(Translated by Google Translate with modifications:)
The Lapin Agile
Around 1860, "Cabaret of Assassins" offers Parisian a lot of its quaint, cozy terrace, shaded by a large acacia, and its small claret: transformed into an inn in 1886 by a former cordon bleu dancer, it received among its regulars Alphonse Allais, Caran d'Ache and André Gill. He decorates the facade with a mischievous rabbit leaping a saucepan and habit takes hold renaming the establishment "Lapin à Gill," quickly distorted into "Lapin Agile". Bought in 1902 by Aristide Bruant, it is assigned to a couple of managers, Berthe and Frederique, famous for their generous hospitality to young penniless painters like Picasso, Modigliani, Utrillo ... Even the ass, Lolo, knows his glory time at the Salon des Independants in 1910 under the pseudonym Boronali, transparent anagram of Aliboron: he is the author of "Sunset on the Adriatic", achieved through immersion of his caudal appendage into individual pots of color ... The inspirer of this mystification, Dorgelès, wrote a manifesto to futuristic "Excess in art is a force ... Place the genius glare!" before revealing the affair to the press, bailiff to support.
(Arts, Letters, Music • Entertainment) Includes location, directions, 4 photos, GPS coordinates, map.