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Earle Monument

Minnesota, Renville County, near Morton
Erected by the
Renville Co. Pioneers,
Aug. 18, 1907.
In Memory of
Radnor Earle
who was killed by the
Indians in the massacre
of Aug. 18, 1862
while Saving his Father's life.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Settlements & Settlers • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

1910 Bethlehem Steel Strike

Pennsylvania, Northampton County, Bethlehem
In February, 1910, over 9,000 steelworkers went on strike over wages, overtime, and work conditions. A striker was shot and killed here during hostilities that ensued. The subsequent federal investigation substantiated workers' claims and contributed to industry reforms.

(Labor Unions) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Richard Sears Memorial Park

Minnesota, Redwood County, North Redwood Falls
Richard Warren Sears a 22-year-old Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway agent, first sold a shipment of watches from North Redwood in 1886. His mail-order enterprises eventually grew into Sears, Roebuck and Co., the nation's largest retailer and now a diversified financial services corporation.

This park, located adjacent to the site of the former Redwood station, is dedicated to Richard Sears as part of the North Redwood Centennial, August 19, 1984.

(Industry & Commerce • Railroads & Streetcars) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Missouri Military Academy

Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico

Presented to
Missouri Military Academy
in honor of its
One Hundredth Anniversary
1889 - 1989
by the
Mexico Area Chamber of Commerce
with deep appreciation and grateful
recognition of its 100 continuous years of
outstanding community service
and good citizenship to the
community of Mexico, Missouri
This presentation made to the
Missouri Military Academy
on the occasion of its
Seventy-fifth Anniversary
by the
Mexico Chamber of Commerce
in grateful recognition of its
outstanding community service
and good citizenship
Stribling Hall
In Tribute To
Col. Charles Riddle Stribling, Jr.
Inspiring classroom teacher; acclaimed national,
state and local leader in civic affairs and education;
successful businessman, whose most treasured personal
reward always came from moulding boys into ever
more highly dedicated and accomplished M.M.A. cadets,
gentlemen, and Americans.

1920-33 Member of Faculty
1933-68 President and Superintendent
1968- Chairman of the Board

Dedicated by the Board of Trustees...1981

(Education • Man-Made Features • Patriots & Patriotism) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Reuben Wilson

New York, Niagara County, Wilson
Reuben Wilson, founder of the Town of Wilson landed near this site, June, 1810.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

War in Schoharie County

New York, Schoharie County, Schoharie
During the American Revolution the large wheat farms of the Schoharie Valley supplied the Continental Army, so they were a frequent target of British-allied Loyalists and Iroquois raiding parties.
After a Loyalist uprising at the Flockey in 1777, the German Reformed Church at Foxestown (now Schoharie) was fortified with a stockade and blockhouses to become Lower Fort. Middle and Upper Forts were constructed around houses further upstream. These forts were manned by Continental troops, militia and state levies.
In October 1780, Sir John Johnson led the largest of the British raids through the region. Over 700 troops ravaged the valley, destroying 74 houses, 77 barns, four mills and nearly the entire harvest in a single day. Middle Fort survived an attack, as did the Lower (Old Stone) Fort, which sustained cannon damage still visible today.
The raiders continued north to the Mohawk River and then turned west, burning everything in their path for the next two days. Finally New York militia and levies drove them off after battles at Stone Arabia and Klock's Field.

"The settlement of Schoharie [alone] would have delivered 80,000 Bushels of Grain but that fine district is now totally destroyed."
General George Washington to Congress, November 7, 1780

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Patriots & Patriotism • War, US Revolutionary) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Grusendorf Log House

Maryland, Montgomery County, Gaithersburg
The Grusendorf Log House is one of a few remaining pre-Civil War structures in the Germantown/Gaithersburg area.

The Cabin was relocated to its present site next to the Seneca Creek State Park Visitor Center in the 1990s to preserve it from encroaching development. Its original location was on Clopper Road, just west of Great Seneca Highway.

Simple Lifestyles
One room housed the whole family. The loft was used for sleeping. Family activities centered around the hearth. The house was lighted by only two windows, making it dark and dreary in the winter.

Notice that there is no landscaping. That was a luxury for which early settlers has no extra time. Their time was devoted to the essentials of life.

Although the log house is no longer part of "Old Germantown," its preservation will always allow us to imagine the past, and the German immigrants who settled at the crossroads of Clopper Road and Route 118. Today, on its new site, the log house is used for historical educational programs.

Utilizing Local Materials
Jacob Snyder, a German immigrant, built the house in 1855. In 1860, he sold it to Franz and Hanna Grusendorf. Franz Grusendorf was a stone mason who built the foundations and walls of many houses and farm buildings of the time in the Germantown area.

The Grusendorf house is typical of early 19th century homes built by German farmers who settled in the region. The cabin has V-notched logs which once chinked with fieldstone and clay (however the preserved structure utilizes a formula that includes modern day concrete.)

The original fieldstone foundation was from local fieldstone. Like most log houses of the time, it had lapped siding mad of milled wooden boards. When siding was not available -- or affordable -- exposed logs were whitewashed using a paint based on lime, for protection from weather and insects.

(Notable Buildings • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Green Estate

Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico

Allen P. Green, with his wife and five children, came to Mexico in 1910 to manage a small, struggling brick plant. He soon bought it and founded the A.P. Green Fire Brick Company. It flourished and by 1937 had become the world's largest firebrick plant.

In building the company, Mr. Green bought several thousand acres for mining fireclay and eventually set aside this property for his family, where he and three of his children built homes. The first home, that of Walter G. and Martha Green Staley, was built in 1933, followed the next year by that of Arthur D. and Elizabeth Green Bond, and in 1938 by that of Robert S. and Susan Keays Green.

In 1941, Mr. Green and his wife Josephine Brown Green built their own Georgian style brick home on the property's most prominent hilltop. After their deaths in 1956 and 1957, their home was used as a guest house for visitors to the company until the closing of the firebrick plant in 2002.

The original four homes and the northern portion of the Estate remain as private property. In 2005, the southern portion of the Estate was donated to the City of Mexico by a great grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Green, Warren C. Smith, Jr. and his family. On May 13, 2006, the land was dedicated by the City as the "Green Estate Park".

(Charity & Public Work • Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Churchill Gate

Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico

On March 5, 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, MO, Winston Churchill delivered his renowned "Iron Curtain" Speech. Allen P. Green built this gate in anticipation of a visit to his home by the former British Prime Minister and President Harry S. Truman. Logistical problems, however, prevented their making the visit, but the gate was preserved and became known as the "Churchill Gate"

(Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Wrigley Memorial

California, Los Angeles County, Avalon

There are five panels placed at the memorial:

First panel in front of the memorial to the right. There is a duplicate panel located at the left entrance of the walkway:
Wrigley Memorial is dedicated to the memory of Wm. Wrigley Jr. It was designed by the architectural firm of Bennett, Parsons and Frost of Chicago.

Excavation for the building began in July 1933, actual construction was started in October of that same year, and the building was completed in June of 1934.

This structure stands 232 feet wide, 180 feet deep, and 130 feet high from the bottom of its circular stairway to the top of its main 80 foot tower.

Second panel on the stairway to the right:
This building was constructed as nearly as possible from Catalina materials. Aggregate stone, all of which was quarried and crushed in Catalina, was the principal building material. It was bonded with white cement and sandblasted to reveal and accent the colors and textures of the stone and to expose as little of the cement as possible. Nevertheless, 13,400 sacks of white cement from the East Coast were needed to bond the aggregate in addition to 9,900 sacks of gray cement from the Pacific Coast used for the foundation and other non-exposed parts of the building. There are 114 tons of reinforcing steel in the structure.

Third panel at the entrance of the left walkway:
The arches and red tile roof of this building reflect the Spanish influence that dominated the architecture of Early California. To help retain the Early California look in Catalina, Wm. Wrigley Jr. established a tile plant in Catalina which subsequently produced much beautiful tile, including all the red roof tiles and all the colorful hand-made glazed tiles used for decorative effects in this building.

Fourth panel located to the left of the bronze doors:
These bronze doors, created to exact specifications for this memorial building by the Coleman Bronze Company of Chicago in August of 1934, are made of only the best quality architectural bronze and the best quality statuary bronze (90% copper) and the castings are no less than 3/16" thick at any point.

The blue flagstone rock on the ramp to the left and on both the terraces of the tower is a natural product of Catalina. It came from Little Harbor.

Fifth panel located on the inside of the arches:
Although handsome marble has been quarried in Catalina, pink and green marble from Georgia was used in this structure for certain desired finishing effects.

(Notable Buildings • Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 28 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

City of Etna

California, Siskiyou County, Etna
The city of Etna began in 1853 with the construction of a sawmill. In 1855 a flour mill was built and named Rough and Ready Mill. Stores, a hotel and schools were established by 1858.

In 1854 a flour mill was erected a mile away and named the Aetna Mills. A town also grew around it. In the winter of 1861-62 it was destroyed by a flood and the remaining businesses moved to Rough and Ready Mill, including the post office which kept the name Aetna Mills.

By an act of the State Legislature in 1878 the official name became Etna. The post office had dropped the name Aetna Mills by 1924.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Hallie Morse Daggett

California, Siskiyou County, Etna
First woman U.S. Forest Service Fire Lookout
Eddy Gulch Lookout on Klamath Peak
Klamath National Forest 1919-1927

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Horticulture & Forestry) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

John Daggett

California, Siskiyou County, Etna
Arrived in California in 1852
via Isthmus of Panama
Lieut. Governor 1883-1887
Supt. San Francisco Mint 1893-1897
Owner Black Bear Mine
Production 3,000,000 dollars

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Stephen H. Meek

California, Siskiyou County, Etna
Earliest known trapper to visit
Scott Valley. Employed by the Hudson
Bay Company on 1836. He later
made Scott Valley his home.

(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Exploration • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Sawyers Bar

California, Siskiyou County, Sawyers Bar
Sawyers Bar is perhaps the most picturesque of the northern mining towns. It was founded in 1850 by Captain John Best and party who were guided to the spot by a friendly Indian. The town was originally called Bestville and had over 3,000 inhabitants. It owes it present name to the fact that on an adjacent gravel bar stood the camp of early day mill sawyers. The most noteworthy features are the century old frame buildings and the famous Catholic Church, counterpart of the southern mission. The towns (sic) first postmaster was John Daggett who in 1883 became Lt. Governor of California.

(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Turkey Island Mansion

Virginia, Henrico County, near Richmond
Archeologists uncovered building foundations near this location of a house believed to have been designed by Ryland Randolph in the late 1760s. Ryland Randolph (1738-1784) was the great-grandson of Pocahontas and the grandson of William Randolph and Mary Isham. William and Mary established themselves at Turkey Island in 1670. Built of brick, the central portion of the house was two stories high and capped by a large cupola or dome. The symmetry of the side wings, hipped roof and interior end chimneys are typical building features of Palladian architecture. Palladian architecture, named for Italian architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), is characterized by principles of classical antiquity — order and symmetry.

In 1809, the two story center portion of the structure was burned and rebuilt as a one-story structure. Prior to the fire, two insurance policies were taken out on the property, in 1796 and 1806. Sketches submitted with the 1806 policy describe a two-story brick dwelling, 30 by 30 feet covered with wood. The same plan shows two story wings 26 by 14 feet attached to each side of the structure and two additional wings 24 by 24 feet only one story each. The sketch features a front and back porch both with a three arch arcade created with four columns on each portico.

The Pickett family purchased the plantation in 1814. In 1853, Robert Pickett wrote that “in the early days nautical men who passed referred to the dome of the mansion as the bird cage because of the large number of birds that were always seen flying around it.” The house was destroyed during the Civil War when Confederate General George Pickett owned the property.

(Above.) Architectural rendering of what the original dwelling may have looked like by William Rhodes.
(Inset, Top right.) 1853 Smith map of Henrico County, detail of Turkey Island.
Sketch of mansion from Insurance Document (Mutual Assurance Society, 1806.
Ryland Randolph, ca. 1760.

(Colonial Era • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Eddy Gulch Lookout

California, Siskiyou County, Sawyers Bar
In 1913, Hallie Daggett accepted the job at the Eddy Gulch Lookout, entering history books as the Forest Service’s first woman lookout (1913-1927). At a time when men dominated the workplace, this act took special courage, self-confidence, and a true love for her country. Those qualities opened the door for other women to follow. One in particular was Nancy Culbertson. From 1960-1991, Nancy sat atop this mountain with the same devotion and selflessness as did Hallie. This plaque is placed in honor of Hallie Daggett and Nancy Culbertson. They dedicated their lives to the protection and preservation of one of America’s great natural treasures, the Klamath National Forest.

(Horticulture & Forestry • Notable Persons) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

McBride Ranch

California, Siskiyou County, Etna
Ohio House Stage Station
Oregon Trail
1852 – 1871

(Industry & Commerce • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

First English Thanksgiving in Virginia

Virginia, Charles City County, near Charles City
On 4 Dec. 1619, Capt. John Woodlief, a member of the Virginia Company, arrived aboard the ship Margaret with 35 men to take charge of Berkeley Hundred. An experienced former Jamestown settler, he became Berkeley's first governor. He bore instructions that the day of his ship’s arrival “be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to almighty God.” Beginning in 1958, the Virginia First Thanksgiving Festival commemorated this directive as the first English Thanksgiving in North America with an annual reenactment at Berkeley Plantation.

(Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Windsor Ruins

Mississippi, Claiborne County, near Port Gibson
Smith Coffee Daniell II, a successful cotton planter, completed construction of Windsor in 1861. Daniell owned 21,000 acres of plantation land in Louisiana and Mississippi. Ironically, he died in April 1861, only weeks after completing his mansion. His wife and children continued to live at Windsor but were left to suffer the loss of much of the family's holdings during the Civil War.

Windsor's basic style was Greek Revival but with added details borrowed from Italianate and Gothic architecture. The house contained 23 rooms, with an above-ground basement, two residential floors, and an attic. The ell-shaped extension on the east side, attached to a single row of columns extending from the main square, contained the kitchen, pantry, and dining room. Rainwater stored in large tanks in the attic supplied two bathrooms. A cupola, from which the Mississippi River could be viewed, was centered on top of the roof.

The mansion survived the Civil War only to be destroyed by accidental fire on February 17, 1890. All was lost except for the columns and the ironwork. One flight of metal stairs from Windsor is now installed at Oakland Chapel on the campus of nearby Alcorn State University. All of the Daniell family's photographs and drawings of the mansion were lost in the fire. In 1991, historians discovered a drawing of Windsor sketched in 1863 by a Union soldier in Major General Ulysses S. Grant's army. The soldier's drawing is similar to the illustration reproduced here.

Descendants of the Daniell family donated Windsor Ruins to the State of Mississippi in 1974. Today the site is administered by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

(Man-Made Features • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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