New Jersey, Bergen County, Closter
This final resting place of early Closter settlers was established by Barent and Resolvert Nagel on their 1,030-acre tract jointly purchased in 1710. The first burial is believed to be Jan Adriansen, c. 1721. The Nagel brothers divided their land in 1748, and initialed stones within the cemetery (“BN” and “RN”) mark the division line. By marriage and by purchase, the property surrounding and including the cemetery became owned by the Auryansen (Adriansen) family.
The cemetery contains an estimated 108 graves, but only 86 tombstones remain. Buried here are five Revolutionary War veterans. Members of the Kearney, Ferdon, Jordon, Demarest, Parsells, DeClark, Haring, Cole, Powles, and Vervalen families were laid to rest here. Tradition states that slaves were buried here as well. The last burial took place in 2007.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

This final resting place of early Closter settlers was established by Barent and Resolvert Nagel on their 1,030-acre tract jointly purchased in 1710. The first burial is believed to be Jan Adriansen, c. 1721. The Nagel brothers divided their land in 1748, and initialed stones within the cemetery (“BN” and “RN”) mark the division line. By marriage and by purchase, the property surrounding and including the cemetery became owned by the Auryansen (Adriansen) family.
The cemetery contains an estimated 108 graves, but only 86 tombstones remain. Buried here are five Revolutionary War veterans. Members of the Kearney, Ferdon, Jordon, Demarest, Parsells, DeClark, Haring, Cole, Powles, and Vervalen families were laid to rest here. Tradition states that slaves were buried here as well. The last burial took place in 2007.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Colonial Era) Includes location, directions, 8 photos, GPS coordinates, map.