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Home Rose Rosimond
Born in 1645, Claude de La Rose, said in Rosimond, writer in his day, was selected to succeed Molière in a troupe of king’s comedians, and like him, he died on the stage, after a performance of "The hypochondriac”. Since 1680, he had a vacation home here, surrounded by five areas of farm land. In the nineteenth century, it was converted into studios for artists: Auguste Renoir looking for space to rent took two rooms and the old stables, and he was succeeded by Léon Bloy, Raoul Dufy, Suzanne Valadon and Maurice Utrillo André Utter ... Threatened demolition due to its dilapidated condition in 1952, the oldest house in the Butte has been saved by the Society of History and Archaeology "Le Vieux Montmartre" and turned into a museum in 1961.
(Arts, Letters, Music • Entertainment • Notable Buildings) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.