Colorado, Logan County, Sterling
This tablet commemorates the establishment of the first public school in the Sterling settlement, October, 1875. It was taught by Carrie G. Ayres, later Mrs. J. N. Hall of Denver. The sod schoolhouse stood 3160 feet east and the sod fort built by the early settlers for protection against the Indians, 4200 feet southeast of this point
(Education) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
This tablet commemorates the establishment of the first public school in the Sterling settlement, October, 1875. It was taught by Carrie G. Ayres, later Mrs. J. N. Hall of Denver. The sod schoolhouse stood 3160 feet east and the sod fort built by the early settlers for protection against the Indians, 4200 feet southeast of this point
(Education) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.