Illinois, Lee County, Dixon
(Plaque 1:)
This Pool given by the citizens of Dixon, Illinois in Memory of the Men & Women who served in World War II. Erected & Dedicated 1950
This pool, which was completed in 1950, also includes a two-tier diving platform. It was dedicated by local native and then-Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan, in memory of war veterans. The Dixon Park District closed the pool in 2000, citing maintenance costs. It has no plans to reopen the pool, which could become subject to demolition by neglect. Only a handful of these above-ground pools, which were based on plans by architect Wesley Bintz, remain throughout the United States. These pools feature a raised patio overlooking the central pool basin and integrated bathhouses on the ground floor.
(Plaque 2)
Dixon Park District
Edward Vaile, Pres.
Louis Pitcher
John R. McDaniel
Esther M. Barton
L. W. Miller
Olaf V. Rees, Sec.
James R. Bales, Treas.
Built by
Clinton Engineering Co.
Clinton Iowa
Wesley Bintz Consulting Engineer
Swimming Pool Designs
Bintz Pool Pat. No. 1.573.463
Lansing Michigan
(Entertainment • Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.

(Plaque 1:)
This Pool given by the citizens of Dixon, Illinois in Memory of the Men & Women who served in World War II. Erected & Dedicated 1950
This pool, which was completed in 1950, also includes a two-tier diving platform. It was dedicated by local native and then-Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan, in memory of war veterans. The Dixon Park District closed the pool in 2000, citing maintenance costs. It has no plans to reopen the pool, which could become subject to demolition by neglect. Only a handful of these above-ground pools, which were based on plans by architect Wesley Bintz, remain throughout the United States. These pools feature a raised patio overlooking the central pool basin and integrated bathhouses on the ground floor.
(Plaque 2)
Dixon Park District
Edward Vaile, Pres.
Louis Pitcher
John R. McDaniel
Esther M. Barton
L. W. Miller
Olaf V. Rees, Sec.
James R. Bales, Treas.
Built by
Clinton Engineering Co.
Clinton Iowa
Wesley Bintz Consulting Engineer
Swimming Pool Designs
Bintz Pool Pat. No. 1.573.463
Lansing Michigan
(Entertainment • Notable Places) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.