Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico
Here rests a faithful servant of our company retired on account of age after twenty two years of continuous loyal service.
It is a Bonnot Combined Brick Machine installed at the East Plant in 1904 and moved to Josephine Plant in 1917. During this time it has made approximately 150,000,000 fire brick which have been shipped to satisfied customers in every states of the Union and to nearly every country in the world. It's splendid work and excellence of output contributed largely to the prosperity and growth of this company.
This tablet is dedicated in grateful acknowledgement of the service this machine has rendered.
(Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Here rests a faithful servant of our company retired on account of age after twenty two years of continuous loyal service.
It is a Bonnot Combined Brick Machine installed at the East Plant in 1904 and moved to Josephine Plant in 1917. During this time it has made approximately 150,000,000 fire brick which have been shipped to satisfied customers in every states of the Union and to nearly every country in the world. It's splendid work and excellence of output contributed largely to the prosperity and growth of this company.
This tablet is dedicated in grateful acknowledgement of the service this machine has rendered.
(Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.