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Wilson Collegiate Institute 1845

New York, Niagara County, Wilson
Site of Wilson Collegiate Institute 1845, Wilson Union Free School 1869. Rebuilt in 1900.

(Education) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

South Attleboro Memorial Wall

Massachusetts, Bristol County, Attleboro
South Attleboro Memorial Wall and Veterans Pavilion By the Community For the Community EST. Nov 11, 2012

(Patriots & Patriotism • War, Korean • War, Vietnam • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

L.G. Balfour Company WWII Marker

Massachusetts, Bristol County, Attleboro
Dedicated In Honor of the Employees of the L.G. Balfour Company Who Served in the Armed Forces of The United States During World War II and In Memory of Those Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice

(War, World II) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

State of Ohio

Ohio, Belmont County, near Elizabethtown

Dedicated to the men and women of the Ohio Department of Transportation who gave their lives to provide a safe and transportation system for Ohio travelers.

(Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Telegraph Hill Historic District

California, San Francisco City and County, San Francisco
1254-62 Montgomery Street
has been place on the
National Register
of Historic Places

by the United State
Department of the Interior

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

California Trail - Greenhorn Cutoff

Nevada, Elko County, near Elko
About two miles southwest of this marker, the Greenhorn Cutoff ascended and wound through the hills for about twelve miles to avoid river crossings in Carlin Canyon.

(Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

California Trail - Humboldt Sloughs

Nevada, Humboldt County, near Winnemucca
"The water is warm and tastes but little better than soap suds. We use acid in all the water we drink, by that means we manage to get along, although we are all anxious to get off this river" - Ephriam Brandiff, Aug. 16, 1852

(Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

California Trail - Trading Post

Nevada, Humboldt County, Winnemucca
"Saw in this distance a flag flying denoting a trading post, rode over to it but found the most they had to sell was very poor whiskey. ... These traders get a great price for everything they sell." - Henry S. Anable, Aug. 25, 1852

(Roads & Vehicles • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Coit Tower

California, San Francisco City and County, San Francisco
This 210 foot monument was built in
1933 with monies bequeathed by Lillie Hitchcock Coit to beautify the city she loved. Frescoes were painted in the interior of the newly built structure by local artists funded through the United States Government’s Public Works of Art Project. This plaque is placed by the Recreation and Park Commission October 8, 1983
to mark Coit Tower’s 50th Anniversary
and its designation as an Historic Landmark.

(Landmarks) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Fort Mason Historic District

California, San Francisco City and County, San Francisco
First fortified by the Spanish in 1797, this bluff above the bay was re-armed by the U.S. Army in 1864. The post remained active through the Civil War, western Indians Wars, and conflicts abroad, beginning with the Spanish-American War in 1898. During World War II, Fort Mason was the Army’s logistics center for sending troops and supplies to the Pacific.

Fort Mason was designated a National Historic Landmark on February 4, 1985.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Acton Incident

Minnesota, Meeker County, near Grove City

  On August 17, 1862, four young Dakota hunters, returning to their hungry families from an unsuccessful hunt, argued about stealing food from white settlers. Sungigidan, Kaomdeiyeyedan, Nagiwicakte, and Pazoiyopa dared each other this: who among them was brave enough to shoot the settlers? The youth spoke with Robinson Jones, Acton’s postmaster and storekeeper, at his farm. They followed him to this location, about a quarter mile from the home of Howard Baker. Here they shot and killed Baker, Viranus Webster and Robinson Jones and his wife. After they left, passing Jones’s home, they killed his daughter, Clara D. Wilson.

  The Indians then fled 40 miles south to Rice Creek Village. After several council meetings, the Dakota who wanted to go to war with the United States convinced Taoyateduta (Little Crow) to lead them into battle. Thus began the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862, the bloodiest chapter in Minnesota history.

  Although the war was ignited by the actions of a small band of teenage hunters, its causes were far deeper. By 1862, European Americans were pouring onto the ancestral lands of the Dakota. White leaders, determined to seize millions of acres of rich farmland, forced the Dakota onto reservations. The Dakota were expected to assimilate: to farm rather than hunt, to speak English, to cut their hair and wear unfamiliar clothing. Missionaries sought to replace the Dakota belief system with Christianity. The payments promised in the 1851 and 1858 treaties were illegally taken by traders or were late in delivery. Families were torn between the past and a foreign, uncertain future. To some, war seemed the only option.

  The U.S.–Dakota War of 1862 launched 30 years of war between the United States and American Indians on the Northern Plains.

Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment
Minnesota Historical Society

(Settlements & Settlers • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Tragedy of Point Pedernales / Honda Point

California, Santa Barbara County, Lompoc

In memory of the tragedy of
Point Pedernales / Honda Point
8 September 1923

USS Delphy
USS S.P. Lee
USS Young
USS Woodbury
USS Nichols
USS Fuller
USS Chauncey

Dedicated 8 September 1983
by the American Legion
William Proud Post 211

Monument donated by
Ernest and Carson Porter

(Disasters • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mittelalterliches Straßenpflaster

Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

ausg. 17. Jahrhundert
Fundort Mansfeld im Bereich Teichstraße
Postplatz Rabentorstraße
in einer Tiefe von ca. zwei Meter
Sichergestellt bei der Stadtkernsanierung 2002/03

English translation:

From the 17th Century. Found in Mansfeld in the area of Teich Street,the Post Square, Ravensgate Street, at a depth of approximately 2 meters. Preserved during the reconstruction of the city center 2002-03

(Man-Made Features • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.


Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

Im Volksmund später auch Murre genannt.
Als Scherren bezeichnete man im Mittelalter Verkaufsstände an denen frische Lebensmittel gehandelt wurden.
Dies waren vorwiegend Fleisch und Brot.
Daher werden sie in der Chronik auch als Fleisch und Brotbänke bezeichnet.
In the vernacular, later also called Murre.
As one called Scherren in the Middle Ages
Stalls, selling fresh food being traded.
These were mainly meat and bread.
Therefore, they are referred to in the chronicles as meat and bread benches.

(Agriculture • Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Fort Mason

California, San Francisco City and County, San Francisco
In response to the 1906 earthquake and fire, and recognizing the critical role of Fort Mason as a naval operations center, Congress appropriated funds to construct the tree piers in use today. Built on land reclaimed from a tidal cove, Fort Mason served as the San Francisco Port of Embarkation, the organizational center for the military, from 1909 to 1962.

As the Port of Embarkation, Fort Mason played a critical role in the emergence of the United States as a world power. One of its first missions was delivering supplies and personnel to the western portion of the Panama Canal construction.

During World War II, Fort Mason commanded a vast network of personnel and shipping facilities that existed throughout the Bay Area. More than 1.5 million troops and over 23.5 million tons of cargo shipped out to the Pacific from Fort Mason’s piers.

In addition to the outgoing personnel and supplies, all American dead being returned to United States from the Pacific were brought through Fort Mason. Japanese and German prisoners of war were projected through its facilities.

The coming of peace saw the flow of soldiers and cargo reversed. Between September 1945 and October 1946, Fort Mason’s pier welcomed nearly 800,000 homebound troops.

In 1962 the army declared the site military surplus. Fort Mason, along with the Presidio, was turned over to the National Park Service. Under the leadership of Congressman Philip Burton, Congress established the first urban national park in 1972, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, with the idea of bringing parks to the people.

Fort Mason Center opened its doors as a nonprofit in 1977 to offer an affordable supportive campus for nonprofit arts, education, and recreational organizations. The mission today has evolved but remains true to the original concept of connecting and engaging people with arts and culture and providing a vibrant, affordable gathering place and a home for thought-provoking programs, events, and organizations.

(Forts, Castles • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Mansfeld um / in 1560

Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

nach einer Handskizze
von Cyriakus Spangenberg

[Stadtplan und Schlüssel]

Material und Putzarbeiten gesonsert von Firma KNORR Bau GmbH
Entwurf und Ausführung Günter Bormann und Siegfried Bösel


after a hand sketch by Cyriacus Spangenberg

[map and key]

Material and plaster work provided by KNORR Bau GmbH
Design and execution by Günter Bormann and Siegfried Bösel

(Man-Made Features • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Luthers Schule / Luther's School

Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

Von 1488 - 96 besuchte Martin Luther diese Schule, wo er neben dem Schreiben, dem Singen und etwas Rechnen von allem Latein lernte. Die damals herrschenden Erziehungsmethoden haben sich dem Jungen unauslöslich eingeprägt.

Diese Erlebnisse wurden ein Ausgangspunkt sowohl für eine moderative Erziehung der eigenen Kinder als auch für seine späteren Reformbemühungen im Schulwesen.


From 1488-96 Martin Luther attended this school, where he learned everything from Latin to writing, singing and a little arithmetic. The prevailing methods of education indelibly stamped the boy.

These experiences were a starting point for a moderative education of their own children as well as for his later efforts to reform the education system.

(Churches, Etc. • Education • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Balls Ferry

California, Shasta County, near Anderson
Founded by
Major Reading
Operated by
William Ball
1868 – 1897
Bridge then built

(Bridges & Viaducts • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Colton’s Block

California, Siskiyou County, Yreka
David D. Colton arrived in Yreka in 1851, mined for a time, established the Mountain News Herald, and at age 21 became the second Siskiyou County sheriff. His original 1853 hewed-log house on this site was replaced the same year by a brick structure known as the D.D. Colton Building. Although considerably altered in front, it stands today having survived the 1871 fire. E. Laurer (sic) and A. Wetzel were subsequent owners who operated clothing and general merchandise stores at different times. While under the ownership of Lauer, the second floor was occupied by the Union Printing Company, the new name for Colton’s newspaper.

(Communications • Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Luthers Schule / Luther's School

Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Mansfeld-Lutherstadt

In diesem hause hat
Dr. Martin Luther
geboren am 10. November 1483
seiner ersten schulunterricht erhalten.

Gew. von Konsul
Georg Kaiser Berlin


This house is where
Dr. Martin Luther
born on November 10, 1483
received his first schooling

Weight[?] of consul
Georg Kaiser Berlin

(Education • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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