The bible was taken out to the encampment by a deputation of gentlemen accompanied by about 100 of the inhabitants of Grahamstown who were received with much respect by the assembled farmers and their families in front of their wagons. William Rowland Thompson thereupon said: "My good friends, the inhabitants of Grahamstown and its vicinity, hearing of your arrival in the district with the intention of quitting for ever the land of your birth, have entered into a public subscription to purchase this bible and I am deputed with the gentlemen who accompany me now to present it to you. We offer it to you as a proof of our regard and with expressions of sorrow that you are now going so far from us. We trust that although widely separated, you will hold us in rememberance and that we will all retain for each other the warmest sentiments of friendship."
(Churches, Etc. • Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.