Utah, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City
Born June 1, 1801, at Whitingham, Vermont
Died August 29, 1877, at Salt Lake City, Utah
Brigham Young, second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints succeeded Joseph Smith, founder of the Church, who was martyred at Carthage, Illinois. He was chosen as leader of the people in 1844 and sustained as President of the Church December 27, 1847.
Earlier that year he led the Mormon Pioneers from Winter Quarters (Omaha) to the Salt Lake Valley, arriving here July 24. In 1849 he became Governor of the Provisional State of Deseret and in 1850 Governor of the Territory of Utah.
This tablet erected in honor of their beloved leader by the Young Men's and Young Women's Mutual Improvement Associations, which were organized under his direction.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Churches, Etc. • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.

Died August 29, 1877, at Salt Lake City, Utah
Brigham Young, second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints succeeded Joseph Smith, founder of the Church, who was martyred at Carthage, Illinois. He was chosen as leader of the people in 1844 and sustained as President of the Church December 27, 1847.
Earlier that year he led the Mormon Pioneers from Winter Quarters (Omaha) to the Salt Lake Valley, arriving here July 24. In 1849 he became Governor of the Provisional State of Deseret and in 1850 Governor of the Territory of Utah.
This tablet erected in honor of their beloved leader by the Young Men's and Young Women's Mutual Improvement Associations, which were organized under his direction.
(Cemeteries & Burial Sites • Churches, Etc. • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 1 photo, GPS coordinates, map.