemetery of the poor. This was the place chosen by Raymond Trencavelm last Viscount of Beziers, to announce to the public that assignment was King of France from its Viscount (1247).

The St. Felix church was destroyed in 1815. On the location of the cemetery was built in 1855 a column surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Conception (after the apparitions of Lourdes). They were demolished in 1881.

Ten years later, remodeled, the covered market welcomes a new city (2800 m), on the occasion of major urban works undertaken by the municipality of Alphonse Mas in this area, with the digging of major public routes : Republic, Flourens, and National Streets and Avenue de la Gare.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Écluses de Fonseranes

France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Beziers
Les écluses de Fonseranes constituent certainement l’un de plus majestueux et formidables ouvrages issus de génie creatif de Riquet. Véritable chef-d’oeuvre architectural et esthétique, ce remarquable ensemble monumental fut considéré lors de sa construction comme l’une des merveilles du monde. Après s’être affranchi de la problématique traversée du Malpas, Riquet se heurta à une nouvelle difficulté. Une dénivellation de plus de 21 m séparait en effet Fonseranes de l’Orb qui coule au pied de Beziers. Il imagina donc de construire un veritable escalier d’eau composé de huit ecluses et s’etirant sur plus de 280m. A l’origine, ces écluses conduisaient les bateux au niveau de la rivière qu’ils traversaient pour rejoindre l’entrée du canal sur l’autre rive au Pont Rouge. Une retenue en aval du passage permettait de maintenir le niveau de la rivière à celui du canal. Mais les caprices de l’Orb conduisirent à la construction d’un pont-canal en 1857 évitant ainsi une traversée rendue parfois périlleuse. Ce nouvel aménagement provoqua une modification du tracé du canal. C’est ainsi que la dernière eclus s’ouvrant sur le port Notre-Dame fut comdamné et que l’on remania l’avant-dernière de façon à permettre le dégagement de barques et le raccordement au pont canal grâce à sa troisième porte. Les Ecluses de Fonseranes en Chiffres: Longueur de l’ourage: 298,10 metres A l’origine: Nombre de bassins: 8 Denivelee totale: 21,18 meters Aujourd’hui: Nombre du bassins: 6 Denivelee totale: 13,60 metres Duree de la montee: 45 minutes Duree de la descente: 30 minutes Voies Navigables de France

[ Translation and liberal interpretation:
The Froseranes Locks
The Canal du Midi
Fonseranes locks are certainly one of the most majestic and wonderful works of creative genius from Riquet. True architectural masterpiece and aesthetics, it was considered remarkable monumental complex in its construction as one of the wonders of the world.

After free from the problem of crossing Malpas, Riduet ran into a new problem. A drop of more than 21 m separated Fonseranes and the Orb river flowing at the foot of Beziers.

He imagined constructing a real water staircase of eight locks and stretching over 280m. Originally, boats would then leave the locks and cross the river to reach the entrance of the channel on the other side of the Red Bridge. Impounding downstream water made it possible to maintain the level of the river channel.

But the vagaries of Orb led to the construction of a canal bridge in 1857, thus avoiding a sometimes perilous voyage.

This new development caused a realignment of the channel. The last lock opening to the port Notre Dame was condemned and channel reworked to allow the release of the boats onto an canal aqueduct that crossed over the Orb river. The Fonseranes Locks in Numbers: Overall length: 298.10 meters Originally: Number of pools: 8 Total vertical drop: 21.18 meters today: Number of pools: 6 Total vertical drop: 13.60 meters Duration of the climb: 45 minutes Descent time: 30 minutes]

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 15 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Korean War Veterans' Monument

Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh
About the Memorial
American servicemen and women braved violent combat in Korea. The Nation suffered great losses in the War and spiritual anguish in its aftermath. Friends parted, lives were uprooted, futures were transformed; many died or were injured. We now join together to understand, to honor, to heal and to look ahead.
In Korea, each serving brought their own experience; their uniqueness, their dreams into peril. Families confronted the loss of loved ones and of future. With each soldier the nation risked a part of itself. Many thousands, each with their own signature on life, united for freedom.
This Memorial intends to symbolize and express the life spirit of those who served, directly and indirectly, in the Korean War. It is a reflection, in part, of just one who served. It is meant to signal remembrance of the breadth and pulse of their identity. And, it is a marker for the array of human qualities nurtured by the freedom we protect.
This Memorial is positioned and shaped to capture sunlight. As the sun travels the horizon, columns of light articulate, sequentially, aspects of human spirit, experience and feeling. Through solid and void, light and shadow, the sun traces a spectrum of individual and shared experience.
It is hoped this Memorial will become a welcome place; that it can evoke memory, emotion and vision through the eyes of each visitor. It is meant to be very personal.
R. Allen Christianson
Memorial Architect

(War, Korean) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hooker Cemetery

Indiana, Warren County, near Pine Village

Hooker Cemetery

Established 1834

A Historic Cemetery Listed in
Indiana’s Cemetery and Burial Grounds
Registry of the Indiana Department of
Natural Resources

Installed 2006 Indiana Historical Bureau
and Restored by Gordon and Sheila Hooker

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Whistler’s Mother

North Carolina, Bladen County, Clarkton
Anna Mathilda McNeill Whistler, mother of the noted painter, James Abbot McNeill Whistler, lived in a house which stood 1300 yards east of this spot.

(Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Survivor Tree

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

Known today as the "Survivor Tree," this American Elm survived the April 19, 1995 bombing. The Survivor Tree's bark protects it from disease and bugs. Please help us protect the Survivor Tree by not removing bark or placing coins in its bark. We are grateful for donations; however, please help us by placing donations into one of the boxes located around the Memorial Grounds.

(Disasters • Horticulture & Forestry) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Playground

Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma City

This grass lawn was the playground for the children's daycare center.

Many children were killed or injured in the building.

(Disasters • Entertainment) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church

Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh
St. Nicholas R.C. Church
F.C. Sauer, Architect

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


California, Humboldt County, Eureka
Dry goods, saloons, Cafes Royal and Oberon (Site 1910 Jack London fight), used furnishings

This program possible through a partnership with property owners Roy and Susan Kohl, Eureka Main Street, and the Eureka Heritage Society

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Eureka City Hall

California, Humboldt County, Eureka
Architect J.W. Rowell designed the masonry building which featured a classical entry portico, an elegant cupola with skylights, and street facades of granite blocks, buff-colored bricks, and sandstone detailing.

Built by the Lyon-Wilson Construction Company, this 110 ft. by 120 ft., two-story structure with basement contained all of the city's offices in one building. Fire Company No. 2, police department and jail were also housed here.

Damaged in a 1954 earthquake, the building was demolished in 1960.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Gordon House

Tennessee, Maury County, Williamsport
One of the few remaining buildings associated with the Old Natchez Trace is the house of ferry operator John Gordon.

In the early 1800s Gordon made an agreement with the Chickasaw Chief George Colbert to operate a trading post and ferry on the Duck River.

Military expeditions with General Andrew Jackson kept him away from home much of the time. His wife Dorathea supervised the construction of the present house in 1817-18. John Gordon died shortly after it was completed, but Mrs. Gordon lived here until her death in 1859.

(Native Americans • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Liberty Ships – Born in World War II

California, San Francisco County, San Francisco

Visit America’s answer to Hitler’s U-Boats – one of the last 2,710 identical armed Merchant Ships built to carry “beans, bullets and black oil" to our fighting men around the world. The goal was to build them faster than the enemy could sink them. Their simple design originated in Britain, using identical parts, mass produced in factories across America. Liberty Ship construction set all time records: only 60 days from laying to launch.

The National Liberty Ship Memorial is crewed entirely by volunteers and is a Registered Historical Landmark.

(War, World II • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Pecos Pueblo Mission

New Mexico, San Miguel County, Pecos
The largest of the mission churches at Pecos Pueblo, ca. 1625

La Iglesia mas grande de la mission de Pecos, ca. 1625

(Hispanic Americans • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Tobacco Farm - Old Trace

Tennessee, Maury County, Hampshire
Tobacco Farm- You see here a typical early 1900's tobacco farm. A 10-minute loop walk takes you through the field and to the barn where you see tobacco hanging to dry.

Old Trace- From here you may drive north on a narrow 2 -mile section of the original Old Natchez Trace and meet the parkway at the other end.

Your slower pace may take you back in time and let you enjoy the views of the valley below.

(Agriculture • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Gateway Cabin

California, Nevada County, Truckee
This cabin was one of several built by Jack Wolert for Dick Joseph in 1939 on US Route 40. The cabin was constructed of lumber salvaged from houses being dismantled 3 miles north of Truckee at Hobart Mills and served as the Gateway Motel’s Office. Originally located at the site of the current Gateway Shopping Center on Donner Pass Road (Historic US 40). It was donated to the Truckee Donner Historical Society in 1990 and moved to this location on May 11, 1991. Thanks to community efforts, the cabin has been restored and serves as a historical research library.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Tennessee Valley Divide

Tennessee, Williamson County, Franklin
The high ground you are on is part of a long ridge that divides central Tennessee. Streams south of the divide flow to the Duck and Tennessee Rivers, while streams to the north empty into the Cumberland River.

Travelers in the early days of the Natchez Trace were more conscious of the divide. Moving on foot or on horseback, they noticed changes in elevation and stream direction. going north toward Nashville, Tennessee the Valley Divide marked the edge of the frontier — the end of Chickasaw Indian Country.

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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