New York, Monroe County, Rochester
Have honor for Nathaniel Rochester
after whom our city was named.
Born in Virginia 21 February 1752
Colonel in the American Revolution
Patriot Pioneer Founder
He typified in his honorable public service and private enterprise the best pioneer traditions of the Genesee Country.
He shaped our young village, he was the earliest promoter of our prosperity, parting with his possessions to procure a virile population. In the wilderness he had a vision of a city.
As a man, his life was of constant integrity and primitive simplicity, winning the affection of a grateful community. He had courage, energy and faith. He gave our city more than a name - the heritage of his inspiring personality.
On this site stood his home built in 1824 where he died 17 May 1831.
(Colonial Era • Settlements & Settlers • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Have honor for Nathaniel Rochester
after whom our city was named.
Born in Virginia 21 February 1752
Colonel in the American Revolution
Patriot Pioneer Founder
He typified in his honorable public service and private enterprise the best pioneer traditions of the Genesee Country.
He shaped our young village, he was the earliest promoter of our prosperity, parting with his possessions to procure a virile population. In the wilderness he had a vision of a city.
As a man, his life was of constant integrity and primitive simplicity, winning the affection of a grateful community. He had courage, energy and faith. He gave our city more than a name - the heritage of his inspiring personality.
On this site stood his home built in 1824 where he died 17 May 1831.
(Colonial Era • Settlements & Settlers • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.