Kansas, Sedgwick County, Wichita
A member of a pioneer banking family which settled in Wichita during the 'boom' period of 1886, Mr. Naftzger devoted nearly seventy years of his life to banking. As an ardent patron of the arts and because of his strong ties to the city he grew up with, Mr. Naftzger contributed much to our cultural heritage. His gifts were directed to the fields of education, art and music. The Naftzger Art Collection, donated to the Wichita Art Museum, is one of the finest in the country. Major contributions were also presented to the Wichita Symphony and the Wichita Public Library. The Naftzger name is still prominent in the cultural life of our city through continued participation by the family.
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer God's heart in the garden
than anywhere else on earth.
Dorothy Frances Gurney
Park Dedication Mar. 13, 1979
(Arts, Letters, Music • Charity & Public Work • Environment • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.
A member of a pioneer banking family which settled in Wichita during the 'boom' period of 1886, Mr. Naftzger devoted nearly seventy years of his life to banking. As an ardent patron of the arts and because of his strong ties to the city he grew up with, Mr. Naftzger contributed much to our cultural heritage. His gifts were directed to the fields of education, art and music. The Naftzger Art Collection, donated to the Wichita Art Museum, is one of the finest in the country. Major contributions were also presented to the Wichita Symphony and the Wichita Public Library. The Naftzger name is still prominent in the cultural life of our city through continued participation by the family.
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer God's heart in the garden
than anywhere else on earth.
Dorothy Frances Gurney
Park Dedication Mar. 13, 1979
(Arts, Letters, Music • Charity & Public Work • Environment • Man-Made Features) Includes location, directions, 2 photos, GPS coordinates, map.