New York, Fulton County, Johnstown
In efforts to develop great land holdings, he surveyed and laid out the village of Johnstown, built the first public school, and after Tryon County was set off in 1772, ensured the location of the county seat here. Interested in learning, he was a member of the board of trustees of King's College, now Columbia University, a founding member of the first board of trustees of Queen's College, now Rutgers University. Made a member of the Society of the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, he established a church for the Indians at Canajoharie, and built the first church at Johnstown in 1766. He effected the translation of some of the Gospels into the Mohawk Indian language and published a prayer book for them.

He aided and assisted emigrants from Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, and Germany, to settle on his lands. Being known for his kindness to help the unfortunate.
A successful military commander, a great colonial administrator, and the "Builder of an Empire."
(Colonial Era • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.