United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, County Londonderry, Derry-Londonderry
This gate was built in 1865 on the site of one of the four original entrances to the city. Like Bishop's Gate it had a drawbridge, which could be pulled up in times of troubles, to allow people to cross the dry moat. This was the gate that the Apprentice Boys locked in December, 1688. The carved heads are of Governor George Walker and Rev James Gordon who urged the citizens to refuse to admit James II's troops.
(Disasters • Forts, Castles • Man-Made Features • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
This gate was built in 1865 on the site of one of the four original entrances to the city. Like Bishop's Gate it had a drawbridge, which could be pulled up in times of troubles, to allow people to cross the dry moat. This was the gate that the Apprentice Boys locked in December, 1688. The carved heads are of Governor George Walker and Rev James Gordon who urged the citizens to refuse to admit James II's troops.
(Disasters • Forts, Castles • Man-Made Features • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.