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Hays & Ros Clark Shiplift

Connecticut, New London County, Mystic
Mystic Seaport’s Hays & Ros Clark
Honors the Clark’s extraordinary generosity
to the artisans of this museum
whose skills preserve and maintain
wooden ships of history and character
Dedicated July 13, 2007

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Battery Clagett

Maryland, Baltimore County, Fort Howard
Completed in 1900, this battery contained two 3" rapid fire guns. Named in honor of Lieut. Levi Clagett, who was killed in the defense of Fort McHenry.

(Forts, Castles • War, Spanish-American) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Ohio and Erie Canal

Ohio, Stark County, Canal Fulton
Sounds of boat horns and brawling packet crews resounded for many years at this lock and 142 others on the Ohio and Erie Canal. The canal was a 308-mile water toll road built between 1825 and 1832 from Lake Erie at Cleveland to the Ohio River at Portsmouth. The early growth of Akron and Massillon was due to the canal. Railroads caused its decline and the flood of 1913 destroyed its usefulness.

(Railroads & Streetcars • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 7 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Old City Hall / City Tower

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck

Altes Rathaus
Innsbrucks altes Rathaus das älteste in Tirol, wurde 1358 mit Landesfürstlicher Hilfe errichtet. Der Laubengang und der Stadtturm wurden 1442/50 vorgebaut. Das ursprünglich einstockige Gebäude 1658 aufgestockt und mit dem barocken Bürgersaal versehen. Von 1897 -1980 stand das haus in Anderer Verwendung und ist seit 1990 wieder Amtssitz des Bürgermeisters.

Dieser weitum einzigartige Turm wurde 1442/50 erbaut. Seine höhe beträgt 51 m. Der ursprünglich gotische Oberteil erheilt durch einen Umbau 1560 seine heutige form mit Zwiebelhelm. Im ersten Stock in einem 7 m hohen Gewölbe. Befand sich das städtische Gefängnis oben bei den Türmerkern die Turmerwohnung.

German-English translation:

The Old City Hall
Innsbruck's old city hall, the oldest in the Tyrol, was built in 1358 with royal assistance. The portico and tower were added on 1442-50. Originally a single-story, an additional story was added in 1658 with the addition of a baroque council hall. From 1897 -1980 the house was put to other uses, and has since 1990 been office of the mayor.

City Tower
Visible for miles around this unique tower was built in 1442-50. Its height is 51 meters. The original Gothic top was converted in 1560 its current onion-dome shape. On the first floor is a 7 meter high arch. The city jail was located high above by the tower's bay windows.

(Government) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Lathrop D-90 Diesel Engine

Connecticut, New London County, Mystic

Lathrop D-90
Diesel Engine
Horsepower: 90 @ 900 RPM
Cylinders: 6
Bore: 5 ½”
Stroke: 7”
Weight: 4,200 pounds
Displacement: 998 cubic inches
1n 1897, during the early days of gasoline-engine design, James W. Lathrop and his friend Gallup planned to improve the one-cylinder Palmer gasoline engine in
Gallup’s launch. They found work space beside the Mystic River and built an entirely new engine similar to the Palmer. Instead of installing that engine, the two men sold it, bought a lathe, built two more engines, and sold them as well. This was the start of the Lathrop Engine Company, one of several engine manufacturers that would be established along the Mystic River.
By 1889, business was booming and Lathrop earned regard as one of the marine engine industry’s pioneers. Over Lathrop’s lifetime, his company produced four-cycle gasoline engines and two-and four-cycle diesel engines for all manner of vessels.
After James Lathrop died in 1935, his son and grandson carried on the business into the early 950s. but with reduced sales and internal troubles, the company was sold in 1957 to Burmeister and Wain. Within a few years, B & W sold Lathrop to Grumman Allied Industries in Athens, New York, and the production of Lathrop engines ceased in Mystic.
This red engine is Lathrop’s D-90 diesel, rated 90 horsepower at 900 rpm. It may seem like a large 90 compared to other engines of the late 1940s, but Lathrop engines were rated conservatively. The D-90 produces more power than a comparably size engine rated well over 100 horsepower. When it was new, this D-90 cost $8,900. Although built in the late 1940s, it had run for no more than six hours before Mystic Seaport acquired it in 1985. During the late 1990s, volunteers rebuilt this engine to operational standards, and several volunteers maintain and run it about once a week throughout the year.
ID# 1985.33

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Searchlight Power House

Maryland, Baltimore County, Fort Howard
This building originally contained the electrical generating and power distribution equipment for the fort's searchlights, used for night illumination of the river.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Clearview Golf Club, 1946

Ohio, Stark County, East Canton
Golfer and World War II veteran William J. Powell, excluded from playing on many American golf courses because of his race, overcame the indignity of discrimination by creating his own course. Hand built in two years and opened in 1948, Clearview Golf Club is the first golf course in the United States designed, built, and owned by an African-American. The acclaimed course harmonizes with the landscape and bears many design elements of traditional British courses. A triumph of perseverance over discrimination, Clearview represents the historic postwar era when athletes first broke the "color line" in American sports.

(African Americans • Sports) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Battery Nicholson

Maryland, Baltimore County, Fort Howard
Completed in 1900 and armed in 1902 with two 6" disappearing rifles. Named in honor of Judge Joseph H. Nicholson, Captain of Volunteer Artillery, in the defense of Fort McHenry, September 13 & 14, 1814.

(Forts, Castles • War of 1812) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Wichmann Semi-Diesel Engine

Connecticut, New London County, Mystic

Semi-Diesel Engine
Horsepower: 83 @ 250 RPM
Torque: 1,747 foot pounds @ 250 RPM
Cylinders: 2
Bore: 12 5/8”
Stroke: 12 5/8”
Weight: approximately 6,000 pounds
Type: Two-cycle, naturally aspirated, reed valve induction, dry sump, Bosch-type injection using hole nozzles
This engine was built by the Wichmann engine company in Bergen, Norway, during the 1930s. it is typical of many large engines built for recreational and commercial uses in Europe and America after Rudolph Diesel perfected the high-compression crude oil marine engine about 1910. Crude oil is not volatile and dangerously explosive like gasoline, but it requires high pressure to combust and a heavy engine to withstand the pressure. Semi-diesel means that the engine is initially fired by a heat source – either hot tubes or glow plugs – rather than by the heat generated from the compression alone, as in a true diesel.
Compare this engine to the large steam engine on your left. Diesel engines have several advantages over steam. Smaller, lighter, and easier to maintain than a steam engine, they are started and shut down more quickly and require fewer crew to operate. Diesels are safer and more economical than comparale gasoline engines as well. That is why most vessels today from supertankers to yachts, are powered by diesel engines.
Although it has low horsepower, the engine’s torque provides efficient propulsion with a propeller four to six feet in diameter. One of the engine’s most interesting features is its direct connection to a controllable-pitch propeller. This provided for reverse by changing the pitch of the propeller rather than reversing the direction of rotation. The pitch (angle) of the blades was changed by a push rod in the hollow propeller shaft.
Mystic Seaport acquired this engine in 1992, but its poor mechanical condition called for an extensive restoration. Museum volunteers devoted 3,300 hours over two years, dismantling the entire engine. They manufactured numeous parts, using the originals as patterns, and restored the engine to excellent working condition.
ID# 1992.65

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Power House

Maryland, Baltimore County, Fort Howard
At one time, this building housed all of the generators and power distribution panels for the fort's gun emplacements.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Lower- or Basel-Gate

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Stadttor mit Haberturm an der Ausfallstrasse Richtung Basel. 1297 erstmals erwähnt, 1743 – 1744 mit einem Vorwerk versehen, 1862 abgebrochen. In unmittelbarer Nähe standen die Zollstätte, der Judenturm (1771 abgebrochen), der << Herrenkeller >> und das Zeughaus (heute Historisches Museum). Südwärts setzte sich die 300m lange Litzimauer als Teil der Stadtbefestigung fort. Sie führte den Hirschengraben entlang zum Kesselturm und wurde 1856 – 1858 abgetragen.
German-English translation:
Lower Gate
or Basel Gate

This city gate with defensive tower guards the exit road towards Basel. First mentioned in 1297, and outfitted with a barbican, 1743-1744, which was demolished in 1862. In the immediate vicinity were the toll house, the Jewish Tower (demolished in 1771), the Herrenkeller (Lords Cellar), and the armory (now the Historical Museum). The 300 meter long "Litzi" wall ran southwards as part of the city fortifications. The "Stags" moat ran along the wall as fas as the tower, and was filled in, 1856-1858.

(Forts, Castles • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Compound Steam Engine

Connecticut, New London County, Mystic

Compound Steam Engine
From Tugboat Socony 5
Horsepower: 850
Cylinders: 2
Bore: 19”, 40”
Stroke: 28”
Weight: 40,000 pounds
Length: 8’ 9”   Width: 6’ 10”   Height: 14’
This large steam engine was built in 1927 by the Staten Island Shipbuiding Company in Staten Island, NY. It turned a 10-foot-diameter propeller on the steel tugboat Socony 5, part of a New York Harbor tugboat fleet owned by Standard Oil Company of New York.
Developed about 1870, the two-cylinder engine was a practical power plant for small to medium-sized vessels for almost 80 years until superseded by diesel engines. This example worked with a steam pressure of 160 pounds per square inch. Steam from the boiler first entered the small high-pressure cylinder, driving its piston, and was then exhausted into the large low-pressure cylinder to expand further.
The engine’s horsepower of 850 may seem modest by today’s standards, but this figure is based on a working load output, unlike horsepower calculations for modern internal-combustion engines. This engine has 10 times the horsepower of the Paine compound engine of the Museum’s passenger steamboat Sabino.
ID# 1993.153

(Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The "Cauldron" Tower

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne

Im 13. Jahrhundert erbaut, 1857 abgebrochen Südlicher Eckpunkt der Stadtbefestigung neben dem Krienbachdurchlass. Hier war 1845 der liberale Politiker Jakob Robert Steiger eingekerkert.

Im Bereich des abgebrochen Turmes wurde 1856 – 1857 das Krienbachschulhaus als erstes Schulgebäude der Stadt erstellt.

German-English translation:

The "Cauldron" Tower

Built in the 13 century, the southernmost corner of the city wall, next to the Krienbach passageway, was torn down in 1857. The liberal politician Robert Jacob Steiger was imprisoned here in 1845.

The tower was demolished in 1856, and the Krienbach School was built on the former tower site in 1857 as the first school building in the city.

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Greenbelt Park

Maryland, Prince George's County, Greenbelt
This is a place of contrast. Once this land was covered with virgin forest, then it was farmland, and then a proposed housing development. Now it is an alluring refuge within an ever-growing sea of development. Here you can find wilderness, wildlife, and solitude—only twelve miles from downtown Washington.

In 1875, this land was denuded; farmhouses, fencelines, and dirt paths crisscrossed the landscape. Tobacco, corn, and grain grew where now maples and elms tower. A few hints of that era survive, but this is now a land dominated by nature. The trees, underbrush, and wildlife here collectively tell the story of nature’s recovery. They repeatedly tell us: when left alone, nature will heal itself.

[text with image lower left] The 174-site campground is open year-round. It is the closest campground to downtown Washington.

[text with image lower middle] Greenbelt Park has become an urban oasis. Over the past 60 years, the population of the surrounding land has grown from about 3,000 to more than 20,000. [text with image lower right] The park is a refuge for both people and wildlife. Park staff and volunteers work at reforestation, wildlife management, improving water quality, and bringing greater awareness to visitors.

[text with map on right] The park includes a campground, three picnic areas, and nature and bridle trails. The Baltimore-Washington Parkway links the park with downtown Washington, twelve miles south.

Dedicated in 1954, the parkway (a unit of the National Park Service) is the historic gateway to the Nation’s Capital for visitors arriving from the eastern seaboard.

(Environment • Horticulture & Forestry) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Parish Church of St. Maurizius, Zermatt

Switzerland, Valais (Canton), Visp (District), Zermatt
Gebaut 1913 nach den Plänen von Architekt Adolf Gaudy aus Rorschach

Den Hochaltar schuf ein Altarbauer dem Goms ums Jahr 1750. Dargestellt sind hier die Heiligen Maurizius, Josep, und Ignatius, sowie die Bischöfe Niklaus (links) und Theodul (rechts). Das Stifterwappen erinnert an den Bischof Johann-Josef Blatter (1684-1752).

Die Seitenaltäre entstanden um das Jahr 1736:
Den “Herz-Jesu-Altar”, auf der linken Seite, baute Johann Rits aus Selkingen;
der “Mutter-Gottes-Altar” auf der rechten Seite, stammt ebenfalls von einem Walliser Meister, dessen Name aber unbekannt ist.

Anlässlich der Renovation der ganzen Kirche im Jahr 1980 schuf Theo Imboden aus Täsch den Zelebrationsaltar, den Ambo und die Leuchten.
Vom Florentiner Paolo Parente stammen das Deckegemälde, die in liturgischen Farben abgebildeten Symbole der vier Evangelisten im Chor sowie die Verkündigungsszenne und die biblischen Gestalten im Chorbogen. Das Deckengemälde versetzt die Arche Noah in unsere Zeit.

Die mechanische Orgel baute J. Füglister aus Grimisuat im Jahr 1981. Sie verfügt über 25 Register verteilt auf zwei Manuale und das Pedal.

German-English translation:

St. Mauritius Parish Church of Zermatt

Built in 1913 according to the plans of architect Adolf Gaudy from Rorschach

The High Altar created by an altar builder from Goms around 1750. Shown here are the Saints Mauritius, Josep, and Ignatius, and the Bishops Nicholas (left) and Theodule (right). The crests commemorate the founding Bishop, Johann-Josef Blatter (1684 - 1752).

The Side Altars originated around the year 1736:
The "Heart of Jesus" altar, on the left, built by Johann Rits from Selkingen; the "Mother of God" altar on the right, also from a Valais master whose name is unknown.

During renovations of the whole Church in 1980 Theo Imboden from the Taesch created the celebratory altar, the ambience and the lights. The Florentine Paolo Parente created the ceiling paintings in the choir that depict in liturgical colors the symbols of the four evangelists, as well as the biblical scenes and figures in the choir arch. The ceiling painting depicts Noah's Ark in our times.

The Mechanical Organ built J. Füglister from Grimisuat in 1981. It has 25 stops on two manuals and the foot pedal.

(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Pawcatuck World War I Monument

Connecticut, New London County, Stonington
1917   1918
Has Not
( left panel )
Our democracy has been tested and the forces of autocracy have been defeated

( right panel )
Loyally did they serve with a consecrated devotion to duty and a will to conquer

( left tablet )
Adams, Edmund • Adams, Irving P. • Arnott, George • Arnott, James • Arnott, John • Arnott, William • Babcock, Bourdon A. • Barker, Fred H., Jr. • Bell, James F. • Bentley, John I. • Berqua, John • Billings, Edward E. • Bliven, Carl • Bliven, Percy E. • Bliven, Walter G. • Bogue, Raymond • * Bourdeau, Joseph • Bricker, Harry M. • Brindley, Hubert • Bromley, Hollis • Brophy, Charles A. • Brophy, John W. • Brown, Albert • Brown, Alzero F. • Brown, William E. • Brown, William J. • Bryant, Joseph W. • Burdick, Charles W. • Burdick, Clarence A. • Burdick, Harold R. • * Burdick, Harry E. • Burdick, Stanton A. • Burdick, Lloyd • Burdick, Vernon • Byers, Elvin B. Card, Charles E. • Castagna, Thomas A. • Champlin, William M. • Cella, Leo L. • Cella, William D. • Chapman, George P. • Chase, Edward • Clark, Arthur • Clark, Charles H. • Clark, Frederick A. • Clark, William H. • Collins, Frank • Collins, Fred • Collins, William • Congelosi, Rosario • Connors, Francis J. • Connors, Joseph E. • Connors, Maurice • Cooper, Thomas R. • Crandall, Louis E. • Craven, Joseph, Jr. • Crider, Joseph P. • Crompton, William W. • Cronin, Dennis • Crosby, Alexander • Crosby, Henry H., Jr. • Crumb, E. Merle • Cusack, John E. • Dawley, Roy L. • Deady, Timothy C. • Delaney, John F. • Demars, James R. • Dennehy, John R. • Devaney, Charles • Diedrich, William • Donohue, James A. • Donohue, James F. • Donohue, John J. • Downie, Charles E. • Duggan, Walter J. • Dunn, Phillip G. • Durfee, William H. • Eaton, Fred J. • Ellis, Charles R. • Fallon, John H. • Fishwick, William M. • Fontaine, Albert • Frank, Samuel • Freestone, Robert M. • Galaher, David • Gallagher, John F. • Gallagher, William J. • Gardiner, Charles • Gardiner, Thomas • Gordon, Sol • Greene, Howard A. • Greene, Lewis R. • Grills, Jacob • Grills, Joseph • Haggerty, George • Hall, Dutee J. • Harroca, Joseph • Hartson, Byron A. • Harvey, Charles H. • Harvey, Walter J. • Hemphill, Russell • Higgenbotham, Charles • Higgenbotham, D. Lester • Higgins, Edwin C. • Higgins, Joseph A. • Higgins, William R. • Hillard, Paul N. • Hoag, Clifford • Hodge, Emory S. • * Holdsworth, John W. • Holt, Edward • Howard, James D. • Ibison, Thomas P. • Johnson, William • Johnson, Oscar E. • Jordan, Aloysius J. • Jordan, Andrew R., Jr. • Jordan, Charles F. • Joseph, Louis J. • Keane, James A. • Keegan, Allison • Keegan, Charles L. • Keegan, Michael A. • Kelleher, James • Kelleher, Michael C. • Keanard, Henry P. • Kenyon, Benjamin • Kenyon, Harry • Kenyon, M. Elwood • Kenyon, Robert • Kenyon, S. Spicer • Kitchen, John E. • Kitchen, William F. • Knight, Charles E. • Knight, Charles N. • Knott, Archie • Lahn, Abraham • Lahn, David • Lavimoniere, Charles • Lavimoniere, William A. • Law, John B. • Leary, William F. • Lebrecque, Arthur L. * Died In Service
( right tablet )
Lebrecque, Homer • Ledwith, Charles • Lee, Joseph J. • Leiper, Alexander • Leiper, Thomas • Lenihan, William J. • Leonard, Raymond • Lewis, Brron F. • Lewis, Merton B. Jr. • Lihou, George M. • Linger, Harry H. • Lorello, Nicholas • Lugar, George • Mahoney, Edward J. • Mahoney, James H. • Marr, E. George • Martell, Henry • Mawson, Alvin W. • Maxwell, Clarence • Mayne, Joseph W. • McGowan, William I. • McGowan, Thomas Jr. • McGrath, Arthur • McGuinness, Howard D. • McGuinness, J. Joseph • McKenna, John E. • McMahon, Jeremiah • McShane, John F. • McVeigh, William • Mellow, David • Mellow, Fred • Michele, Giacento • Mills, William • Miner, Elias • Moore, James J. • Moore, Raymond • Moran, Joseph R. • Morey, William • Moriarity, James • Murphy, Everett • Murphy, Michael J. • Murphy, William P. • Nash, Arthur N. • Nelder, Edward • Nelder, Horace • Newton, Charles D. • O’Connell, John A. • O’Connell, Leon • O’Keefe, William J. • O’Neil, Arthur • O’Neil, Arthur E. • O’Neil, Joseph J. • O’Neil, Raymond C. • Orlando, Antonio • Orlando, Joseph • Orlando, Rosario • Oiulette, Anthony • * Ozanne, Joseph A. • Parker, Frank • Parkinson, James • Parkinson, Richard Jr. • Parkinson, Vincent • Pasetti, Columbus • Peabody, T. Edward • Pendleton, Raymond E. • Phillips, William A. Jr. • Purtill, Joseph J. • Ray, Harold • Ray, Charles W. • Rippell, Clarence • * Roberts, Clarence • Roberts, Fred • Robinson, Fred J. • Rock, Alexander • Rugus, Albert E. • * Roode, Carl E. • Roode, Charles J. • Rook, Lawrence E. • Roy, John W. • Rushlow, Joseph O. • Ryan, James E. • Ryan, Thomas J. • Salvatore, Frank • Scialabba, Rosario • Schiller, John A. • Senior, William B. • Shaw, James W. • Shea, Daniel • Shea, D. Gerard • Shea, Harold F. • Shea, James F. • Shea, Jeremiah S. • Shea, Jeremiah T. • Shea, John • Shea, John R. • Shea, Patrick J. • Shea, Richard O’B • Shea, Stephen A. • Shea, Thomas • Shortman, Howard B. • Shortman, Simeon R. • Shugrue, Roger • Simons, Herman R. • Sisson, Ralph • Slaughter, Harold E. • Smith, Clifford • Smith, John E. • Snyder, Ira A. • Stillman, George A. • Stillman, Karl G. • Stockwell, Alfred • Sullivan, Arthur • Sullivan, Daniel • Sullivan, James • Sullivan, John H. • Sullivan, John J. • Sullivan, John L. • Sullivan, John S. • Sullivan, Joseph • Sullivan, M. Joseph • Sullivan, Patrick J. • Sullivan, Thomas F. • Surber, William F. • * Sutcliffe, Harry H. • Sutcliffe, John H. • Tarbox, Edward • Tarbox, Emory • Tarbox, Orrin • Tassell, Carl S. • Terranova, Natale • Thorp, Walter • Tuite, Thomas P. • Twomey, Al. J. • Verry, Harry • Vrountas, Nicholas • Wallwork, John • Wheeler, Edward • Whewell, George • White, Ernest • Whiting, Harold • Wilcox, Byron E. • Williams, James • Wright, John W. * Died In Service

(War, World I) Includes location, directions, 9 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Mills Gate

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Tor der im 13. Jahrhundert errichteten ältesten Befestigung des rechtsufrigen Stadtteils.
Der Name leitete sich von den nahen Mühlen ab.
Es war das älteste Ausfalltor gegen Norden und vermittelte den Verkehr Richtung Brugg, bis um 1300 die linksufrige Baselstrasse aufkam.
German-English translation:

The Mills Tower

This 13th Century gate is the oldest fortification established on the right bank portion of the city. The name was derived from the nearby mills.
It was the oldest exit gate to the north, and altared the flow of traffic towards Brugg, which until around 1300 had come up the Basel Road on the left bank of the river.

(Forts, Castles • Roads & Vehicles) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Singer House

Switzerland, Lucerne (Canton), Lucerne (District), Lucerne
Im 15. Jahrhundert Standort der ersten luzernischen Münzstatte.
Architekt Jakob Singer baute sich um 1759 dieses Haus als Voraussetzung zur Erlangung des städtischen Burgerrechtes.
Die für die Innerschweiz bedeutende Baumeisterfamilie Singer, Architekten zahlreicher Sakral- und Profanbauten, behielt es bis 1849 in ihrem Besitz.
1897 wurde das Haus von drei auf funf Geschosse erhöht.
German-English translation:

Singer House

In the 15th century this was the location of the first Lucerne Mint.
Architect Jacob Singer built this house around 1759 as a condition to obtaining the rights of city citizenship.
The noted Singer family of central Switzerland were the builders and architects of numerous religious and secular buildings, and until 1849 the house remained in their possession.
In 1897, the height of the house was increased from three to five storys.

(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Pecking- or Women’s Gate

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
Das Picken-oder Frauentor
Errichtet um 1340 – Abgetragen 1779
Der Stadt Innsbruck gewidmet vom Innsbrucker Verschönerungsverein

German-English translation:

The Pecking- or Women’s Gate
Built in 1340 – Demolished in 1779
Dedicated to the City of Innsbruck by the Innsbruck Beautification Society

(Forts, Castles) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Inn River Bridge

Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck
Benannt nach der 1180 erstmals urkundlich erwähnten Brücke über den Inn, die der Stadt auch ihren Namen gab und sich im Stadtwappen wieder findet. <./center>

German-English translation:

The Inn River Bridge

Named after the first bridge across the River Inn, first mentioned mentioned in 1180, which also gave its name to the city. It also is part of the town coat-of-arms.

(Bridges & Viaducts) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
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