Alabama, Butler County, Greenville
Side 1
Created in 1819 by Act of Alabama Territorial Legislature from lands ceded by the Creek Indian Nation by the Treaty of Fort Jackson, 1814.
Named for Captain William Butler, soldier of Creek Indian War, 1813-14, early settler killed in Creek Uprising, 1818.
Early settlers from Georgia and South Carolina came by Federal Road built by U.S. Army.
County seat first at Fort Dale in 1819, here at Greenville since 1821.
Side 2
Flow of settlers was checked in 1818 by Indian revolt against Fort Jackson treaty.
Indians committed Ogly, Butler massacres; attacked settlers, drove off livestock. Settlers fled to Forts Bibb, Dale, Gary.
With the Indians driven east of Coosa River, settlers poured into area in 1819.
In 1821 county seat was moved here. The town was then called Buttsville in honor of Capt. Samuel Butts, a South Carolinian killed in 1814 at Battle of Calabee in Macon County.
In 1822 the name changed to Greenville.
(Native Americans • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Created in 1819 by Act of Alabama Territorial Legislature from lands ceded by the Creek Indian Nation by the Treaty of Fort Jackson, 1814.
Named for Captain William Butler, soldier of Creek Indian War, 1813-14, early settler killed in Creek Uprising, 1818.
Early settlers from Georgia and South Carolina came by Federal Road built by U.S. Army.
County seat first at Fort Dale in 1819, here at Greenville since 1821.
Side 2
Flow of settlers was checked in 1818 by Indian revolt against Fort Jackson treaty.
Indians committed Ogly, Butler massacres; attacked settlers, drove off livestock. Settlers fled to Forts Bibb, Dale, Gary.
With the Indians driven east of Coosa River, settlers poured into area in 1819.
In 1821 county seat was moved here. The town was then called Buttsville in honor of Capt. Samuel Butts, a South Carolinian killed in 1814 at Battle of Calabee in Macon County.
In 1822 the name changed to Greenville.
(Native Americans • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.