Minnesota, Nicollet County, near Fairfax
1826 Licensed U.S. fur buyer with H. H. Sibley.
1834 Owned Little Rock Trading Post on the Minnesota River.
1837 Interpreter for Indian Treaty at Fort Snelling and Washington D.C.
1838-39 Guide for Jean N. Nicollet, U.S. Gov’t Cartographer in Nicollet Co.
July 23, 1851 Interpreter with Rev. Riggs for Sioux Indians at Traverse des Sioux Treaty.
1853 First assessor for West half of Nicollet Co.
1856 Largest land owner in Nicollet Co. – 400 A.
Nicollet County Bicentennial Commission
(Industry & Commerce • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

1826 Licensed U.S. fur buyer with H. H. Sibley.
1834 Owned Little Rock Trading Post on the Minnesota River.
1837 Interpreter for Indian Treaty at Fort Snelling and Washington D.C.
1838-39 Guide for Jean N. Nicollet, U.S. Gov’t Cartographer in Nicollet Co.
July 23, 1851 Interpreter with Rev. Riggs for Sioux Indians at Traverse des Sioux Treaty.
1853 First assessor for West half of Nicollet Co.
1856 Largest land owner in Nicollet Co. – 400 A.
Nicollet County Bicentennial Commission
(Industry & Commerce • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.