South Carolina, Charleston County, Charleston
Historical Marker
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Charleston, South Carolina
Commemorating the unique ministry of South Carolina born bishops, elected in the first century of the Connection- Morris Brown, Daniel A. Payne, Henry M. Turner, Moses B. Salter, William D. Chappelle, William W. Beckett, with special recognition to Payne and Turner, two of the Bicentennial "Four Horsemen of the Liberation Church." Also remembering the 1822 Martyrdom of Denmark Vesey in Charleston, S.C., where he settled following the purchase of his own freedom, and became a lay reader in the A.M.E. Church, pastored by Morris Brown. He was born in the Caribbean.
Dedicated December 12, 1987
Chairman Bicentennial Bishop V.R. Anderson
Vice Chairman, Bishop J.H. Adams, Bishop R.E. Stokes
Secty. Rev. T.T.Thompson, Treas, Dr. J.C. McKinney
Active Bishops: Henry W. Murph, John H. Adams, Richard A. Hilderbrand, Samuel S. Morris, Frederick H. Talbot, H. Hartford Brookins, Vinton R. Anderson, Frederick C. James, Frank M. Reid, Jr., Frank C. Cummings, Philip R. Cousin, Donald G. Ming, Rembert E. Stokes, Cornelius E. Thomas, James H. Mayo, Harold B. Senatle, Robert L. Pruitt, Henry A. Berlin, Vernon R. Byrd.
Retired: D. Ward Nichols, H. Thomas Primm, Ernest L. Hickman, Harrison J. Bryant, Herold I. Bearden, Hubert N. Robinson. John E. Hunter died January 1985.
(African Americans • Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Historical Marker
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Charleston, South Carolina
Commemorating the unique ministry of South Carolina born bishops, elected in the first century of the Connection- Morris Brown, Daniel A. Payne, Henry M. Turner, Moses B. Salter, William D. Chappelle, William W. Beckett, with special recognition to Payne and Turner, two of the Bicentennial "Four Horsemen of the Liberation Church." Also remembering the 1822 Martyrdom of Denmark Vesey in Charleston, S.C., where he settled following the purchase of his own freedom, and became a lay reader in the A.M.E. Church, pastored by Morris Brown. He was born in the Caribbean.
Dedicated December 12, 1987
Chairman Bicentennial Bishop V.R. Anderson
Vice Chairman, Bishop J.H. Adams, Bishop R.E. Stokes
Secty. Rev. T.T.Thompson, Treas, Dr. J.C. McKinney
Active Bishops: Henry W. Murph, John H. Adams, Richard A. Hilderbrand, Samuel S. Morris, Frederick H. Talbot, H. Hartford Brookins, Vinton R. Anderson, Frederick C. James, Frank M. Reid, Jr., Frank C. Cummings, Philip R. Cousin, Donald G. Ming, Rembert E. Stokes, Cornelius E. Thomas, James H. Mayo, Harold B. Senatle, Robert L. Pruitt, Henry A. Berlin, Vernon R. Byrd.
Retired: D. Ward Nichols, H. Thomas Primm, Ernest L. Hickman, Harrison J. Bryant, Herold I. Bearden, Hubert N. Robinson. John E. Hunter died January 1985.
(African Americans • Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.