France, Île-de-France, Paris, Paris
La Conciergerie tient son nom du concierge, à qui le roi confie les droits de justice sur la demeure royale et ses dépendances. Du palais capétien de Philippe le Bel subsistent de rares salles gothiques, témoins des fastes royaux du XIVe siècle. Les salles dites «revolutionaries» évoquent le régime de la Terreur avec, en partictulier, le cellule reconstituée des la reine Marie Antoinette.

The Conciergerie, originally part of the former royal palace of the French kings, it takes its name from the high ranking court official known as the Concierge, or keeper of the palace, entrusted by the king with judicial rights within the royal residence. A unique ensemble of Gothic chambers, dating from the reign of Philippe the Fair, survive today as an outstanding testament to the splendors of the 14th century royal court. The 18th century “revolutionary prison” refers to the Reign of Terror and includes a re-creation of Queen Marie-Antoinette’s cell.
(Forts, Castles • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 5 photos, GPS coordinates, map.