Maine, Sagadahoc County, Bath
The Percy & Small shipyard was electrified from its establishment in 1896. In 1909, the Sagadahoc Power & Light Company began delivering higher-voltage power to the shipyard on a separate industrial line. The transformer stepped down the voltage to match the capacity of shipyard motors. Once this system was set up, residents of Bath's south end no longer saw their lights dimming when Percy & Small's mill came on line in the mornings!
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In December 1909, the newly-built transformer house can be seen at left, just under the bows of the huge 6-masted schooner Wyoming.
(Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

The Percy & Small shipyard was electrified from its establishment in 1896. In 1909, the Sagadahoc Power & Light Company began delivering higher-voltage power to the shipyard on a separate industrial line. The transformer stepped down the voltage to match the capacity of shipyard motors. Once this system was set up, residents of Bath's south end no longer saw their lights dimming when Percy & Small's mill came on line in the mornings!
[Background photo caption reads]
In December 1909, the newly-built transformer house can be seen at left, just under the bows of the huge 6-masted schooner Wyoming.
(Industry & Commerce • Man-Made Features • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.