Texas, Gaines County, Seminole
Created August 21, 1876
Organized October 24, 1905
Named for James Gaines
Born in Virginia in 1779
Established a ferry across
the Sabine River in 1819
A signer of the
Declaration of Independence
Member of the Congress
of the Republic.
Gold lured him to California,
where he died.
A country of cattle, oil and farming
Seminole, the county seat
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

Organized October 24, 1905
Named for James Gaines
Born in Virginia in 1779
Established a ferry across
the Sabine River in 1819
A signer of the
Declaration of Independence
Member of the Congress
of the Republic.
Gold lured him to California,
where he died.
A country of cattle, oil and farming
Seminole, the county seat
(Settlements & Settlers) Includes location, directions, 3 photos, GPS coordinates, map.