Minnesota, Meeker County, Acton
During the U.S. – Dakota War, a battle between Dakota soldiers led by Taoyateduta or Little Crow and Tunkanhnamani (Walks Under A Sacred Stone) and Co. B, 9th Minn. Inf. Regt. made up of new recruits and civilians led by Capt. Richard Strout, crossed near this location on Sept. 3rd, 1862.
Company B, with 75 men, was sent to Meeker County to protect civilians and camped the night before at the Robinson Jones' house (2 1/2 miles NW) where one of the Acton murders occurred in August. After a perilous night-time journey, messengers from Forest City warned the unaware unit that over 100 Dakota soldiers camped only a short distance away.
At dawn, the company retreated southeast along the Pembina-Henderson trail. Where the track turned south parallel to Long Lake, the Dakota attacked the column in the front and rear and encircled the command. After several volleys of gunfire, the soldiers broke through the Dakota line to the south, but were pursued and under attack for eight miles, eventually making it safely to Hutchinson.
During the battle, the army detail had 3 killed and 18 wounded. Dakota soldier casualties are unknown. On Sept. 4, Taoyateduta and his men attacked Hutchinson and Forest City. Failing to breach the protective stockades and drive out the settlers, they withdrew from the area, thus changing their plan to attack from behind a military column moving up the Minnesota River valley.
Meeker County Historical Society
(Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
Company B, with 75 men, was sent to Meeker County to protect civilians and camped the night before at the Robinson Jones' house (2 1/2 miles NW) where one of the Acton murders occurred in August. After a perilous night-time journey, messengers from Forest City warned the unaware unit that over 100 Dakota soldiers camped only a short distance away.
At dawn, the company retreated southeast along the Pembina-Henderson trail. Where the track turned south parallel to Long Lake, the Dakota attacked the column in the front and rear and encircled the command. After several volleys of gunfire, the soldiers broke through the Dakota line to the south, but were pursued and under attack for eight miles, eventually making it safely to Hutchinson.
During the battle, the army detail had 3 killed and 18 wounded. Dakota soldier casualties are unknown. On Sept. 4, Taoyateduta and his men attacked Hutchinson and Forest City. Failing to breach the protective stockades and drive out the settlers, they withdrew from the area, thus changing their plan to attack from behind a military column moving up the Minnesota River valley.
Meeker County Historical Society
(Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.