Kansas, Sedgwick County, Park City
In October 1865 hundreds of Plains Indians camped on these prairies to negotiate peace with U.S. government officials. Among them were Chiefs Black Kettle and Seven Bulls (Cheyennes), Little Raven and Big Mouth (Arapahos), Rising Sun and Horse's Back (Comanches), Poor Bear (Apache), and Satanta and Satank (Kiowas). Federal commissioners with great prestige among the Indians were General William S. Harney, Jesse H. Leavenworth, Christopher "Kit" Carson, and William Bent.
Both sides wanted to end hostilities on the Plains. The commissioners also hoped to reach an agreement that would make travel on the western trails safer and further restrict Indian lands. Native Americans sought unrestricted hunting grounds and reparation for the Sand Creek Massacre suffered the year before by Black Kettle's band.
The negotiations resulted in treaties that gave the Indians reservation lands south of the Arkansas River and denied them their hunting grounds north to the Platte River. Peace was proclaimed; however, the treaties were never ratified by the U.S. Congress and both sides later charged the other with violating the agreement, resulting in further conflict. There is a monument one mile west.
(Native Americans • Peace • Politics • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.

In October 1865 hundreds of Plains Indians camped on these prairies to negotiate peace with U.S. government officials. Among them were Chiefs Black Kettle and Seven Bulls (Cheyennes), Little Raven and Big Mouth (Arapahos), Rising Sun and Horse's Back (Comanches), Poor Bear (Apache), and Satanta and Satank (Kiowas). Federal commissioners with great prestige among the Indians were General William S. Harney, Jesse H. Leavenworth, Christopher "Kit" Carson, and William Bent.
Both sides wanted to end hostilities on the Plains. The commissioners also hoped to reach an agreement that would make travel on the western trails safer and further restrict Indian lands. Native Americans sought unrestricted hunting grounds and reparation for the Sand Creek Massacre suffered the year before by Black Kettle's band.
The negotiations resulted in treaties that gave the Indians reservation lands south of the Arkansas River and denied them their hunting grounds north to the Platte River. Peace was proclaimed; however, the treaties were never ratified by the U.S. Congress and both sides later charged the other with violating the agreement, resulting in further conflict. There is a monument one mile west.
(Native Americans • Peace • Politics • Wars, US Indian) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.