Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico
Presented to
Missouri Military Academy
in honor of its
One Hundredth Anniversary
1889 - 1989
by the
Mexico Area Chamber of Commerce
with deep appreciation and grateful
recognition of its 100 continuous years of
outstanding community service
and good citizenship to the
community of Mexico, Missouri
This presentation made to the
Missouri Military Academy
on the occasion of its
Seventy-fifth Anniversary
by the
Mexico Chamber of Commerce
in grateful recognition of its
outstanding community service
and good citizenship
Stribling Hall
In Tribute To
Col. Charles Riddle Stribling, Jr.
Inspiring classroom teacher; acclaimed national,
state and local leader in civic affairs and education;
successful businessman, whose most treasured personal
reward always came from moulding boys into ever
more highly dedicated and accomplished M.M.A. cadets,
gentlemen, and Americans.
1920-33 Member of Faculty
1933-68 President and Superintendent
1968- Chairman of the Board
Dedicated by the Board of Trustees...1981
(Education • Man-Made Features • Patriots & Patriotism) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Presented to
Missouri Military Academy
in honor of its
One Hundredth Anniversary
1889 - 1989
by the
Mexico Area Chamber of Commerce
with deep appreciation and grateful
recognition of its 100 continuous years of
outstanding community service
and good citizenship to the
community of Mexico, Missouri
This presentation made to the
Missouri Military Academy
on the occasion of its
Seventy-fifth Anniversary
by the
Mexico Chamber of Commerce
in grateful recognition of its
outstanding community service
and good citizenship
Stribling Hall
In Tribute To
Col. Charles Riddle Stribling, Jr.
Inspiring classroom teacher; acclaimed national,
state and local leader in civic affairs and education;
successful businessman, whose most treasured personal
reward always came from moulding boys into ever
more highly dedicated and accomplished M.M.A. cadets,
gentlemen, and Americans.
1920-33 Member of Faculty
1933-68 President and Superintendent
1968- Chairman of the Board
Dedicated by the Board of Trustees...1981
(Education • Man-Made Features • Patriots & Patriotism) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.