South Carolina, Barnwell County, Barnwell
This park, built and opened
in 1933 with funding from
the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (RFC), was
named for Cornell G. Fuller
(1895-1972), mayor of
Barnwell 1932-38 and chair
of this and other New Deal-
era public projects in
Barnwell. The park included
a swimming pool and bath-
house, dance pavilion,
tennis courts, and baseball
stadium. The minor league
Albany (N.Y.) Senators held
spring training at Fuller
Park for several years in
the 1930s and 1940s.
( Reverse text)
Fuller, an Ohio native,
was a contractor and early
innovator in building roads
of asphalt instead of
concrete. He moved his
company to Barnwell in 1928
and paved 50 miles of the
state's earliest asphalt
roads, in Barnwell County.
In 1932 Fuller, with S.C.
Senator Edgar A. Brown and
Perry A. Price, founded the
Bank of Barnwell. When the
Barnwell County Public
Library was founded in 1953
Fuller and his wife Effie
Barber Fuller donated their
house as the new library.
(Entertainment • Sports) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

This park, built and opened
in 1933 with funding from
the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (RFC), was
named for Cornell G. Fuller
(1895-1972), mayor of
Barnwell 1932-38 and chair
of this and other New Deal-
era public projects in
Barnwell. The park included
a swimming pool and bath-
house, dance pavilion,
tennis courts, and baseball
stadium. The minor league
Albany (N.Y.) Senators held
spring training at Fuller
Park for several years in
the 1930s and 1940s.
( Reverse text)
Fuller, an Ohio native,
was a contractor and early
innovator in building roads
of asphalt instead of
concrete. He moved his
company to Barnwell in 1928
and paved 50 miles of the
state's earliest asphalt
roads, in Barnwell County.
In 1932 Fuller, with S.C.
Senator Edgar A. Brown and
Perry A. Price, founded the
Bank of Barnwell. When the
Barnwell County Public
Library was founded in 1953
Fuller and his wife Effie
Barber Fuller donated their
house as the new library.
(Entertainment • Sports) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.