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Saint Ignatius' Church

Maryland, Charles County, Port Tobacco Village
The Manor Land was acquired in 1649, under Lord Baltimore's "Conditions of Plantation." The Chapel was built probably in 1662, the manor house in 1741. Bishop Carroll laid the cornerstone of the present church in 1798. Here occurred in 1805 the viva voce restoration of the Jesuit order in the United States.

Erected 1949 by Alcala Caravan No. 16 Order of Alhambra.

(Churches, Etc. • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Town of Halfmoon

New York, Saratoga County, Halfmoon
Organized in 1788 as one of the four original towns of Saratoga County, Halfmoon became a residential community in the late 20th century.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The National Martyrs' Shrine of America

New York, Montgomery County, Auriesville
It was here that America’s only Canonized Martyrs the Jesuit priest Father Isaac Jogues, the Jesuit lay-brother Rene’ Goupil and John Lalande shed their blood for Christ in 1642 and 1646. Here also, in this Indian village of Ossernenon the Lily of the Mohawks, Kateri Tekakwitha was born in 1656.
Built in 1930, this Coliseum of Our Lady of Martyrs has been a place of spiritual refreshment, light and peace for the many thousands who have come to pray here where the Martyrs died.
We appreciate your visit to Auriesville, dear Friend. May you find peace and blessing in this beautiful and holy place.
The Shrine is maintained only by the generosity of pilgrims and visitors. We are grateful to those who help us shoulder the financial burden.

(Churches, Etc. • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Indian Trail and Military Road

New York, Montgomery County, Salt Springville

Covered by Clinton's Army in 1779 on march to join Gen. Sullivan at Tioga

(War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ninth Michigan Monument at Chickamauga

Georgia, Walker County, near Lytle

(Front) Michigan
to her
Ninth Regiment of Infantry
John G. Parkhurst, Colonel, commanding
Provost Guard, Thomas' Corps
Sept. 18th, 1863, this regiment occupied positions near Crawfish Springs: on the 19th train guard to Chattanooga: on the 20th marched to a position on the Dry Valley Road near the base of this hill, where it performed important services: later to Rossville Gap.

(War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ninth Michigan Marker at Chickamauga

Georgia, Walker County, near Lytle
Ninth Michigan
12:30 P.M. Sept. 20, 1863

(War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.

Circle of Life

Minnesota, Anoka County, Anoka

The Dakota and Ojibwa people believed that the confluence of two great rivers was a sacred place.

The Point was used as an encampment and gathering place for several tribes. It was also a meeting place to form hunting parties going north into the game-rich white pine forests on the upper Rum River.

These encampments were in the form of a circle. The Dakota believed that the circles symbolized the universe within which all elements are contained and have equal status.

The sacred campfire circle formed the structure for spirituality, tribal government, community life, family relationships and social interaction. These values were expressed in songs and dances around the sacred circle.

(Native Americans • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

John J. McGraw Memorial

New York, Cortland County, Truxton
In memory of John J. McGraw, born in Truxton April 7, 1873, died Feb. 25, 1934. A great American, one of baseball's immortals dynamic leader of the New York Giants for thirty years

(Sports) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


New York, Ontario County, Victor
In the Seneca language, Ganodagen means White Town. In Seneca tradition the color white is linked to the ideas of peace purity and truth. The translation preferred by Seneca today is Town of Peace. Seneca Traditionalists connect this town with the life of Jikonhsaseh, the Peace Mother, one of the founders of the Haudenosaunee, or League of the Iroquois.

The Frenchmen who attacked this town in 1687 called it variously Gannagaro, Ganaguia, Gaensara, and Gazeroare. A Christian Mohawk referred to it as Kohoseraghe. The names are probably Mohawk in origin.

In the 1840s, the Tonawanda Seneca knew this site as Gaosaehgaaah, The basswood bark lies there, or Gaosagao in the basswood country.

Under whatever name, this is the site of one of the four principal towns of the Seneca in 1687. As they were known to the French, Totikton and Gannondata were in the west and Gannagaro and Gannongarae in the east of the Seneca homeland.

(Colonial Era • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


New York, Ontario County, Victor
Although the Seneca were successful hunters and gatherers, they were famed for their horticulture. Up until colonial times Seneca cultivators were primarily women, and the plant world was associated with their aspect of life. Central to Seneca material and spiritual well-being were three crops: corn, beans, and squash.

The Seneca believe these crops, termed the Three Sisters, sustain human live. The ceremonial year is heavily associated with their growth and harvest. Planting time and two harvests of corn are celebrated with great enthusiasm among traditional Seneca.

Huge stores of corn and beans were discovered in the picketed granary on Fort Hill during the Denonville Campaign of 1687. Denonville estimated his soldiers destroyed over 440,000 bushels of old and new corn that summer in the four major Seneca towns.

(Agriculture • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Belle Vue

West Virginia, Jefferson County, Shepherdstown
Built by Col. Joseph Van Swearingen
American Revolutionary Soldier
Visited by Lafayette, George Washington, Henry Clay and Wm. J. Bryan
Home of Henry Shepherd V. Descendant of Shepherdtown's founder

(Colonial Era • Patriots & Patriotism • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Bushmills History & Heritage

United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, County Antrim, Bushmills

The Salmon
The natural life cycle of a salmon is one of nature's wonders. A salmon begins its life in the shallow water and gravel beds of the river as eggs then fry. These small fry stay in the river until they mature into par. The next stage of their life is when they mature into smolts and take on the colouring of the mature salmon.

The smolts move downstream around May or June to begin their epic migration to feeding grounds in the north Atlantic. Here, they feed on fish, such as capelin, herring and sand eel, which give salmon's flesh the characteristic pink colour.

Over the next year, the smolts mature into grilse and then make their way back to the rivers they came from to spawn and complete the cycle.

How they find their way back home is still one of the great mysteries of the natural world!

Since 1972, Bushmills Salmon Research Station has been engaged in a research project counting and monitoring smolts leaving the river and salmon returning.

The river is managed as a premier salmon river and the research has led to the Bush becoming recognised as an index river by the International Council for Exploration of the Seas.

The station also operates a fish farm and hatchery. The salmon reared here are released as smolts with data tags as part of a long term research programme.

Dunluce Castle
This spectacular castle is built on a basalt outcrop with a cave underneath, known as the Mermaid's Cave. The castle is a mixture of architecture, which includes Norman and Elizabethan.

The castle had several owners throughout its history. The most notable is the MacDonnells, who were given the title seat of Earl of Antrim by Elizabeth the First. The MacDonnells held Dunluce Castle until its decline in the mid 1600s.

The castle was inspirational to the writer C.S. Lewis who enjoyed visiting the north coast. It is said that Dunluce inspired Cair Paravel, where the King and Queen of Narnia ruled from, in Lewis' book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

The ruins of St. Cuthbert's Church are a short walk from Dunluce Castle. The church's graveyard contains some wonderful heritage headstones, dating from 1610 onward. Local folklore tells stories which suggest that victims from the ill-fated Spanish Armada ship 'La Girona', were buried here by Sorley Boy MacDonnell.

In 1588, La Girona was shipwrecked on Lacada point at the Giant's Causeway. The ship was trying to make its way to Scotland after being driven back by fierce gales off the west coast of Ireland. Over 1200 men died, including crews of two other shipwrecks that were also on board. The ship was also carrying Spanish nobility and their gold possessions. In 1967, Robert Stenuit, a Belgium diver and explorer, recovered this treasure.

Bushmills was originally known as Portcaman, a parish name dating back to the Norman period. Part of their power structure was to divide areas into deaneries and parish[es with?] a church.

In 1315, the military campaign of Edward the Bruce effectively ended Norman influence here and destroyed many parish churches. The bubonic plague which followed in 1348 killed half the population and devastated congregations which resulted in parishes amalgamation.

Portcaman and Dunluce became one parish, with a church at Dunluce village. After Dunluce Castle was abandoned, the population shifted back to the river Bush and its emerging water-powered industries.

Portcaman disappeared as a parish name after the disestablishment of the Church in 1870 and redefinition of boundaries.

The Diamond
The market square lies behind the clock tower. Weekly markets once took place here, and a linen market also opened in 1833.

Men, women and children would also find employment here at the Hiring Fair, held twice-yearly in May and November.

Millennium Park
Mo Mowlam, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, opened Millenium Park in 1999. The park was created as a Moyle District Council Millenium Project.

In 2008, the footbridge was created to link the village to the park. The Old Bushmills Whiskey Distillery made a contribution towards the construction of the bridge as part of the 400th anniversary celebrations of the Distillery.

(Disasters • Environment • Industry & Commerce • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Dunluce Castle

United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, County Antrim, near Bushmills

Side A
Welcome to Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle, dramatically positioned on this sheer headland between the Giant's Causeway and Portrush, was built between the 15th and 17th centuries. At this time it was one of the finest castles in the region and served to control the land and sea routes of North Ulster. Inside the castle you will discover centuries of stories and legends that reveal the turbulent history of the MacQuillans, the MacDonnells and the Scottish settlers who lived in the 'lost town of Dunluce'.

[Photo caption reads] Dunluce Castle c.1900

[Map and Causeway Coastal Route Journey linear locator]

Side B
Some of the famous causeway stones were used to build the castle. How many can you see in the walls and floors of the castle today?

Centuries of History Unearthed

Dunluce Castle has a history shaped by violence, intrigue and rebellion.

There have been people living at this site for at least 1500 years. In the 13th century an Anglo-Norman manor was established at this location and St Cuthbert's church was built. The castle was built in the second half of the 15th century by the MacQuillans, one of the most powerful families in North Ulster at this time. By 1556 the MacDonnells, from Scotland's western Isles, had taken control of the site. Despite conflict with powerful local families and the English Crown, over the following decades, the castle became the heart of the MacDonnell maritime lordship, including northeast Ulster and parts of the western Isles.

MacDonnell Family
The castle was rebuilt a number of times as the MacDonnell family fortunes changed. In 1608 Randal MacDonnell, who later became Earl of Antrim, established a new plantation town outside the castle walls. Here, Scottish settlers lived and worked. During the Irish rebellion of 1641 the castle was besieged and the surrounding town was destroyed by fire. Its fortunes never recovered after this and the castle was finally abandoned in the 1680s.

Images clockwise from above left:
Early 19th-century illustration of Dunluce Castle, Dunluce Castle from the shore, Excavating in the castle, 16th-century polish coin found during the excavations, Crossing the bridge to the castle, Reconstruction of life inside the castle

Early 17th-century Dutch tile found in the town


Rediscovering the Lost Town of Dunluce
You are now standing in what was once the centre of the bustling early 17th-century town of Dunluce. The ruins of the houses and streets are buried beneath the ground around the castle and throughout the surrounding fields. Archaeological excavations have revealed the buried traces of this lost town and have provided valuable insights into everyday life in a plantation town. The artefacts that were uncovered during these excavations are on display inside the castle.

[Photo caption reads] Excavations at Dunluce Town, clearly showing the wide cobbled roadway in the foreground.


This rocky coastline is home to a wealth of marine life. Beneath the castle you can see rocks, reefs and sea caves and these continue beneath the waves for some distance. The seas off the North Coast are a meeting point for cold arctic waters and warm southern waters giving rise to a unique range of species. This includes animals like the cotton-spinner sea cucumber that is not found anywhere else in Northern Ireland!

The rocks may look grey from above but about 10 metres beneath the sea surface the limestone reef below Dunluce Castle is covered in the vibrant colours of sea life. This colour is created by the presence of soft corals, sea anemones, sponges and sea-urchins. Larger life forms also inhabit the sea and if you look out from the cliffs of Dunluce you may be lucky enough to see porpoise, bottlenose dolphins, basking sharks or sunfish.

The blue flower of Dunluce
Meadow cranebill is one of many rare plants associated with the Causeway Coast. Known locally as the 'blue flower of Dunluce' this wildflower only grows along this stretch of coastline between Dunluce Castle and Ballintoy.

(Environment • Forts, Castles • Man-Made Features • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Limavady Railway

United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, County Londonderry, Limavady

In the early 1900s, Northern Ireland Railways were at their peak. They allowed fast and efficient transport of goods, mail and promoted local seaside resorts. They also established standard time.

From the early 1920s, road and air transport began to replace the railways so that by the end of the 1950s the majority of our local lines had been closed.

Rapid growth of the flax industry in the area led to an increasing demand for fast and efficient export of flax and linen to the large spinning and weaving mills of Belfast, and so the line opened in July 1883.

The steepest gradient and sharpest curve both occurred at Drumaduff Moss, where the train screeched and scraped along the line and often got completely stuck.

Never making a profit, the railway was sold to the Northern Counties Committee in 1907.

Passenger services were withdrawn in 1933 and only one goods train ran daily. The last train ran from Dungiven to Limavady on 8th July 1950. The Limavady Railway ran through here, mostly parallel to the Castle River, with stations at Ardmore, Drumsurn and Derryork. Although the line was removed, remnants of the line can be found around Limavady. You would have been able to see the Station from where you stand now, with trains arriving and leaving from the platforms.

(Industry & Commerce • Railroads & Streetcars) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Where Land and Water Meet

Minnesota, Anoka County, Anoka

The Mississippi River forms a unique and complex ecosystem spanning 2000 miles. From its origin at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota to its outlet in the Gulf of Mexico the river encompasses a diversity of life found only in a very few places on earth.

The river's history spans 750,000 years, having its beginning during the "Great Ice Age," or Pleistocene Epoch. As the glaciers retreated the glacial meltwater formed what is now the Mississippi River Basin. The north/south orientation of the Mississippi River helped to make it one of the most diverse habitat systems on the earth.

Of the 600 freshwater species of fish in North America, 43 percent are found in the Mississippi River – Bass and Walleye are just two types of fish one finds here.

40 percent of North America's migratory birds use the Mississippi River flyway on their way to breeding grounds in the north.

The Mississippi River drains 60 percent of the North American Continent, carrying 22 trillion cubic feet of water annually to the Gulf of Mexico.

The Mississippi River also carries over 500 million tons of sand, silt and clay. Nine thousand years of erosion and runoff have slowly filled the once deeply incised river channel. Here at the confluence of the Mississippi and Rum Rivers the basin becomes shallow and broad. Where the Rum River crosses the sandy plains of Anoka county, meandering streams that have become separated from the flow, small crescent shaped lakes called "oxbows."

This diversity of life is fragile and depends heavily on a clean environment. The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services has worked hard through the years to make the river here free of harmful chemicals. Evidence of this can be seen annually when once again the mayflies hatch by Two Rivers Historical Park.

(Environment • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Jane Ross and "Danny Boy"

United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, County Londonderry, Limavady

It was in Limavady that
the famous melody "Danny Boy"
was noted down by Jane Ross
from a tune played by a blind street
fiddler named Jimmy McCurry

Oh Dan-ny Boy, the pipes, the
pipes are calling from glen to glen
and down the mountain side...

(Arts, Letters, Music) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cantigny First Division Museum

Illinois, DuPage County, Wheaton
Dedicated to the valor of all Americans who fought for their country. Established by trustees of the Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust as a memorial to Colonel Robert R. McCormick who served in France with the 5th Field Artillery, First Division, during World War I

(War, World I) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

General Thomas Lyon Hamer

Ohio, Brown County, Georgetown
Master Mason (1824), Georgetown Lodge No. 72, Free and Accepted Masons. "...Hamer was one of the ablest men Ohio ever produced. I have always believed that had his life been spared, he would have been President of the United States..." Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs Vol. 1

(Politics) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ulysses S. Grant Boyhood Home

Ohio, Brown County, Georgetown
U.S. Grant, general-in-chief of the Armies of the United States, 18th president and first native Ohioan to be elected chief executive, lived in this house from 1824 to 1839. Jesse R. Grant, his father, built the original part fronting Water Street in 1824 and later built an addition fronting Main Cross Street, now Grant Avenue. "This place remained my home, until at the age of seventeen, in 1839, I went to West Point."

(Politics • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Rankin House

Ohio, Brown County, Ripley
Home of Reverend John Rankin, Underground Railroad Station 1828-1863-A State Memorial of the Ohio Historical Society

(Abolition & Underground RR • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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