New York, Rockland County, Bear Mountain
The finding of knives, net sinkers, arrowpoints, scrapers and chips, indicates that the level ground in front of you was used as a campsite by Indians while on hunting and fishing expeditions. Additional artifacts, that were found here and throughout the museum area, can be seen on display in the historical museum, along with other material collected in the Bear Mountain Park area and vicinity.
When making arrowpoints and other tolls, the Indians first roughly shaped their stones with hammerstones, then finished them by pressure-flaking with a deer antler.
(Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
The finding of knives, net sinkers, arrowpoints, scrapers and chips, indicates that the level ground in front of you was used as a campsite by Indians while on hunting and fishing expeditions. Additional artifacts, that were found here and throughout the museum area, can be seen on display in the historical museum, along with other material collected in the Bear Mountain Park area and vicinity.
When making arrowpoints and other tolls, the Indians first roughly shaped their stones with hammerstones, then finished them by pressure-flaking with a deer antler.
(Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.