Kentucky, Jessamine County, Nicholasville
One of 40 burial grounds listed by Congress in 1866 to become National Cemetery sites. Although no battles were fought in immediate area, a large camp hospital was located here. There were 1,183 men buried in this cemetery between July 28, 1863, and February 4, 1866. This included disinterments from several battlefields. The stone wall was built in 1867-68.
Presented by the Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. (reverse)
In June and July of 1868, after the Civil War, over 2,000 dead were removed from five areas of Kentucky and reburied here. This included 975 bodies from the battle of Perryville. Also buried here are soldiers from the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, and Vietnam. Expansion of the cemetery was made possible by a ten-acre donation in May of 1975. Presented by the Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

One of 40 burial grounds listed by Congress in 1866 to become National Cemetery sites. Although no battles were fought in immediate area, a large camp hospital was located here. There were 1,183 men buried in this cemetery between July 28, 1863, and February 4, 1866. This included disinterments from several battlefields. The stone wall was built in 1867-68.
Presented by the Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. (reverse)
In June and July of 1868, after the Civil War, over 2,000 dead were removed from five areas of Kentucky and reburied here. This included 975 bodies from the battle of Perryville. Also buried here are soldiers from the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, and Vietnam. Expansion of the cemetery was made possible by a ten-acre donation in May of 1975. Presented by the Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • War, US Civil) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.