Alabama, Butler County, Greenville
The Butler County Electric Membership Corporation was formed as a rural electric cooperative in Greenville in July 1938. The first home receiving electricity from the cooperative was located near here.
The Cooperative's original Board of Directors included Dr. C. Wall, president, W.M. Harrison, Dr. R.L. Jernigan, Arthur Bennett, E.L. Cunningham, D.P. Robbins, P.E. Youngblood, H.M. Hardy and T.J. Middleton. Edwin Wallace was first manager.
In 1940, the Cooperative's name was changed to Pioneer Electric Cooperative and it expanded to provide service in Dallas, Lowndes and Wilcox counties as well as Butler.
(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Cooperative's original Board of Directors included Dr. C. Wall, president, W.M. Harrison, Dr. R.L. Jernigan, Arthur Bennett, E.L. Cunningham, D.P. Robbins, P.E. Youngblood, H.M. Hardy and T.J. Middleton. Edwin Wallace was first manager.
In 1940, the Cooperative's name was changed to Pioneer Electric Cooperative and it expanded to provide service in Dallas, Lowndes and Wilcox counties as well as Butler.
(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.