California, San Diego County, San Diego
Leader of the first party of Americans into Alta California over southern trails
Arrived at San Diego Presidio
March 27, 1828
An officer in the war of 1812
Born in Kentucky August 25, 1782
Died near this spot April 24, 1828
First American buried in California soil
Commemorating also his son
James Ohio Pattie
and companions
Jesse Ferguson, William Pope,
Richard Laughlin, James Puter,
Nathaniel Pryor and Isaac Slover
(Exploration • Notable Persons • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Arrived at San Diego Presidio
March 27, 1828
An officer in the war of 1812
Born in Kentucky August 25, 1782
Died near this spot April 24, 1828
First American buried in California soil
Commemorating also his son
James Ohio Pattie
and companions
Jesse Ferguson, William Pope,
Richard Laughlin, James Puter,
Nathaniel Pryor and Isaac Slover
(Exploration • Notable Persons • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.