Texas, Harris County, Houston
Organized March 31 (Easter Sunday), 1839, in Senate Chamber, Capitol of Republic of Texas, Main at Texas, by the Rev. Wm. Youel Allen, missionary from the United States, and eleven members. James Burke was elected ruling elder. Services of worship and a Sunday School (begun on May 13, 1838) continued in Capitol while church building was being erected on site (NW corner, Main and Capitol) given by the Allen family which had founded Houston.
This church was the first house of worship completed in Houston. Dedicated on Feb. 13, 1842, it was used for meeting of other denominations and groups. Here the House of Representatives met in summer of 1842, and President Sam Houston addressed a joint session of Congress. Thus the congregation repaid the Republic's hospitality of 1838-1839.
Original church burned 1862; a brick structure was built in 1867, and served until the erection of a large stone edifice, Main at McKinney, 1894. Fire destroyed part of that building in 1932. The present church was occupied in 1948 and dedicated Sept. 12, 1954. Through the years, this church body has furnished many outstanding leaders to the businesses and professions of state and nation.
(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

This church was the first house of worship completed in Houston. Dedicated on Feb. 13, 1842, it was used for meeting of other denominations and groups. Here the House of Representatives met in summer of 1842, and President Sam Houston addressed a joint session of Congress. Thus the congregation repaid the Republic's hospitality of 1838-1839.
Original church burned 1862; a brick structure was built in 1867, and served until the erection of a large stone edifice, Main at McKinney, 1894. Fire destroyed part of that building in 1932. The present church was occupied in 1948 and dedicated Sept. 12, 1954. Through the years, this church body has furnished many outstanding leaders to the businesses and professions of state and nation.
(Churches, Etc.) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.