California, Marin County, Iverness
The intriguing rock exposure in front of you is part of a formation that caps the highest hills in this area. The Point Reyes Conglomerate is a formation consisting of a sandy matrix embedded with pebbles, cobblestones, and boulders. Geologists estimate that the formation may be over 50 million years old.
Here you can see layers intersecting at different angles (cross bedding), and rounded cavities caused by the erosion of poorly cemented materials. Notice also that in any one layer the larger sand grains which sank first are at the bottom, while the finer ones lie on top (graded bedding)
Please do not chip or pick at the conglomerate.
Leave it intact for others to enjoy.
(Environment) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Here you can see layers intersecting at different angles (cross bedding), and rounded cavities caused by the erosion of poorly cemented materials. Notice also that in any one layer the larger sand grains which sank first are at the bottom, while the finer ones lie on top (graded bedding)
Please do not chip or pick at the conglomerate.
Leave it intact for others to enjoy.
(Environment) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.