Maryland, Montgomery County, Bethesda
From the Greek Island of
Cos, Hippocrates is said to
have held classes under
the parent tree. The cutting
for this tree is a gift the
town of Cos presented to
the National Library of
Medicine at the dedication
of its new building.
December 14, 1961
(Horticulture & Forestry • Science & Medicine) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

From the Greek Island of
Cos, Hippocrates is said to
have held classes under
the parent tree. The cutting
for this tree is a gift the
town of Cos presented to
the National Library of
Medicine at the dedication
of its new building.
December 14, 1961
(Horticulture & Forestry • Science & Medicine) Includes location, directions, 6 photos, GPS coordinates, map.