California, Siskiyou County, Yreka
223 Once a separate building owned by L. Rosenburg, this former dry goods store was turned into a hotel when W.W. Powers bought it and rebuilt after the Great Conflagration of 1871. A bootblack stand within catered to the menfolk of Yreka. When Morrison and Lash added the upper story in 1896, the oriel windows became a unique and handsome feature of Miner Street’s western architecture. From a butcher shop to a soda fountain, saloon and jewelry store, the businesses came and went until Con Brown’s Billiard Parlor resided at this location for 24 years, the moved next door (east) in 1926.
(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

(Industry & Commerce) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.