Australia, New South Wales, Clive, Tenterfield
Stannum House
Built in 1888 “Stannum” Latin for tin, hence the owner, Mr. John Holmes Reid made the first of his fortune in tin mining.
Stannum is a Victorian-Italiante villa, triple brick, double airflow system with granite foundations sitting on solid granite rock insuring no movement. The exterior has been rendered to give a stone type appearance.
Marble fireplaces throughout, cedar galore, and artwork fit for a palace. Stannum is 3 stories high, with fourth level tower and roof garden. Once thought to be the first government house when Tenterfield was considered for the capital.
John Holmes Reid had 3 terms as mayor of Tenterfield and contributed a great deal towards the towns water and electricity supplies. He also contributed to hospitals, meat works and butter factory, and to the agricultural production in the area.
John Holmes Reid together with John Moffat • Mining Magnates (tin, silver, etc.), at Emmaville, Irvine Bank, Wolfram Camp, Mount Molly Smelters, the Griffith Mine, Koorboora (tin), Loudown Battery, Great Northern Tin Mine Herberton (1906), Glen Smelting Companys tin at Tent Hill (1900), extensive mining interests in QLD and NSW.
Historic Stannum – 2nd of June, 2003
Officially opened after 6 years of restoration, back to its former glory by the great grandson – Peter Maxwell Reid, and also the last descendant born in Stannum, - John Mackie.
Owners and restorers of Stannum – Kirk Jensen and Peter Gelhaar
(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Built in 1888 “Stannum” Latin for tin, hence the owner, Mr. John Holmes Reid made the first of his fortune in tin mining.
Stannum is a Victorian-Italiante villa, triple brick, double airflow system with granite foundations sitting on solid granite rock insuring no movement. The exterior has been rendered to give a stone type appearance.
Marble fireplaces throughout, cedar galore, and artwork fit for a palace. Stannum is 3 stories high, with fourth level tower and roof garden. Once thought to be the first government house when Tenterfield was considered for the capital.
John Holmes Reid had 3 terms as mayor of Tenterfield and contributed a great deal towards the towns water and electricity supplies. He also contributed to hospitals, meat works and butter factory, and to the agricultural production in the area.
John Holmes Reid together with John Moffat • Mining Magnates (tin, silver, etc.), at Emmaville, Irvine Bank, Wolfram Camp, Mount Molly Smelters, the Griffith Mine, Koorboora (tin), Loudown Battery, Great Northern Tin Mine Herberton (1906), Glen Smelting Companys tin at Tent Hill (1900), extensive mining interests in QLD and NSW.
Historic Stannum – 2nd of June, 2003
Officially opened after 6 years of restoration, back to its former glory by the great grandson – Peter Maxwell Reid, and also the last descendant born in Stannum, - John Mackie.
Owners and restorers of Stannum – Kirk Jensen and Peter Gelhaar
(Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.