West Virginia, Jefferson County, Bolivar
This Memorial is dedicated to all from the Harpers Ferry-Bolivar District who served their country from World War I to the present. Their sacrifice and valor for the freedom of America will never be forgotten. For those who did not return, our undying gratitude. May God Bless America.
Dedicated May 30, 1993 by Helen P. Wiltshire
Members below died during their military service to their country
1. Quinn, Luke - USMC - Killed during John Brown's raid on the federal arsenal - Buried St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery - Harpers Ferry
2. Geary, William - USMC - KIA - Belleau woods, France - WWI
3. Hoke, Bernard - USA - WWI - Non-Combat
4. Newcomer, Daniel - USA - WWI -Died Flu - Texas
5. Webb, James E. - USA - WWI - Non-Combat
6. Ballenger, Oscar - USN - WWII - Missing at Sea - Pacific Ocean
7. Perry, Glbert, Jr. - USAAF - WWII - Non-Combat - Air Crash
8. Rider, William - USMC - WWII - Non-Combat - Air Crash
9. Rockenbaugh, William - USMC - KIA - WWII - Guadalcanal
10. Mahoney, William - USA - KIA - Viet[nam]
[Roll of Honored Veterans]
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, Vietnam • War, World I • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

This Memorial is dedicated to all from the Harpers Ferry-Bolivar District who served their country from World War I to the present. Their sacrifice and valor for the freedom of America will never be forgotten. For those who did not return, our undying gratitude. May God Bless America.
Dedicated May 30, 1993 by Helen P. Wiltshire
Members below died during their military service to their country
1. Quinn, Luke - USMC - Killed during John Brown's raid on the federal arsenal - Buried St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery - Harpers Ferry
2. Geary, William - USMC - KIA - Belleau woods, France - WWI
3. Hoke, Bernard - USA - WWI - Non-Combat
4. Newcomer, Daniel - USA - WWI -Died Flu - Texas
5. Webb, James E. - USA - WWI - Non-Combat
6. Ballenger, Oscar - USN - WWII - Missing at Sea - Pacific Ocean
7. Perry, Glbert, Jr. - USAAF - WWII - Non-Combat - Air Crash
8. Rider, William - USMC - WWII - Non-Combat - Air Crash
9. Rockenbaugh, William - USMC - KIA - WWII - Guadalcanal
10. Mahoney, William - USA - KIA - Viet[nam]
[Roll of Honored Veterans]
(Patriots & Patriotism • War, Vietnam • War, World I • War, World II) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.