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The Gathering Place

Minnesota, Anoka County, Anoka
The square of land on the east side of the Rum River just south of Main Street has been a place for Anoka citizens to gather since the town began in the mid-1800's. Known as Bridge Square, it was a place to share news, to hear speeches and concerts, to celebrate special occasions, or just to get together. This shelter, while not in the original location, was built in the image of the old band shell that stood a few hundred yards north of here.

Akin Riverside Historic Promenade

(Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Gainesville’s Only Artesian Spring

Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville

Located below is Gainesville’s only artesian spring. Tapped directly with a pipe in 1898, the springs provided the City’s only water source for many years.

In 1905, Gainesville’s plentiful water supply was used to entice the University of Florida to locate here.

Abandoned in 1948, upon the completion of a water treatment plant, water from the springs now flows onto Paynes Prairie providing a habitat for a diversity of birds, animals, fish and reptiles.

(Natural Resources) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Boulware Springs Water Works Building

Florida, Alachua County, Gainesville

The Boulware Springs Water Works Building is located directly adjacent to the brick reservoir for the springs, on a site of gently rolling to steep topography at the northern edge of Paynes Prairie.

Boulware Springs, free-flowing and gravity-fed, was at one time estimated to contribute 300,000 gallons per day to Boulware Run, which flows south to Paynes Prairie and thence to the Florida aquifier.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 10 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Site of Old Mobile

Alabama, Mobile County, near Creola
Site of
Old Mobile
Fort Louis de la Louisiane
Founded 1702 by
Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville
Under orders of Louis XIV
First Capital of French Louisiana
1702-1711 (French) Site de
Vieux Mobile
Fort Louis de la Louisiane Premiere
Capitale de la Louisiane Francaise
Fondee par
Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville
par ordre de Louis XIV, Roi de France

(Colonial Era • Forts, Castles • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ellicott's Stone

Alabama, Mobile County, near Le Moyne
Marks 1st Southern Boundary of the United States and the Mississippi Territory created in 1798
-----900 feet East-----

Stone marked 31° North Latitude separating the U.S. & Spanish Florida.

This line of demarcation ran from the Mississippi east, along the 31° parallel to the Chattahoochie River, thence down that river to the mouth of the Flint River, thence on a line to the headwaters of the St. Mary’s River, thence down that river to the Atlantic Ocean.

Major Andrew Ellicott, appointed by George Washington as U.S. Commissioner to survey the boundary as defined in the Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795), was engaged in this expedition from 1796-1800. Esteban Minor was appointed Commissioner on the Spanish side.

In 1803, the Ellicott Stone was selected as the Initial Point to begin the U.S. Public Land Surveys which control land boundaries in southern Alabama & Mississippi (St. Stephens Meridian).

(Colonial Era • Exploration) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Tacitus Ryland Arbuckle

California, Siskiyou County, Callahan
Born March 6, 1835 in Lexington, Missouri, Tacitus, at the age of nineteen, left for California by the southern overland route. The journey took six months to complete. He spent many years mining in Napa and Sonoma Counties, working on a ranch in Napa County and stock raising in Mendocino County. There he purchased a stock ranch located on Ranchirita Creek at the head of Anderson Valley. In 1866 Tacitus acquired 7320 acres of land in Colusa County that became his townsite. Construction of the Northern Railroad up the west side of the Sacramento Valley in 1875 spurred the growth and development of the town of Arbuckle. Tacitus founded the town, was it’s first postmaster, deeded the lots and help build the first house in what has since come to be known far and wide as “The Home of the Almonds.” Tacitus Ryland Arbuckle died on July 7, 1899.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mt. Vernon Federal Highway

Alabama, Mobile County, Mt. Vernon
In 1811, the Mount Vernon Cantonment, located on a hill about three miles west of the Mobile River, was laid out by Col. Thomas H. Cushing. The cantonment was on the site of a spring called Mount Vernon Springs. In 1814, the garrison at Mt. Vernon was visited by Andrew Jackson. Construction of the Old Federal Road from Milledgeville, Georgia to Fort Stoddert, Alabama began in 1818. 1828 president Andrew Jackson authorized for Mt. Vernon to become a military arsenal. By 1830 the construction of a wall ten feet high and two feet thick began to encompass the arsenal. In 1861 Captain Jesse Reno surrendered Mt. Vernon arsenal to four confederate companies from Mobile. In 1866, the arsenal was returned to the Federal Government. 1870 Mt. Vernon post ceased to be an arsenal. In 1873, William Belknap, Secretary of War recommended the arsenal property become Mt. Vernon Barracks. In 1887, 450 Apaches came to Mt. Vernon from Fort Pickens, Florida. Among them were Indian Chiefs Geronimo, Chihuahua, and Natchez (Son of Cochise). In 1895 Mt. Vernon barracks was given to the State of Alabama.

(Forts, Castles • Native Americans • Roads & Vehicles • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Fort Stoddert

Alabama, Mobile County, Mt Vernon
Site three miles east. Border fort and port of entry into the United States while the 31st parallel was the southern border. Aaron Burr was held prisoner here after capture near McIntosh in 1807.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mount Vernon Arsenal and Barracks/Searcy Hospital

Alabama, Mobile County, near Mt. Vernon
(obverse) Mount Vernon Arsenal and Barracks
Established 1828 by Congress to store arms and munitions for U. S. Army. Original structures completed 1830's.

Arsenal appropriated by Confederacy 1861; equipment moved to Selma facilities. After Civil War used as U. S. Army barracks; from 1887-1894 served as holding ground for Apache Indian prisoners. Deeded to State of Alabama 1895.

Josiah Gorgas, later Chief of Ordnance of Confederacy, stationed here 1850's; Dr. Walter Reed, conqueror of yellow fever, served as post surgeon 1880's; Apache chieftain, Geronimo, prisoner here 1887-1894.

(reverse) Searcy Hospital
Mt. Vernon Hospital established 1900 by State of Alabama. Served as mental hospital for care of Black citizens. Name changed 1919 to Searcy Hospital honoring first superintendent, Dr. J. T. Searcy. Treatment for all citizens began 1969. Nine of structures dating from 1830's still in use, including Superintendent's House, Tower Building, and Library. Enclosing wall dates from 1830's.

(African Americans • Native Americans • Science & Medicine • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Andrews Chapel

Alabama, Washington County, McIntosh
Andrews Chapel, also known as the McIntosh Log Church, is one of the few remaining log churches in Alabama. In 1860, John C. Rush and his wife donated land for the church to the McIntosh Community. Shortly afterwards, the church was constructed and named for James O. Andrews, a bishop in the Methodist Church. The log church is secured on the ends by square notching and caulking in the cracks. The roof is covered with wood shingles. In 1952, a new church was constructed and Andrews Chapel was vacated. It is currently used for special occasions. Andrews Chapel was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Town of McIntosh

Alabama, Washington County, McIntosh
(side 1)
McIntosh has a community population of about 300. The town was incorporated on April 7, 1970, becoming the third incorporated town in Washington County. The following officials were elected to serve four year terms: Mayor Carrol Daugherty, R.A. Boykin, Arla Kern, Frank Everett, W.Z. Wells and Armond Daugherty. People of black, white and Indian ancestry live in the area of McIntosh. McIntosh is served by the Southern Railroad which runs from Mobile to Birmingham to connecting lines. Highway 43 runs through McIntosh, north-south. The Tombigbee River is on the eastern boundary of McIntosh. It is a navigable waterway and provides fishing for the local sportsmen. Telephone service came to McIntosh in the early 1950's as a result of the construction of two large chemical plants constructed near the large salt dome, a natural resource. (Continued on other side) (side 2) (Continued from other side) The forest located around McIntosh, has always provided livelihood for McIntosh residents. Longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, hardwood, such as oak, hickory, beech, ash, cedar, cypress, poplar, walnut, gum and dogwood were found to be abundant in the area with trees used for making paper and furniture. At the time of this marker dedication in 2010, McIntosh had two schools located on separate campuses, McIntosh Elementary School on the north end of town and McIntosh High School on the south end of town; five industrial plants; and a Rescue and Fire Department. Also, as of 2010, the Mayor was Carrol Daugherty, the only person elected since the town’s incorporation. Serving with him as council members were Dean Daugherty, Joe Middleton, Randy Davidson, Julia Wells and Tony Daugherty.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Taylor House

Alabama, Washington County, Leroy
(side 1)
Built circa 1841 by Walter Taylor on Commerce Street in Jackson. In 1985, it was removed from its original site to make way for a new City Hall Complex and was brought to this site and restored as the Leroy Branch of the Washington County State Bank.

(side 2)
Walter Taylor (1817-1886) was the son of Daniel Taylor, one of the original Commissioners of the town of Jackson in 1816. He was a prominent attorney, farmer and merchant and with his wife Amanda Caroline Lankford Taylor, founded the Jackson Methodist Church in 1842.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Old St. Stephens Masonic Lodge No. 9 (1821-1834)/St. Stephens Lodge No. 81

Alabama, Washington County, St. Stephens
Old St. Stephens Masonic Lodge No. 9

Gov. Israel Pickens, Col. Silas Dinsmore, Thomas Eastin, R. Chamberlain, Thomas Malone, J.F. Ross, Daniel Coleman, John Womack, W.D. Gaines, James Roberts, James K. Blount, Ptolemy Harris, F.S. Lyon, Micajah Brewer, John F. McGrew.

One of the nine lodges that organized the Grand Lodge of Alabama at Cahaba in 1821, however, Masonry existed here as early was 1811. (See other side)

St. Stephens Lodge
No. 81

After the decline of Old St. Stephens, a Masonic Lodge was organized and chartered here in 1854. Minutes kept and meetings held continuously since charter date at this site.

CHARTER AND EARLY MEMBERS WERE: T.P. Ashe, W.A. Bailey, Thos. H. Bailey, F.W. Baker, James K. Blount, R.O. Bowling, W.F. Brunson, John W. Carpenter, E.H. Gordy, Jackson W. Faith, James G. Hawkins, F.C. Koen, T.S. Parker, Daniel Rain, Benton C. Rain, John A. Richardson, James White, Walter Woodyard. (See other side)

(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

History of the [Luther] House

Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

1n 1507, Luther's father, Hans Luder, purchased the house - now known as the Parents' House [Elternhaus] - and owned it until the time of his death in 1530. Afterwards, ownership was transferred to Hans Luder's son Jacob. In a note dating from 1542, a second dwelling is mentioned. A second house would explain the size of the house and the adjoining farm complex.

The house remained in the family until it was sold in late 1578. In 1807, the central section of the building was demolished in order to give access to the mayor's house, which lies behind it. Later, the section of the building to the left of the driveway was renovated. As a result, only about one-third of the original house remains today.

This remaining section of the Parents' House was acquired by the Mansfeld Luther House Association between the years of 1878 and 1885, during which time it served as deaconess lodgings. Using the house for such a social purpose was considered an honor to Luther's memory.

In 1889, the local Church took ownership of the house. In 2007, in preparation for the renovations, the house was transferred to the city of Mansfeld in preparation for the necessary renovations. This work began in 2011 and will be completed in 2013.

Building Project
Luther's Parents' House is undergoing an expansion that is to include a modern museum building that will be located on the opposite side of the street from the memorial. In addition to exhibition space, the building will also include space for special events and cultural education programs.

At the same time as the expansion, the historic building will be renovated and outfitted with new museum facilities. Until now, the building has had only one exhibition room, which is on the top floor. Moving forward, the rooms in the cellar and on the main floor will be made available with the intention of helping to introduce visitors to Luther's early childhood years and youth in Mansfeld.

Once construction is complete, current plans call for the group of buildings to be transferred to the auspices of the Luther Memorials Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt. Taken together, the Luther Memorials at Eisleben and Wittenberg and the renovated Parents' House will make it possible to depict Luther's biography and works in their entirety.

The design for the new building was devised by the Alderhalten architectural firm from Berlin.

New Exhibition
Luther was shaped by his early childhood and youth in Mansfeld. Thus, the focus of the permanent exhibition in the new building will be on the life of the young Martin Luther. Throughout his life, Luther regarded himself as a native of the Mansfeld district. In fact, his later writings reflect both his experiences as a schoolboy and his upbringing in his parent's home.

The archeological findings that have been excavated since 2003 on the grounds of Luther's Parents' House have shed new light on the daily lives of Hans and Margarethe Luder and their children. Topics such as life in the house and farm, children's toys, clothing, the household, and food are all represented in the exhibition. Luther's years in school in Mansfeld will also be highlighted in the exhibition.

Renovation of the historical building is being approached in an innovative manner that will expand upon the exhibitions and enable visitors to hear, see and experience the setting in [a] way that it will give a lasting impression of the world around the year 1500.

[German language version not available]

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Cascade Theater

California, Shasta County, Redding

Date Opened: August 9, 1935
Owner Operator: T & D Jr. Enterprises
Architect: J. Lloyd Conrich / San Francisco, CA
General Contractor: Sath Brothers / San Francisco, CA

Date Reopened : August 14, 2002
Owner Operator: Southern Oregon University / JPR Foundation
Architect: James Theimer, AIA / Trilogy Architecture / Redding, CA
Historic Preservation Direction: George Kramer, MS / Ashland, OR
General Contracting:
A.D. Wagner Contracting / Redding, CA
Gifford Construction / Redding, CA

Historic Recognition Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Listed on the California Register of Historical Resources
Recipient of Art Deco Society of California Preservation Award

(Entertainment • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Diestelhorst Auto Camp / Reid’s Ferry

California, Shasta County, Redding
Two separate markers have been mounted on the same rock.

Marker on the Right:
Diestelhorst Auto Camp Gotlieb Justus Diestelhorst came to Shasta in 1852, to grow produce and vegetables to sell. He found the soil impossible. This 84 acre parcel became available, in 1859. With his wife Caroline, he settled in to raise a family and farm. Upriver from his home, Gotlieb planted an extensive orchard. Downriver from his home was a huge vegetable garden. On the high ground towards downtown, he planted hay. After his death in 1903 his sons, John and Charles, continued the store and ranch. Charles started the first dredge in Shasta County. With the advent of the automobile the family developed an auto camp with 30 cabins, gas station and store. Water was supplied by a huge water wheel, then a very large pump. The auto camp became a summer resort and with the bridge in place for jumping and diving competition, the resort was a popular summer swimming hole for local residents. The “Riverside Dance Pavilion” was built next to the south approach to the bridge. Big bands from Los Angeles to Seattle came to play. The 1940 flood wiped out most of the resort. The descendants of Gotlieb sold the property to the city for a park in 1977.

Marker on the Left: Reid’s Ferry This ferry crossing was established in 1851 under license of the Court of Sessions. Also known and operated as Shaw’s, Green’s and Hunt’s Ferries, it was purchased by Edward Reid in 1860. This site was the main crossing of the Sacramento River on the road from Shasta, and after Redding was founded in 1872, from Redding to northern and eastern Shasta County, until the free bridge was built in 1884. It was operated by E.A. Reid until sold to John and Charles Diestelhorst, the sons of Gotleib Diestelhorst, in 1907. Since the ferry was launched from Diestelhorst property, the acquisition of the ferry fit well into the vast array of businesses developed by the family. Gotlieb Diestelhorst purchased 84 acres along the river in 1859, for the sum of $2,500, part of Major Pierson B. Reading’s Rancho Buena Ventura. For a short time after the Diestelhorst Bridge was completed across the river at this location in 1915, the bridge was known as Reid’s Ferry Bridge. The Diestelhorst family sold the land for the railroad trestle and bridge approach to the city. The bridge was in constant use until 1997, with the completion of the North Court Street Bridge.

(Bridges & Viaducts • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

California – Oregon Road

California, Shasta County, near Anderson
“The pioneers in their journeys marked the roads and trails so that others recognizing them might safely follow”

This spot marks the location of the
California – Oregon Road
Main artery of travel of the pioneers blazed by them in the “fifties” and followed at this place by
The Pacific Highway
“Linking the past with the future”

Dedicated to the pioneers of Northern California

(Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Flume

California, Shasta County, Anderson
This aqueduct was built in 1918 as connecting link of main canal of Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation Dist., to carry water across Anderson Gulch to irrigate lands in southern Shasta Co. Aqueduct is 1249 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 5 ft. deep and 20 ft. from the ground.

Sponsors: Historic Preservation Comm., Cascade Dist., Calif. Garden Clubs, Inc., Anderson Valley Garden Club and Cottonwood Garden Club.

(Bridges & Viaducts) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Masonic Lodge

California, Shasta County, Anderson
The Masonic Lodge was constructed of locally made brick on this site prior to 1866. Mount Shasta Lodge No. 281 F. & A.M. occupied the building from 1886 to 1895, then again from 1934 until they sold the building to the City of Anderson in 2001. During the interim years, the building served as a furniture and upholstery store, harness shop, photographic studio, real estate office, post office, and general office building. The Masonic Lodge was demolished in 2006. The brick facade on this new building was constructed with bricks salvaged during the demolition.

(Fraternal or Sororal Organizations) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Anderson Historic Fire Station

California, Shasta County, Anderson
Originally constructed in 1903 on this site as a two-story building, the Anderson Fire Station was completed for a cost of $90 for used lumber and nails.
Initial firefighting equipment included twelve buckets, four axes, three sections of hose and a hand drawn hose cart. The first motorized fire equipment purchased for the station was a 1924 Dodge chemical truck, which was sold for scrap for the war effort in 1943. This was replaced by the 1941 and 1946 Van Pelt trucks, which are still housed in the station.

(Charity & Public Work • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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