Missouri, Cole County, Jefferson City
Commemorating the
Lewis and Clark Expedition
which explored these hills
June 3 and 4, 1804
Cedar Island and Cedar Creek on the north shore of the Missouri River are especially mentioned in the Original Journals Of The Expedition. The beauty of the bluffs beyond is also described in these chronicles.
To the west of this point a small creek flowed into the river from the south. The explorers named this stream Nightingale Creek because a bird they thought to be a nightingale sang near their camp throughout the night.
[Erected] April 1953
(Environment • Exploration • Patriots & Patriotism • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Commemorating the
Lewis and Clark Expedition
which explored these hills
June 3 and 4, 1804
Cedar Island and Cedar Creek on the north shore of the Missouri River are especially mentioned in the Original Journals Of The Expedition. The beauty of the bluffs beyond is also described in these chronicles.
To the west of this point a small creek flowed into the river from the south. The explorers named this stream Nightingale Creek because a bird they thought to be a nightingale sang near their camp throughout the night.
[Erected] April 1953
(Environment • Exploration • Patriots & Patriotism • Waterways & Vessels) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.