Alabama, Butler County, Greenville
Side 1
Confederate Park
Confederate Park was created in 1897 as a joint effort of the Father Ryan Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the City of Greenville, with First United Methodist Church providing the Park site. The sixteen-foot marble statue of a Confederate soldier was erected in the center of the park in 1903 and is a well known landmark. The Park serves the community as an outdoor center for concerts and festivals. Sponsored by the Sasanqua Garden Club of Greenville.
Side 2
Greenville City Hall-Site of Public School
A two-story brick Greenville Public School was built in 1897 on this site. In 1921, the upper story was partially destroyed by fire and the school was remodeled into a grammar school. In 1927, the entire school burned to the ground. The current Greenville City Hall was constructed in 1936-37 as a WPA Project and houses administrative offices for the City of Greenville. Sponsored by the Sasanqua Garden Club of Greenville.
(Education • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Confederate Park
Confederate Park was created in 1897 as a joint effort of the Father Ryan Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the City of Greenville, with First United Methodist Church providing the Park site. The sixteen-foot marble statue of a Confederate soldier was erected in the center of the park in 1903 and is a well known landmark. The Park serves the community as an outdoor center for concerts and festivals. Sponsored by the Sasanqua Garden Club of Greenville.
Side 2
Greenville City Hall-Site of Public School
A two-story brick Greenville Public School was built in 1897 on this site. In 1921, the upper story was partially destroyed by fire and the school was remodeled into a grammar school. In 1927, the entire school burned to the ground. The current Greenville City Hall was constructed in 1936-37 as a WPA Project and houses administrative offices for the City of Greenville. Sponsored by the Sasanqua Garden Club of Greenville.
(Education • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.