California, Kern County, near Twin Oaks
Walker Basin was on the stagecoach route from Caliente to Keyesville. The Western Confederates were here during and after the Civil War 1861 to 1867. Abia T. Lightner came to the basin in 1858 and took up farming and raising cattle. In 1864, where this monument stands, Daniel Walsher bought the property from Hamp Williams, which was the "First Deed of Record" in the basin. Long before its discovery the beautiful basin was populated by Piute Indians of Great Basin Origin.
Donors Maury & Gloria Wolfe, Dan Cork, Stephen A Maier, John Guerrero, Annie Kaho, Stella Mae Brooks, Casey Tibbs, Vick & Faye Blackstone, Dick & Rubie Slappert, Slim Pickens, Andy & Camille Jaregui, Sal Salonites,Hap, Ruth & Julie Magee, Hughie Long, Bill Greenough
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Donors Maury & Gloria Wolfe, Dan Cork, Stephen A Maier, John Guerrero, Annie Kaho, Stella Mae Brooks, Casey Tibbs, Vick & Faye Blackstone, Dick & Rubie Slappert, Slim Pickens, Andy & Camille Jaregui, Sal Salonites,Hap, Ruth & Julie Magee, Hughie Long, Bill Greenough
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.