Missouri, Audrain County, Mexico
Born in Ky, Dec. 3, 1806
Married Julia Ann Shumate
June 5, 1827
Settled in Mexico, Mo. 1836
Built the first residence
and business house
Post Master 15, County Clerk 18
and County Judge 16 years
Had 18 children
Honest, strong willed, patriotic
and public spirited
Died Dec. 30, 1875
(Industry & Commerce • Politics • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Born in Ky, Dec. 3, 1806
Married Julia Ann Shumate
June 5, 1827
Settled in Mexico, Mo. 1836
Built the first residence
and business house
Post Master 15, County Clerk 18
and County Judge 16 years
Had 18 children
Honest, strong willed, patriotic
and public spirited
Died Dec. 30, 1875
(Industry & Commerce • Politics • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.