Alabama, Barbour County, Blue Springs
The Blue Springs School was first established in 1920. The land was donated by Henry H Shepard. The Plans were drawn by the State School architect. The lumber was donated by citizens of the community and prepared at A.S. Knight’s sawmill. Other financial needs were donated by local citizens, county board of education, and state aid for schoolhouse construction. Old Bethel, Anderson, and Old Blue Springs were consolidated to form the new school. The school was opened in 1921 for the first year of teaching in the consolidated building. In addition to academics, the students were taught high moral standards, honesty, love, and respect for God, country, and each other. The first trustees were: Dr. J.D. McLaughlin, Chairman: N.B. Parmer; G.C. Reeder; and A.F. Scarborough.
(Education) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

(Education) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.