California, Siskiyou County, Tulelake
“Peaceable if you can, forcibly if you must,” ordered Indian Agent T. B. Odeneal. The U.S. Army garrison’s task was to bring the Modocs and their leader, Captain Jack, back to the reservation. His refusal started the Modoc War in the fall of 1872.
In early December about 60 Modoc warriors retreated with their families to the lava formations just south of here. The jagged landscape formed a natural fortress where the Modocs withstood two major army assaults. But after the army severed their access to water at Tule Lake, the Modocs were forced from their position in April 1873. The area has since been called Captain Jacks Stronghold.
(Native Americans • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 10 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

In early December about 60 Modoc warriors retreated with their families to the lava formations just south of here. The jagged landscape formed a natural fortress where the Modocs withstood two major army assaults. But after the army severed their access to water at Tule Lake, the Modocs were forced from their position in April 1873. The area has since been called Captain Jacks Stronghold.
(Native Americans • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 10 photos, GPS coordinates, map.