Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Mansfeld-Südharz District, Lutherstadt Eisleben
[East Panel - An angel crushes Satan with the Shield of Truth - note the Luther Rose]
[South Panel - Luther translates the Bible]
[West Panel - Luther and his family sign hymns]
[North Panel - The Leipzig Disputation between Luther and Johann Eck]
[Dedicated 11 November 1883]
(Arts, Letters, Music • Churches, Etc. • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

[East Panel - An angel crushes Satan with the Shield of Truth - note the Luther Rose]
[South Panel - Luther translates the Bible]
[West Panel - Luther and his family sign hymns]
[North Panel - The Leipzig Disputation between Luther and Johann Eck]
[Dedicated 11 November 1883]
(Arts, Letters, Music • Churches, Etc. • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.