Kansas, Linn County, near Centerville
Kateri was an Indian princess. Her father Kenneronkwa was a chief of the Mohawk-Iroquois (Turtle Clan). Her mother was Kahenta of the Algonquin tribe.
This young Indian maiden is honored on July 14 as the first North American Indian proposed for canonization in the Roman Catholic Church. She was canonized Oct. 2, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. She dedicated her life to prayer, penance, chastity, caring for the ill, and other acts of charity. Immediately before her death, her childhood smallpox scars totally vanished. A cross in her memory stands at Auriesville, NY. near the site of the village where she lived.
(Charity & Public Work • Churches, Etc. • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Kateri was an Indian princess. Her father Kenneronkwa was a chief of the Mohawk-Iroquois (Turtle Clan). Her mother was Kahenta of the Algonquin tribe.
This young Indian maiden is honored on July 14 as the first North American Indian proposed for canonization in the Roman Catholic Church. She was canonized Oct. 2, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. She dedicated her life to prayer, penance, chastity, caring for the ill, and other acts of charity. Immediately before her death, her childhood smallpox scars totally vanished. A cross in her memory stands at Auriesville, NY. near the site of the village where she lived.
(Charity & Public Work • Churches, Etc. • Native Americans) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.